Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 157 Return and Transformation

The victory in the Eurasian battlefield seemed to be a signal that nature was also winning successively in other places.

The rebellious Zerg and the invading alien insects were wiped out like a wave. The only thing worth worrying about is that the most hidden Zerg master has never appeared. No one knows whether he is alive or dead.

The war is over, and the ecological niche is much emptier than before. At least in the seven million years since the extinction of the Early Jurassic at 183 Ma, life can develop and evolve to its fullest.

Xu Dong originally wanted to taste the flesh and blood of the legendary creature to see what kind of components he could develop, but he found to his embarrassment that he couldn't even cut through its shell.

I don’t know what material this carapace is made of. It is so hard that even mycelium can only corrupt the flesh and blood in its body, turning into foul-smelling yellow water and flowing into the earth, nourishing the land on both sides of the Ural Mountains.

And that hard shell will always stand here, becoming an unknown peak in the Ural Mountains, forever accompanying the highest peak next to it, Naroda Peak.

The red-scaled flying dragons have returned to their former habitat and continue to thrive, and Xu Dong will also return to the creature editor to continue evolving.

This time he stayed long enough, and although he didn't get many components, he got a lot of source material.

It's just a pity that this immortal body can only be discarded during this time period.

However, as the creature editor was called, the system sounded a different prompt message.

[Congratulations to the player for achieving the mythical achievement Master of the Sky. Do you want to use the special reward Host Body Solidification? 】

Sky Master?

The host body is solidified?

Xu Dong directly asked the system questions. Under normal circumstances, the system would not mess with Xu Dong at all. In the past, the components he obtained were all based on his ability to guess the names.

But this time the system unexpectedly gave an explanation, which is really rare.

[The birds have not yet risen, the pterosaurs have broken wings, and the player’s race, the red-scaled flying dragon, has become the uncrowned king of the sky over the 100 million-year-old river in the Mesozoic Era. Achieve mythical achievements and get rewards]

[Players can solidify a host body and switch host bodies at other times. They can only switch once within a time period, and the time limit is ten minutes. You can use source matter to extend the use time later]

Dominating the sky actually has a mythical achievement? What about the earth? What about fresh water? What about the ocean?

Thinking of this, Xu Dong couldn't help but feel hot.

The solidification of the host body means that Xu Dong will open a trumpet in the future and transition to a new time period. If he encounters a species that cannot be defeated, he can directly cut the immortal flying dragon out to do it.

It's a pity that it only lasts ten minutes. Don't you want to be a real hero for three seconds like Ultraman?

There was nothing to hesitate, Xu Dong directly chose to solidify his current body, and it was completed without feeling anything at all.

Back to the creature editor, the space of the creature editor seems to be larger than before. Has the system been upgraded?

Xu Dong began to count his harvest this time, and there were not many components. He only got five items, namely the abdominal skin of the aquatic crocodile, the special component chloroplast, the mimic skin of the salamander, the subcutaneous osteoblasts of the leg dragon, and death. The insect's ejection organ.

On the contrary, I gained quite a lot of source matter, a total of 405 points, and a bumper harvest of transition points. The 8 mutated prokaryotes eaten plus the 5 transition points gained from killing the Death Star mother bug equaled 13 points.

Huh? Why are there only 7 jump points? Why is there 6 o'clock missing?

But he quickly realized that he originally had two jump points saved, so there should be 8 points missing. 8 points? Could it be that the 8 mutant pronuclei eaten by the host were not converted into jump points?

Yes, since it is solidified, it is definitely no longer possible to extract the power of the prokaryotic bacteria in the host body, so naturally there will be no jump points.

This time Xu Dong is going to make a major transformation of the red-scaled flying dragon. Chloroplast is a must-have. This thing is an artifact, but the price is also terrifying.

This is the most expensive component Xu Dong has installed so far. It uses up 202 points of source quality, half of which is used up.

Next is the fire-breathing component. The death bug's jet organ and the firefly's venom were not able to be installed when there were only fifty or so points of source matter, but now it can be installed.

A total of 108 points of essence were spent to successfully let the red scale flying dragon learn to breathe fire. Now it is time to install the super giant cells.

There are still 105 points of essence left, and the super-giant cells only need 84 points of essence. They can still pretend, but Xu Dong has other ideas.

System, transformation completed

[It has been identified that the red-scaled flying dragon has undergone major changes and species have differentiated. Players can name the new species and choose one of them to continue the game. 】

Xu Dong thought for a while and decided to call it Riyan Shenlong.

[It is confirmed that the new species is named Sun Flame Dragon. Players are asked to choose one of the species to continue the game. 】

[Red Scale Flying Dragon/Sunfire Dragon/Velociraptor/Sand Rock Lizard/Velociraptor/Siberian Featherscale Dragon/Black Velociraptor/Water-Walking Lizard/Polar White Lizard]

Sure enough, you can switch to other species this way.

However, the evolution of this velociraptor is too exaggerated. It can be said that it has fully blossomed and occupied the entire continent. They can be found in every continent from south to north, and they have evolved in all kinds of strange ways and are extremely diverse.

The red-scaled flying dragon is already the dominant race in the sky, the pterosaurs are no longer a threat, and it is still early for the rise of birds. Taking advantage of this period, Xu Dong plans to return to the land to play and compete with the dinosaurs for the throne of land dominance.

The Velociraptor has evolved into so many races, Xu Dong is a little hesitant now, which start should he choose?

Velociraptors, sandstone lizards, aquatic lizards, and arctic white lizards were the first to pass the lizards. Although there were also large creatures with the name lizards, most of them were relatively small. He didn't want to continue to start with little guys.

The remaining ones are Velociraptor, Siberian Featherscale Dragon, and Black Velociraptor. Based on the idea that the most unpretentious is the strongest, Xu Dong chose the Velociraptor with the simplest name among them.

But instead of confirming the start, he asked: Can the components be loaded after selection?

Xu Dong thought this might be a system loophole and wanted to see if he could exploit it. For this reason, he deliberately left more than a hundred sources of essence. As long as it could be transformed, super-giant cells would be added to the Xunlong immediately.

But the system gave a cold reminder

[Enter the game directly after selection and cannot load components]

this. . . It's very embarrassing.

Xu Donghuai entered the game directly with more than 100 points of essence, which was a waste of time.

But there is no choice but to come in immediately after going out and load the components again, so as to avoid a whiteboard start.

But time is probably going to take longer, so don’t jump to the Cretaceous all at once.

Enter the game and watch the sea mode, and watch with your own eyes the southern Karoo-Ferrar volcano erupts and the igneous province is formed again.

The fission of the earth officially started, and the central mountain range of Pangea was completely severed and divided into two continents, the north and the south.

The Early Jurassic mass extinction lasted for eight million years from 183ma to 175ma.

In the sea-viewing mode, eight million people passed by in a flash, and the earth regained its vitality. Then it fell towards Europe and officially entered a new host body.

[172ma——Middle Jurassic Alian Period]

Xu Dong raised his head and looked around. It was a forest. Although the vegetation was not prosperous and the trees were sparse, the number of species was still quite rich.

After counting the number of similar species, there were actually a dozen velociraptors living in such a small place.

The appearance of Velociraptor Shinjuku is similar to that of Piyanitzkisauridae, with slender hands and long legs, and the claws on its forelimbs are exactly the same as Therizinosaurus.

With such a mixture, it feels like a race that was born specifically for killing. The most outrageous thing is that Velociraptors are actually group hunting animals. When facing prey, they often cooperate in groups to hunt together.

Their only flaw is their small size, only a little over one meter.

However, only three million years have passed since the Early Jurassic extinction period. It has evolved from a little guy about ten centimeters to one meter long. It is already very good.

Thanks to Changmian for the tip.

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