Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 156 Buried History

Although the mother worm of the Death Star is dead, the hundreds of millions of caterpillars are difficult to clean. It would take an unknown amount of time to clean up all the creatures in ancient Asia. Although mycelium is useful, in a sterile land like Europe, it is difficult to clean it. Not useful.

Xu Dong thought of those terrifying parasitic fungi in later generations. They only need to parasitize on bugs, control their movements, and finally suck out the nutrients from the bugs and spread them to other bugs again.

I don’t know if today’s fungi can do this, but it will be interesting to let the insect swarm have a zombie crisis.

As the neurons beat, his thoughts were transmitted to the earth network. Countless fungi worked together through mycelium, and finally a strange mushroom grew out of the ground, and it grew in front of Xudong.

He bent down and picked the mushroom. From a white perspective, the mushroom was no different from the enoki mushroom.

He flapped his wings and soared into the sky, quickly climbing over the corpse of the Death Star mother insect and flying over the European continent.

Through white vision, blocking other spores in the air, he could see the trajectory of this mushroom spore.

It falls on the caterpillars like dust, grows into their bodies, takes over their brains, and controls the insect corpses to attack living insects.

Within a few minutes, a zombie bug will be completely eroded by the parasitic bacteria, turning the caterpillar into a zombie bug. The biggest difference between them and ordinary caterpillars is that they move very slowly and stiffly, and a small mushroom will grow on the top of their head, just like wearing a zombie. top hat.

This hat is not just a good-looking hat. It can continuously spread spores through the air, which is more terrifying than the spread of body fluids of zombies in movies. This is true contactless spread.

Among the cyan swarm, mushrooms sprouted out like flowers, pushing directly towards the west. The body structure is simple, and the bugs that breathe through the trachea are unable to resist such spore infection.

Zombie bugs have no regard for the life and death of their kind. After being infected, they open their front claws and bite at the same kind. The parasitic fungus completely transforms the bugs' numerical advantage into Xu Dong's advantage.

The more bugs you have, the more zombie bugs I have, which is quite like a natural disaster of the undead. However, this parasitic fungus also has a flaw, that is, it is short-lived.

As long as there are living things, there are two most basic instincts, survival and reproduction. When the parasitic fungi successfully hatch out the mushrooms and scatter the spores, their mission has been completed and they will soon wither.

The result was that the front legs had just turned into zombie caterpillars and turned back to bite the same kind. But within ten minutes, mushrooms grew on the top of the head. After spreading the spores, they began to wither. The caterpillars also died together, leaving behind a land full of withered mushrooms. .

After these mushrooms that have absorbed the nutrients from the insects have completed their reproduction work, their only remaining value is to bring vitality back to the earth that has been eroded by the insects.

The caterpillars on the Eurasian battlefield have been defeated. They quickly retreated towards the west under the command of the Zerg master. After nature has mastered the parasitic fungus, the number of Zerg will no longer be a threat. In the end, nature won this world war. The ultimate victory.

As the insect swarm left, Xu Dong's white God's perspective began to fade, and his body seemed to be emptied out. When his eyes saw this colorful world again, the earth network could not be connected.

Sure enough, natural authority is only temporarily given, and nature will take it back after the battle is over.

Looking around, the originally mighty ancient Asian army has now become sparse. The velociraptors and Morgan beasts that used to be all over the mountains and plains are now only gathered in twos and threes, and the spread line is less than a hundred meters.

It was this defense line of less than 100 meters that protected the last layer of vitality in ancient Asia.

In 190MA, during the prehistoric world war, insects ravaged the world. All living beings in Pangea united to defeat the insects and protect the inheritance and continuation of life.

But this period of war that affected the entire world will eventually be buried. Because of the lack of fossils, later generations of paleontologists have no idea what happened during this period. The only thing they can know is a cold data chart. Statistics At 190MA, fossils are scarce.

The number of fossils of dinosaurs that were the overlords of the earth is only ten. After finally taking a breath and starting again, the Early Jurassic extinction came again, almost destroying the dinosaurs that had just become overlords.

Nature simply showed mercy in the end and granted all living beings 100 million years of glory.

Xu Dong flew to the top of the highest Naroda Peak, which was 1,800 meters high. But to Xu Dong, such a height was nothing.

A large rock wall was exposed on the top of the snow due to a previous avalanche. Xu Dong used his claws to carve out a cave. He wanted to record this rich history and tell it to future generations.

190MA is not a plummeting of species due to the inability to form fossils on the land mass, nor is it an unknown period covered by the Triassic mass extinction and the Early Jurassic. It is a history of an arduous struggle for survival for all living beings in Pangea.

It is not a lucky escape from the mass extinction, but a chance of survival.

The sun was shining, and Xu Dong was carving on a two-meter-long wall of permanently frozen ice.

The moon was shining brightly, and he sat in front of the ice wall with his eyes closed and meditating.

The rising sun rises in the east, and the sunshine fills the entire land, washing away the dust for all living beings, bringing a new day.

Xu Dong took a few steps back to admire his masterpiece of one day and one night. This may be the most perfect mural it has carved since it came to this world.

On the two-meter-long transparent ice wall, there are waves of Zerg on the left, various Jurassic creatures on the right, and in the middle, the towering Ural Mountains and the two sides fighting at the passage.

The rising sunlight shines into the cave through the small hole in the east mountain wall, and the pattern on the ice wall is projected onto the European continent through direct light.

At this moment, the velociraptors, Morgan beasts, dinosaurs, red-scaled flying dragons, and the Zerg all seemed to have come to life again, and they continued to engage in timeless and endless battles with the Zerg on the European continent.

Flying out of the cave, Xu Dong let out a sharp cry, which lasted for a long, long time. The remaining ice and snow on the peak was finally shaken by his cry and fell down, covering the cave.

In this case, this ice wall should be able to remain with the Siberian permafrost for a long time.

Perhaps one day in the future, a scholar with a strong thirst for knowledge will brave the ice and snow to climb here, dig through the ice and discover this prehistoric battle that will be engraved in the history of the earth, no less than five mass extinctions of species.

The red wings flapped, and countless red-scaled flying dragons soared into the sky with him, feeling the vastness of the world.

On the ground, the rare vegetarian dragons raised their long necks and watched the flying dragons flying further and further away, making low sounds.

The strong carnivorous dragons ran across the land of Siberia, swaying their unquenched blood wantonly.

The Velociraptor and the Morgan Beast turned over the corpse of Leviathan, which was already covered with fungi, and stepped into the familiar and unfamiliar fertile land of Europe, where they would start a new life.

The two little guys who had been nesting on the island for a long time finally climbed onto the mainland, shook off their wet bodies, and chased the tribesmen they had never seen before. The next time, maybe it will be their legendary journey.

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