Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 159 The Orcs Resurrection

He casually grabbed and pinched to death a bird-climbing dragon that jumped down from the tree to steal its eggs. These little guys belong to the group of birds and are related to the birds of later generations. They are the first to have bird characteristics and have feathers. And arboreal dinosaurs.

This group of little guys, who are only 13 centimeters tall, are mostly omnivorous and their staple food is bugs, but if there are dragon eggs, they don't mind eating them. After all, dragon eggs are more nutritious than bugs.

They are also one of the creatures that Xu Dong and other elderly velociraptors need to guard against most.

One of the reasons is that some lizards are also interested in dragon eggs and baby dragons.

Baby velociraptors are very lively. Their initial food is the same as that of various small creatures, mostly bugs. It takes a few weeks before they can adapt to eating meat or eating grass.

In order to catch bugs and to vent their strong energy and curiosity, these little guys run around everywhere. The most troublesome thing in the old velociraptor's work is to retrieve these little guys.

Whether it is a forest or a plain, the little velociraptor is full of curiosity about everything. The world is so wonderful, but it is also full of dangers.

A 60-centimeter tuatara lay quietly among the ferns. Xu Dong could recognize it at a glance with its appearance that had remained unchanged for hundreds of millions of years. However, the little velociraptors did not have such strong recognition ability. In the visual system, a motionless tuatara is no different than a stone.

The little guy chased the dragonfly and ran close to the tuatara. It was unaware of the dangers around it and only saw flying insects.

The tuatara was moving. They couldn't afford to offend the adult velociraptors, but the newborn velociraptors, which were only twenty centimeters long, were a delicious meal.

They will not take the initiative to run to the velociraptor's nest. That would be seeking death. They will only nest in the surrounding low plants and wait for prey to come.

It would be best if there are little guys like velociraptors, morgans, and velociraptors coming over. If you don't have them, don't mind. The bugs can still fill your stomach.

This tuatara may have been lucky and got a free lunch delivered to his door today. Even though this lizard usually looks lazy and stunned, it is not slow at all when hunting.

The tuatara raised its body, exerted its strength on its limbs, twisted its waist, and ran towards the little velociraptor with steps that it didn't recognize its relatives.

The little guy, who had just hatched less than a week ago, was so frightened that he couldn't even escape because he had never experienced any beatings from society. Faced with this huge creature, he burst into tears. He had to leave the world as soon as he came into the world. , maybe this is Long Sheng.


Like a magic weapon descending from the sky, a sharp claw came from above and plunged the terrifying monster into the ground. The angle of the claw was extremely precise, aiming at the tuatara's head.

The tenacious scale dragon struggled for a long time before leaving this world with regret.

When the little Xunlong looked up, the sun shone on Xu Dong, who was an extremely majestic figure. At this moment, maybe this little guy also believed in the light.

I took the little guy back to the nest and counted the number, but there was one missing! ! !

Can these little guys make people less worried? Can't they live a little more peacefully?

Unexpectedly, Xu Dong, who was single in later generations, felt the pain of raising a child in the Jurassic Period 160 million years ago.

At this time, the earth shook, and Xu Dong knew that some big straw bag was passing by.

Two Oxford Cetiosaurs, which are 18 years long, four meters high at the shoulder, and weigh 11 tons, led a much smaller Cetiosaurus several hundred meters west of the Velociraptor lair. They walked very slowly, but their steps were heavy. It can cause the earth to shake at once.

The newly born baby Velociraptor was stunned when he saw these big guys walking by. Each one of them even forgot to eat the bugs and stopped running. It was rare for him to stand peacefully in the nest. The lost baby Velociraptor The dragon also walked out of the forest, opening its mouth wide and exaggeratingly watching the Whale Dragon pass by.

Xu Dong didn't think anything of it. Not to mention that he was only 18 meters tall. He had killed one of the legends that were hundreds of meters tall. Naturally, he looked down on the situation like an expert hermit.

The little whale dragon that fell behind was only five meters long, and it looked like it was still young. Although sauropods were large, their lifespans were often over fifty years old, and some even exceeded a hundred years.

There is no threat to them as adults, but they are not safe as babies. There are a large number of predators that can prey on them when they are young.

For this reason, the strategy of sauropods is to shorten the juvenile period. Think about it, a little guy who is about one meter old at birth can grow to ten meters, twenty meters, or even thirty or forty meters in ten years. What is this like? increase.

For these sauropods, they do not have the bony plates and spurs of Stegosaurus, nor the thick armor of Ankylosaurus, nor the fangs and claws of predators. Some of them just keep getting bigger and bigger, until they are bigger again. No living thing can threaten them.

Therefore, it is necessary to extend the life span and shorten the infancy period to ensure the sustainable development of the ethnic group.

Xu Dong keenly observed that in the woods not far away, a reddish-brown dinosaur was lying low in the grass, ready to move.

This is the overlord of this area, Vennator asterosaurus. At this moment, it is trying to prey on the young dragon that is following the adult Cetosaurus oxfordii.

Let us hunt the dragons trapped in the darkness.

It's fast, it's close, the huge sauropod didn't even notice the Vensaur hiding in the ferns not far away.

Just wait for the baby dragon to get close, and it will suddenly spring out to feast.

At this time, the ground vibrated again. This time it was different from the heavy hammers of sauropods, but like the staggered vibrations of thousands of horses galloping.

A group of familiar animals rushed from the east. There were many of them. Running in large groups, they immediately alerted the strolling whale dragon family.

The two adult whale dragons immediately protected the young dragon in the middle and fled towards the distance.

Seeing that a sure-to-be-good meal was ruined, the Venetosaurus hiding in the forest couldn't wait any longer and hurriedly ran out of the forest to try to see if there was still a chance to catch the young Cetiosaurus.

But what was given to it was the tail of an adult Oxford Cetiosaurus. After all, Wienvenator was still impatient. Being impatient is prone to accidents, and its hunting was completely overturned.

The long tail whip of Cetiosaurus was swung by Venn Hunter. It just avoided the tail whip but not the stone. When it landed, its right foot happened to step on a stone and twisted its ankle. He fell to the ground.

This fall caused the right hind limb that could have been saved to be completely broken. The Venraptor climbed up with difficulty. It knew that the situation was not good and it had to escape immediately, otherwise it would definitely become a meal for other creatures.

In particular, there was a group of small animals that it had never seen before. They were less than two meters long, with slender bodies, running on all fours, with long hair all over their bodies, and two long fangs exposed from their mouths.

This is a typical characteristic of Synapsids, the only branch of mammals that still exists today.

Taking advantage of the extinction in the Early Jurassic, will Hegong Gang, which has been struggling for tens of millions of years, finally make a comeback?

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