The leader of the beast did not panic when facing Xu Dong, but revealed a fierce aura.

In the biological world, if you want to be a predator, brains and ruthlessness are indispensable.

Just like the pliosaurs in the sea, they are obviously not as big as the ichthyosaurs Plesiosaurus, but they can still rank among the top predators because of their ferocity.

When the lynx leader faced Xu Dong's claw, he took two steps back to avoid it, then used his hind limbs to leap towards Xu Dong.

Hey, you actually dare to challenge him?

Xu Dong was afraid that this guy would run away and delay things, which would make things difficult. The old velociraptors in the lair wouldn't be able to hold on for long.

The leader of the lynx also wanted to make a quick decision, otherwise it would be difficult to deal with the adult velociraptor's return.

The Orcs' pounce can be regarded as an old technique. They can quickly approach the opponent, put their weight and pressure on the opponent, and then dig two teeth into the neck, killing them with one blow.

However, this move was useless against Xu Dong. He raised his right paw and aimed an uppercut claw at the charging lynx leader.

If the lynx leader does not hide, the claw will penetrate directly from its lower jaw until it penetrates the brain. This guy will definitely die.

The dexterous orc predator turned around and avoided Xu Dong's upper hook. The soft pads on the soles of its feet allowed it to fall to the ground without being injured, and it could even use the force to bounce.

He Gongzang's limbs were slightly bent the moment he landed, and he jumped up again using the principle of leverage. This time he aimed at Xu Dong's abdomen.

Velociraptors are inherently taller than lynxes, and the most vulnerable part of a reptile is the lower abdomen. This is very disadvantageous when facing agile creatures shorter than itself.

But Xu Dong was not a bulky dinosaur. When faced with the lynx leader rushing toward its belly, he kicked it directly, hitting its head and sending it flying away.

The leader of the lynx spun and rolled back. It curled up into a ball. Its round size and hair on its body could absorb as much force as possible to avoid damage.

When it stood up again, although it was in a mess, it had no fatal injuries. As expected, it had rich combat experience and was not an easy opponent to deal with.

At this moment, a loud cry came from the sky. When Xu Dong heard this familiar voice, he suddenly felt something bad and quickly ducked to avoid the attack of the sharp claws.

The leader of the lynx opposite him was not so lucky. The sharp claws coming from the sky drew three deep blood marks on its back. The guy whimpered and fell to the ground unable to get up again.

Why is there a red-scale flying dragon here?

I don't know when the sky turned red, and each red-scaled flying dragon used the skills taught by Xu Dong to swoop and attack, leaving bloody marks on the prey's back every time.

Whether there are lynx beasts or old velociraptors around, there is no difference under the claws of the red-scaled flying dragon. They are just lambs to be slaughtered.

I used to be their leader and didn't realize it, but now that I have changed species, I realize how terrifying the red-scaled flying dragon is. What kind of monsters have I created?

After more than 20 million years of development, the main body of this group of sky tyrants has become larger and larger, and their wingspan has grown from the previous maximum of three meters to four meters, and even more so, it is close to five meters.

It doesn't seem like a big increase, but you have to know that the maximum wingspan of a pterosaur in the Jurassic was less than three meters. In comparison, the red-scaled flying dragon is terrifyingly big.

Especially from the perspective of terrestrial creatures, a dozen flying dragons can cover an area of ​​the sky, form a queue and swoop in to attack like a lawnmower, killing all the creatures in the area covered by the parabola.

Under this wave of dive attacks, the lynx beasts suffered heavy casualties, and the velociraptors were not much better. Four old velociraptors were directly taken away by this wave, but the young velociraptors survived because of their small size.

The group of red-scaled flying dragons took to the air again to prepare for the second round of swooping attacks. With their physical strength, they could launch such a terrifying attack four or five times, but the beasts here probably wouldn't be able to survive even two attacks.

Sure enough, looking at the group of flying dragons that were getting ready to attack, the group of lynx beasts without their leader immediately collapsed and fled in all directions.

Now that the lynx have collapsed, they no longer need to use stamina-consuming dive attacks, and can disperse and chase the escaping prey.

Xu Dong also let out a long sigh. Now he had no chance of surviving in the face of the dense flying dragon dive.

While the red-scale flying dragon was still missing, Xu Dong quickly called the little velociraptors to come over and escape with him.

He didn't expect that one day he would have to avoid attacks from his descendants. He was so filial.

Xu Dong knew the attack pattern of the red-scaled flying dragon, so he went to the dense forest where the trees were high. The flying dragon with a wingspan of four to five meters had no way to deal with the forest area.

After running for a long distance with the little ones, Xu Dong stopped to check on the remaining young dragons until there was no open space around.

Although they had been prepared, dozens of young dragons still lost half of them. Most of them did not die at the hands of the red-scaled flying dragons, but were eaten by small and medium-sized predators in the forest.

There's nothing we can do about it. They are too weak now. When they grow up, they will naturally be safe.

After waiting quietly for a long time, Xu Dong took the little guys out until the screams of the velociraptors came from outside the forest.

Because of the previous incident, the originally very active little velociraptors were all listless and obviously frightened. When they saw their parents, they immediately rushed towards them and burst into tears.

Xu Dong came to the side of the leader of Xunlong. At this time, the leader who had just taken over was looking at the excavated nest with a sad face.

The previous attack by the red-scale flying dragon killed countless lynx beasts, and the smell of blood attracted surrounding predators.

After the flying dragons were full and left, they rushed to the corpses one by one to enjoy their delicious meal, while those small predators set their sights on the Velociraptor eggs.

They dug up the soil, broke open the dragon eggs one by one, and ate the descendants of the velociraptor generation.

Even though the velociraptors rushed back quickly, they were too late to stop them. The dragon eggs were almost completely destroyed, and not a single one was still intact.

Xu Dong came to the young leader's side and roared at it. The young leader showed confusion in his eyes and needed the previous leader's direction.

After all, he had only taken office not long ago and was indeed inexperienced. As an old leader, Xu Dong pointed to the west and howled twice, his meaning was very clear.


The Velociraptor tribe left this place where they had lived for countless years to find a place where there were no wild beasts or red-scale flying dragons. Only in this way could the Velociraptor tribe continue to survive.

Migration is a word that is both unfamiliar and familiar. The origin of the Red Dragon Clan lies in migration, finding a place that is most suitable for them to settle down and thrive.

But what we once faced was environmental pressure, and now we face biological invasion.

It would be fine if it was just a lynx, but the Velociraptor is not timid at all, and there is no telling who will win.

But the red-scale flying dragon is the lingering terrifying shadow hanging over all living creatures in this era.

Even Xu Dong had to admit that as a species, the red-scaled flying dragon was very successful, so successful that he was not sure of creating another equally successful case.

Now faced with their aerial threat, all they can do is run away.

Thanks to C. fischeri for the tip.

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