Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 155 Leviathan Falls

Although he didn't know why, Xu Dong had indeed taken over the command of this battlefield. He looked to the southwest, maybe something more serious had happened there.

With the communication of the earth network, it can clearly know the location of each creature and exert influence on them. Although it cannot be said to control it at will, it can still be guided through electric current.

However, when he wanted to extend his sight to the European continent, what he was given was pitch black. There was no mycelial network there. How could it be possible?

Soon Xu Dong understood.

It turns out that the reason why the Zerg wanted to cover the entire European continent with caterpillars was that at first they thought they were absorbing the energy of the land and turning the land into a desert like North America.

Only now have I realized that I am still in a small position. The Zerg master is very ambitious. It wants to cut off the eyes and tentacles of nature.

But if you can’t connect to the cable network, do you think Xu Dong has nothing to do? There are wireless signals everywhere in the sky!

The dense mycelium in the earth is like various network cables buried underground, communicating with thousands of households, and this wireless signal network is the ubiquitous fungal spores.

Sure enough, as Xu Dong's thoughts changed, densely packed small white dots appeared in the sky within his white vision, quickly turning the sky into a granular shape.

Xu Dong waved his hand gently, and the granular spores began to move, blowing toward the west like waves.

The spores in the air soon covered Leviathan's body. These things were much smaller than caterpillars. Unless they were under the sun, there would be no trace of their existence.

Under Xu Dong's control, the spores attached to Leviathan began to take root and germinate, and the hyphae quickly wrapped around Leviathan's body.

But these rootless fungi alone cannot destroy the terrifying legendary creatures. Xu Dong now has two methods.

The first is to connect the mycelium on Leviathan's body with the mycelial network of the earth, and use the power of the earth to suppress this terrifying giant insect.

No matter how powerful Leviathan is, it is impossible to win the earth. This is also the most ideal method.

But the trouble is that Leviathan can fly and wander in the sky without the earth, making it very difficult for the mycelium on its body to connect to the earth network.

Then you can only use the second method, attack from inside and outside.

The external mycelium cannot completely destroy Leviathan's outer skin. There is still hope of killing this big guy by connecting the mycelium inside Leviathan's body with the hyphae outside the body.

So how do you get the spores into this guy's body? Ordinary spores will be purified and filtered out by the Zerg's immune system as soon as they enter, and there is no way to penetrate too deeply.

Xu Dong quickly thought of a way, which was just a little cruel.

But for the sake of the overall situation, we can only suffer from these pseudo-legendary creatures for a while.

Sure enough, concepts will change when the level is different. Xu Dong is now thinking about the problem from the perspective of the entire Eurasian battlefield.

Whether it's a Velociraptor, a Morgan Beast, a Dinosaur, a Red-Scale Wyvern or those pseudo-legends, they can all be sacrificed in exchange for something of greater value.

He suddenly became somewhat considerate of nature. Compared with being invaded by the Zerg in ancient Asia and devouring all living creatures, it would be a better outcome to sacrifice some creatures to wipe out the Zerg.

Controlling the mycelium to climb up the Ural Mountains, crawling from the feet of the pseudo-legends all the way through their bodies.

The pseudo-legends were a little panicked at first, but when they discovered that these seemingly weak hyphae not only had no negative impact, but instead covered them with a layer of soft force-removing soft armor to help resist Leviathan's tentacle attacks. They don't care anymore.

But what these pseudo-legends don't know is that this layer of mycelium has already injected a sufficient amount of spores into their bodies.

The spores formed mushrooms, standing tall and graceful, quietly waiting for the moment when they are needed to take effect.

Sure enough, although Leviathan, the legendary giant corpse, is powerful, it is still a corpse and cannot use natural energy to replenish its own consumption like legendary creatures.

Even if the legendary creatures eat, it is more of a playful nature, not simply because of hunger. In theory, mass extinction cannot actually starve them to death.

The amount of food the Zerg-modified Leviathan needs is extremely terrifying, and the densely packed green worms on the ground are its main source of energy.

Naturally, these pseudo-legends in the Ural Mountains cannot be wasted on eating. Whether it is modified or cultivated with larvae in their bodies, it is more cost-effective than eating them directly.

Leviathan's tentacles rolled up the dying pseudo-legend and swallowed it into its mouth, storing it in the cavity of the body waiting for the master's subsequent use.

As Pseudo-Legend enters Leviathan's body, the mushrooms in Pseudo-Legend's body begin to produce spores crazily, and mycelium grows wildly in Leviathan's body. At first, you won't feel anything, but as more and more fungi are taken in, , the hyphae are already unstoppable.

Neither the Zerg's unique sulfuric acid blood nor the digestive gastric juices can stop this vigorous third-world creature. As a decomposer, fungi have nothing to stop them from growing. Even in sulfuric acid blood, they will still grow mushrooms for you.

Above the Ural Mountains, there is no longer any pseudo-legend at this time. In front of the terrifying Leviathan, there is actually not much difference between the longevity species and the longevity species. The longevity species can be swallowed directly. If the longevity species cannot be eaten, it will be killed and waited for the master to reclaim it. .

After solving the false legend, the next thing it has to do is to collapse the snow mountain created by the avalanche in front of it, opening a way for the Zerg invasion.

The flying jellyfish in Leviathan's body spilled out one after another, floated towards the snow-capped mountains, and exploded with a series of explosions, blasting holes in the snow-capped mountains. After a few more explosions, the passage buried by the avalanche would be completely blown away. If you open it, the insect swarm will come back again.

At this moment, the Leviathan floating in the air stopped, like a machine with stuck screws, making a rustling and messy insect sound.

White mycelium wrapped its entire body, and it was covered with mycelium from the inside to the outside. The powerful decomposition began to work, completely corrupting Leviathan's power system. This terrifying giant insect just moved towards it. He fell headlong into the snowdrift, blocking the passage that was about to open again.

Countless mycelium crawled out from the earth and connected with the mycelium on Leviathan's body, completely locking the giant insect to the ground. The heavy power of the earth completely wiped it out. This time, this legendary creature His corpse will eventually return to dust, dust to dust, and will no longer be used by the Zerg.

The long-lost system sound sounded.

[Congratulations to the player for successfully killing the modified legendary creature Death Star Mother Insect and gaining +5 transition points]

Although he borrowed the power of nature, Xu Dong still achieved an achievement that he had never dared to imagine, obliterating legendary creatures.

Without the threat of the highest combat power, the Zerg will no longer have anything to fear. The next thing to do is to deal with these annoying green worms and let the earth network connect to the European service area again.

Thanks to Qutong Youjing and Ice Evil Moon Cat for the reward.

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