Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 160 The sword is still young

The Venn Hunter was walking staggeringly, and the unknown orcs running in the distance seemed to know the injury of the Venn Hunter Dragon and followed them leisurely. They had a lot of patience.

Wei En's dragon hunter didn't look good. Sooner or later, he would be eaten up by them, so he gritted his teeth and walked towards Xu Dong. He would die as a fellow Taoist but not as a poor Taoist. In this big guy's mind, he wanted to drive the tiger away and devour him. Wolf.

As an old friend who has been in the same area for countless years, Venn Hunter is very aware of the time when the adult Velociraptor goes out to hunt, but it will not take the initiative to attack the Velociraptor's lair.

It's not that it's afraid of velociraptors, it's that there aren't enough little guys in the nest for it to fit between its teeth. It's quite irrational to offend a large number of velociraptors for these young dragons and eggs. Predators never do this kind of harm. Self-serving things.

At this time, lure the orc predators behind towards the Velociraptor's lair and use these small things to slow down the pursuit of the Orcs. As long as you escape from this wave and wait for the Velociraptor to come back, you will definitely fight with this for the sake of the young dragon. A group of guys fight to the death, and then it will have enough time to recover from its injuries.

Xu Dong and other old dragons stood together, guarding dozens of young dragons behind them. They watched the big guy getting closer and closer with vigilance and gave it a low warning sound.

Venn Hunter glanced at the five old velociraptors. He did not get too close to the nest, but limped past the velociraptor warning range.

The little dragons were very excited to see the big monster leaving, but the experienced old velociraptor did not relax at all.

They are fully aware of Venn's Velociraptor's intentions, but there is no way to stop them. Unless the adult Velociraptors come back now, facing the orcs chasing after them, all the Velociraptors present today are destined to be annihilated.

Of course, Xu Dong can also directly switch to the big one. Once the Immortal Seed comes out, no matter how many orcs there are, it will be a gift, but he will not use this ultimate move until the critical moment.

Silently, he added the remaining eleven points of essence to his agility and strength. After flying in the sky for so long, it had not been added to its attributes for a long time.

In this era where there are only insects and pterosaurs fighting against the five scum in the sky, the red-scaled flying dragon is the overlord of the sky, and its flying advantage can crush all attributes.

Now that I'm back on earth, I don't know if my claws are still sharp.

Dozens of mammals that resembled later lynxes slowly entered the forest and approached the velociraptor's lair.

Compared with lynx, they are more slender, with longer and pointed canine teeth, light yellow hair, pointed ears, and longer nose, and are full of ferocity.

Since you don't know what they are, let's just call them lynx.

Facing these dozens of lynx beasts, the little velociraptor's legs were shaking and he couldn't stand still. Only the five old velociraptors kept whispering to warn these foreign beasts not to act rashly.

It's definitely impossible to beat him, five to fifty, one dragon is equivalent to ten beasts, Xu Dong may be able to do it, but the other four velociraptors definitely can't do it.

Besides, there are so many baby dragons with them. The only thing that can be done now is to delay the time until the adult velociraptors come back. Then they will be safe.

Xu Dong stepped forward and shouted to the sky, his voice loud and powerful. Although he was old, he could still fight. He was still the red dragon who led the little red dragon to migrate thousands of miles, compete for the ecological niche of the forest, and defeat countless competing races. The king of dragons!

The surrounding lynx beasts were obviously a little shaken. Xu Dong's roar actually frightened them, as if what they saw in front of them was not an old velociraptor, but an extremely terrifying giant dragon.

The herd was shaken, and the leader naturally wanted to come out to boost morale. It was larger than the rest of the beasts, and the hair on its body was more golden.

The alpha beast roared and walked to the front of the herd, boosting the morale of the beasts again, but it did not launch an attack, because these velociraptors were obviously not good enemies, and even if they captured the herd, there would definitely be many casualties. .

As a leader, it naturally does not want the herd to lose too much. If it were other times, it might take the initiative to abandon these velociraptors to avoid the attrition of the group, but that is not possible now.

Because they are not here to hunt this time, but to grab territory.

You have to be ruthless and strong to grab territory, otherwise the local predators will never give up the territory and prey that should belong to them.

Their initial goal was to attack the giant sauropod Cetiosaurus and use these giants to establish their own prestige.

But the incident happened too quickly. The injury of Venetosaurus ignited the ambition of the beast leader. How can hunting vegetarian dinosaurs compare with the shock of directly killing the local top predator?

He could foresee that when the Veen Hunter fell at their feet, this area would become their hunting ground.

But unexpectedly, good things happened one after another. The injured foot of Venn Hunter was already in the bag. Unexpectedly, he also discovered the nests of other predators.

There cannot be only one kind of predator in an area. Even if the Venetian dragon is killed, the velociraptor will become the future competitor of the lynx.

Although it is cruel to let competitors cut off their descendants, this is the biological world. The weak eat the strong. Killing the velociraptor's vitality will give the lynx an even greater advantage in future competition. Therefore, none of these velociraptors can be spared.

Venn's dragon hunter couldn't run very far due to his injured leg, but he could always catch up later. Now it was clear that the advantages of killing these young predators outweighed the disadvantages, and he would not hesitate to lose some members of his tribe.

After thinking about it, the lynx leader finally made up his mind. With a loud roar, many lynx beasts began to attack the Velociraptor's lair.

Xu Dong simply issued an order to let the other four old velociraptors stay here to guard the young dragons. He was going to rush over and kill the lynx leader.

In terms of body size, the lynx is only two meters tall, weighs one hundred kilograms, and is only seventy centimeters tall, roughly equivalent to the gray wolf of later generations.

The Velociraptor is four meters long, weighs 180 kilograms, and is over two meters tall. It can be regarded as a large moa with a long tail. (see picture)

In terms of weapons, the lynx's attack mainly relies on its sharp canine teeth, while the velociraptor relies on its sharp claws. A slap from the velociraptor can just hit the lynx's face.

When the battle began, Xu Dong moved forward in an unstoppable manner. His physical qualities were among the best among the entire clan, otherwise he would not have been able to become the leader.

After Xu Dong added attributes, he became even more unstoppable. He slapped the beast in front of him and flew away, leaving three claw marks on its side with his sharp claws.

He didn't cut off his head? Sure enough, the sharpness cannot be compared with the claws of the Red Scale Flying Dragon.

Xu Dong only hesitated for a moment before continuing to swing his left paw to fly away a lynx beast that was rushing toward him.

If you can't cut through it, just cut it off. Even if you can't kill it, the injured beast will lose its combat effectiveness, so don't worry about them.




Blood splattered everywhere as the sharp claws were swung, and Xu Dong's two long claws were like bulldozers rampaging through the herd, and no beast could stop it.

All the lynx beasts in front were hacked to death. The lynx beast leader was soon exposed in front of Xu Dong. It was now time to kill him and seize the flag!

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