Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 158 Retired Old Dragon

But now, Xu Dong will continue to return to the creature editor and equip them with the most shameless ability of the dinosaurs, a giant play style!

Your teeth are sharp, and I'm much bigger than you, so you can't bite me.

Your back is hard and I am much bigger than you. I can swallow you in one bite.

There are many of you, and I am much older than you, one child at a time.

In short, by relying on this unsolvable strategy of enlarging the dinosaurs, the dinosaurs shattered the crocodile's dream of regaining the glory of the pseudocrocodile, and broke the backbone of the mammals, so that they could only continue to nest underground and dare not interact with the dinosaurs. Fight.

But today's world seems to have undergone some unexpected changes.

Perhaps because of the extremely unsatisfactory performance of dinosaurs in the previous war with Zerg, or perhaps because of the contribution of velociraptor lizards and mammals, nature did not give trouble to the dinosaurs this time, allowing them to survive the early Jurassic extinction with great difficulty. , almost extinct.

If we follow the historical trend, the dinosaurs that survived the extinction of the Early Jurassic will establish a brilliant second dynasty.

Megalodontidae, Allosauridae, and Mesosauridae rule the world and no one dares to disobey;

Ceratosaurids and coelurosaurs temporarily withdrew and waited for opportunities;

The vegetarian giants Mamenchisauridae, Diplodocidae, and Brachiosauridae stand tall and tall;

Stegosaurus, Camarasauridae, and Oakosauridae are leisurely and contented;

Omnivores such as Lepidosaurinae and mammals also have their own food.

The upper, middle and lower ecological niches are clearly arranged to maintain the ecological balance and sustainable development that nature loves most.

But it's not the same anymore, everything is different.

Since the extinction of the Early Jurassic, the established history has changed. Velociraptors have evolved rapidly, their bodies have begun to grow larger, and their bite force has increased. Do the lepidosaurs that have always been at the bottom also want to attack the supreme throne?

One of the Morgan beasts climbed out of the cave and walked back to the land. Its size began to increase, its hair became golden and soft, and its canine teeth elongated again. Could it be that the two-toothed hunting style that has been lost for 80 million years will reappear in the world?

As Xu Dong returned to the creature editor, the timeline spun quickly again.

[166ma——Middle Jurassic Bathonian]

After installing giant cells, the velociraptors began to grow horribly. Only eight million years later, these little guys who were only a little over one meter long had grown to four meters long and weighed 180 kilograms. Their scales had emerged from the red-scaled flying dragons. Different styles.

The scales of the Red Scale Flying Dragon tend to keep warm and soft, while the Velociraptor takes a light and hard path. They do not have subcutaneous bone formation. This is a component installed by Xu Dong on the Red Scale Flying Dragon, so the Velociraptor only It can support itself and evolve its own protective armor.

The bite force is also a major weakness of the Velociraptor, which is also the equipment of the Red Scale Flying Dragon. Previously in the editor, he had actually considered whether to equip the Velociraptor with masseter muscles and sharp teeth, but obviously after installing the giant cells He can't install other components.

Fortunately, there are still a lot of jump points, which can basically only be used a little at a time. The species simply cannot bear the frequent genetic mutations and will directly collapse.

Xu Dong searched for a long time in the Velociraptor's equipment and found that there was really nothing to mutate. Finally, he added transformation points to the corner of his head, hoping to improve the Velociraptor's brain.

Xu Dong shook his head and sat up from the ground. The body he obtained this time was not a young dragon, nor an adult dragon, but an adult velociraptor approaching old age.

The survival style of ordinary velociraptors is similar to that of Allosaurus. An adult velociraptor moves with its own family, but some are different.

Xu Dong's group of velociraptors is a large group, consisting of about a dozen families. It has already begun to have a preliminary social nature, and social nature is the basis of civilization.

Xu Dong once heard a saying that the first definition of high socialization is the division of reproductive labor, the second is overlapping generations, and the third is socialized upbringing.

That is, there is a class that specializes in breeding, with mature individuals reaching more than two generations and willing to raise other people's children.

Of course, Xu Dong forgot where he heard this statement, so he couldn't believe it. Judging from the current velociraptors, there is no division of labor in reproduction. The female dragon will lay eggs in potholes, and when the time comes, the young dragons will naturally It will break out of its shell and dig out of the soil.

But in order to guard against egg thieves, there are still necessary guardian dragons.

There is nothing wrong with socialized raising. Many dinosaurs would do this. The main problem lies in the overlapping of generations.

There are two generations of adult dragons in a group, that is, three generations living under the same roof. Not only the parents but even the grandparents are still alive when the young dragon is born, which is a very, very rare situation in the animal world.

First, due to the very high mortality rate of animals, few die of old age. Second, animals rarely stay together for a lifetime. They usually go out to develop independently after reaching adulthood. Older dragons will also leave the group to avoid being eaten by younger dragons. .

It can be seen that the little red dragon in the past did reach a high degree of socialization and had the foundation for the birth of civilization. Unfortunately, it was wiped out by the mass extinction at the end of the Triassic Period.

The Velociraptor group now has signs of socialization, and in time it may be possible to reach the level of a small red dragon.

Xu Dong's current body is that of an old velociraptor. Although his body is still strong, it is already declining. In order to ensure the strength of the group, it has given up its leader position to the strongest of the new generation in the group a few days ago. of Velociraptor.

The transition of leadership can lead to peaceful inheritance rather than competition. The Xunlong ethnic group is already at the forefront of the times.

Xu Dong now plays the role of a retired old dragon, responsible for teaching young dragons and guarding dragon eggs.

The adult velociraptors all went out to hunt. Xu Dong felt a little uncomfortable looking at the dozens of energetic little guys running around in front of him.

After all, he had just come off the battlefield. Although 24 million years had passed in time, it was only a moment to Xu Dong.

It's okay, it's time to rest for a while after the war, just relax and take a vacation.

Xu Dong openly acted as a rice insect and accepted the support of the clan.

Of course, he didn't do nothing during these days. He also learned about the surrounding environment and ecology.

This is a river valley area with large fern plains and pine forests, which also has its own ecosystem.

The most common vegetarian dinosaurs are the six-meter Stegosaurus Protankylosaurus and the sixteen-meter sauropod Oxford Cetiosaurus.

They occupy large and medium-sized vegetarian niches respectively.

Velociraptors are medium-sized predators that live in groups. They usually feed on Proto-Armorosaurus, but they cannot move against the 16-meter-level Whale Dragon.

These big guys are the food of the overlord of this ecosystem, the apex predator Astervinator.

They belong to the theropod group Megalosauridae and are a collateral group of the Barbarian. They look similar to the future regional leader Barbarian, with a body length of about 8 meters and a weight of 1.6 tons.

However, most of these guys act alone and generally do not mess with large numbers of velociraptors.

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