Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 154 I am the chess player

Leviathan's speed is not fast, and its height is not high, but the exploding jellyfish that descends from the pupa is a nightmare for group creatures.

However, these jellyfish are not a big threat to the pseudo-legends standing on the mountain. Their bodies are strong enough to withstand the explosion of the jellyfish.

However, the number cannot be too large. If tens of thousands of them come together, even the Immortal Seed cannot hold them.

The Fasola crocodile jumped down from the mountain and pounced directly on the two-hundred-meter-high Leviathan, but was whipped away by its thick and long tentacles.

In addition to long-range explosive jellyfish attacks, Leviathan relies on its hundreds of extendable tentacles for close combat.

These hundreds of tentacles are not as slow as Leviathan. Instead, they are incredibly fast. The pseudo-legends who wanted to jump on Leviathan to attack were driven back to the mountain by this tempered whip.

Leviathan was not prepared to let them go. Hundreds of tentacles bombarded the Ural Mountains like raindrops, breaking half of the nameless mountain several hundred meters high.

The body of a legendary creature is worthy of being broken into mountains and rocks. Those pseudo-legendary creatures cannot even resist. They can only endure the beating of the tentacles and cannot even escape.

Seeing that this continues, the pseudo-legends of ancient Asia will be completely wiped out.

To the east of the mountains, Xu Dong lay quietly on the ground, as if everything in the world had nothing to do with him.

No matter how anxious he is at this time, there is nothing he can do. He can only hope that his body can recover faster and faster.

The pseudo-legends here in ancient Asia can hold on until it recovers.

However, it is obvious that the Zerg will not give them this chance.

A hole suddenly opened in the desolate Siberian land, and a mushroom burst out of the ground and slowly grew upward.

Xu Dong was just above the mushroom at this time. When the cap touched Xu Dong, countless white mycelium began to climb up his body. After a while, the whole dragon was covered with mycelium, and there were even Various mushrooms grew.

Xu Dong could not move now and could only let his body be covered with mycelium. However, it did not hurt but gave him a tingling feeling, which was very comfortable.

In his white senses, a different color appeared for the first time. In the mycelium covering his whole body, a ray of blue strange energy beat rapidly in the mycelium, and soon came into contact with Xu Dong's Body.

It was bioelectricity. Xu Dong immediately felt needle-like tingling everywhere in his numb body, which became stronger each time.

The cells in the body divided rapidly under the stimulation of this blue bioelectricity, constantly repairing Xu Dong's injuries.

Xu Dong's original recovery ability was already extremely strong, far superior to that of ordinary creatures. For example, it would take two or three days for an injured ape like the erectus to grow new skin and heal completely, and it would take more than a hundred days for his muscles and bones to be broken. If his body was half broken, Dropping that is almost certain death.

The regenerated cells, mutated prokaryotic cells, and chloroplasts in Xu Dong's body can be fully recovered in up to five days. This recovery ability has exceeded the imaginable limits of earthly organisms.

But, it's still too slow.

This war can't wait for Xu Dong for five days, so bioelectricity is used to stimulate the cells in Xu Dong's body and give him enough energy.

In almost just a few breaths, Xu Dong's broken half of the body began to sprout, muscles began to grow, bones grew again, meridians and blood vessels transported blood and energy, the broken internal organs gradually recovered, the outer skin grew, and scales covered the whole body again.

Only half an hour had passed, but Xu Dong had miraculously recovered from his injuries, and the feeling of strength was back.

This new body is even more powerful and magical than before. The only regret is that his eyes have not recovered somehow, and he can still only rely on this white sense to see things.

However, through this white sense, he discovered a magical ability. As long as he touches the ground, he can see the pulse of the earth, which is like neurons transmitting various information quickly, flashing and flashing.

This is mycelium, a huge network of mycelium spread all over the earth. Through these mycelium, Xu Dong can even see various movements in the Siberian battlefield.

He can feel the different vibrations caused by different species through the earth network, such as the Velociraptor's, the Morgan's, the small dinosaur's, the large and medium-sized dinosaur's, the pseudo-legendary's, and the Immortal's species. It's like footprints, there are no footprints of any living thing. It's exactly the same, and no living thing causes the same vibration.

But through the earth network, he can only distinguish the size and weight of creatures, and cannot distinguish specific creatures very well. This requires the cooperation of Xu Dong's white vision.

White vision can depict the outer outline of an object, and Xu Dong needs to rely on his own biological knowledge and memory to identify it.

But when combined with the pulse of the earth, it is clear at a glance what kind of animal this creature is, and the various data of this creature, such as weight, strength, and speed, can also be clearly understood.

Just like now, through the pulse of the earth, the weight of the original jaw turtle appeared in Xu Dong's heart. It weighed 736 tons, which was indeed heavy enough.

There is also the Thunder Beast, although it is dead, it still weighs two hundred and twenty-two tons, and it is also as heavy as a mountain.

He could feel that the network of the earth was constantly spreading towards the Thunder Beast, but the speed was slow.

As soon as Xu Dong's thoughts came to his mind, blue electric current burst out from his brain, passed through his body to the hyphae under his feet, and quickly flashed towards the earth network directly ahead.

The result is that the mycelium network under the Thunder Beast grows wildly, and the whole body of the Thunder Beast is covered in a few breaths.

Just like the biological decomposition process that was shown thousands of times faster in the documentary, the body of the thunder beast began to expand and became covered with fine white hairs. This is the most terrifying ability of fungi, decomposition!

The nearly invincible carapace was useless in front of the decomposer fungi. As the screws multiplied in large numbers, in just ten minutes, the terrifying alien bugs turned into handfuls of spores and scattered throughout the world.

It is indeed the fungal kingdom that is responsible for decomposition and regeneration among the four kingdoms of the eukaryote domain. It is really terrifying.

Xu Dong guessed that his body was somehow connected to the mycelium network and became integrated with the underground mycelium. Now they are like the brain of the earth, but they have no subjective initiative and can only passively follow the actions of plants and animals. And react.

The arrival of Xu Dong is to add a main body to this earth network, which can make some inert fungi become more active, and all these changes must pass through the current of the neurons in his brain.

By chance or fate, Xu Dong has the ability to control fungi, which means that he has the terrifying ability to influence the battlefield.

Feeling the pulse of the earth, his white vision began to zoom out. Everywhere he passed, whether it was an animal or an immovable stone, was modeled in his mind. He seemed to have become one of the chess players on this battlefield, with the west of the Ural Mountains. The Zerg masters started a game.

Oh, is that really the case? Is this part of natural authority? It's so wonderful, even if it's just temporary, it's enough to be remembered for a lifetime.

There is another extra chapter today.

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