Thousands of velociraptors rescued Xu Dong, moving under the giant beast's feet, always on guard against the giant feet falling from the sky.

Just when they were about to lift Xu Dong out of the fighting range between the Thunder Beast and the Protognathus Turtle, the dying Thunder Beast seemed to have received some instructions. He chopped off the Protognathus Turtle with one pincer, roared to the sky, and then turned towards Xu without hesitation. Rushing from the east.

Looking at the white silhouette running towards him against the white background, Xu Dong could only sigh in his heart. Is he still unable to finish the battle of the century?

I don’t know how many years have passed since the creature editor came out.

At this moment, a cry came from the sky, and countless silhouettes with wings appeared in Xu Dong's white field of vision. They were the red-scaled flying dragons of his tribe.

Under the leadership of the big guy, the red scale flying dragon launched a desperate charge towards the thunder beast, just to stop the big guy for even a moment and give Xu Dong a chance to escape.

As the thunder beast's head swung, its large claws swept across a field of corpses. They didn't have the slightest fear. As long as Xu Dong could survive, they would not hesitate even if they all died.

The big piece fell on the crack on the Thunder Beast's head. It looked at the hole full of green mucus and roared at Xu Dong, like a child showing off to its elders.

Look, I can become a hero too.

Then without hesitation, he penetrated into the cracked forehead of the Thunder Beast.

The green mucus is extremely corrosive, just like the two bugs Xu Dong once killed. Just a little bit of it can rot bones and eliminate muscles.

In such terrifying blood, the big guy resisted the pain in his body and kept crawling towards the Thunder Beast's brain. It wanted to eat the Thunder Beast's brain and send this guy to his final destination.

The Protognathus turtle that had been chopped away before also crawled back and bit the Thunder Beast's tail. It knew that its bite force could not break the Thunder Beast's armor, but the weight of its body was enough to slow down the Thunder Beast. pace of.

Finally, with the unremitting efforts of his comrades, Xu Dong was carried behind the front line, where he lay quietly in the open space, absorbing the energy of the sun and slowly recovering.

He didn't know what was going on on the battlefield. He couldn't see such a far distance with his white vision. Now that he was a useless dragon, he could do nothing but lie down.

In the end, the Thunder Beast couldn't hold on anymore and fell down. Before the big body melted completely, it gave the stubborn Thunder Beast a fatal blow to the brain.

After the huge thunder beast fell, an avalanche followed. The red-scaled flying dragon, which could not react quickly, was hit by the heavy snow and was unable to fly. The velociraptor hurriedly tried to run but could not outrun the speed of the falling avalanche.

The only two remaining members of the long-divided Red Dragon Tribe unexpectedly fell together under an avalanche and were buried forever in this mountain range.

The huge protognathus stood erected in the gap in the Ural Mountains and withstood the pressure of the avalanche. Its injuries were not serious. Such heavy snow could not kill this immortal species.

In the great battle at the junction of Europe and Asia, it seems that nature has won.

But the Zerg don't just have these methods.

An extremely huge insect that covered the sky and sun slowly floated over from the southwest. Its speed was very slow, but the pressure it brought was unparalleled. Is this a legendary creature?

How can it be? Neither nature nor sentient beings will allow the emergence of terrifying legendary creatures from the Zerg.

But if you take a closer look, you will know that this huge insect with a length of 100 meters on its head is not a legend at all. It does not have the unique wisdom and vitality of a legend. It is a special weapon transformed by the Zerg using the body of a dead legend found somewhere. The legend Hive Leviathan!

As soon as Leviathan floated to the European continent, it dealt a blow to all living beings. Countless jellyfish-like insects fell from it. They did not fall randomly, but fell towards the designated target.

A black jellyfish floated to the side of the meat dragon. This little guy was only as big as a basketball, and the meat dragon bit it directly.

It went smoothly, without any surprises. As soon as the jellyfish entered the meat dragon's mouth, the saliva turned into water and quickly rushed into the meat dragon's body. Just when the big guy was confused.


Violent explosions exploded from around it. After the back of a three-tiered Chinese dragon came into contact with the jellyfish, a large hole was directly blown out. It fell to the ground in pain, and it seemed that it would not survive.

A remaining giant dragon was too big, and three jellyfish fell on it. As a result, it was broken into four parts and became a delicious meal for the insect tide.

The Carnosaurus was terrified and hurriedly stayed away from the jellyfish falling around it. There were many other dinosaurs like it. The Carnosaurus's smart brain allowed them to distinguish the danger, but there were too many jellyfish, all over the sky. The more they moved and ran, the more they attracted. There are more jellyfish.

But this meat dragon was an exception, because there was no jellyfish following it. Just when it thought it could survive, a heat flow suddenly surged out of its body, and a sense of expansion exploded from the inside.


The violent explosion blew the meat dragon into pieces, turning it into blood foam all over the sky, and became the food of the insect swarm.

The surrounding jellyfish refused to chase the meat dragon because they could sense the same kind of aura in its body and knew that they would surely die. Naturally, they had no intention of pursuing it.

Under the attack of Leviathan's wave of explosive jellyfish, the dinosaur army that crossed the Ural defense line and attacked Europe was completely wiped out.

The advantage created by nature was wiped out, and the situation once again returned to the confrontation between east and west before the war began. However, the existence of Leviathan prevented this balanced situation from continuing.

Nature has brought a few immortal species here, including the skink Xu Dong once dug up and the big zombie spider.

In addition to skinks, protognathic turtles and giant zombie spiders, there are also three immortals of similar size on site.

They are Fasolasuchus, Poposaurus and Streptosuchus, all of which are the backbone of pseudosuchians, but Xu Dong's old friend Redondasaurus was not seen.

In fact, the best way to distinguish between immortal species and longevity species is to see whether these creatures should exist in this era.

A group of guys like pseudosuchians that should have become extinct in the Triassic. If we see them again, they will undoubtedly be immortal species.

As for the long-lived species that can only live for a few hundred years, most of them are creatures that already existed at this time.

On the battlefield today, those of various races who are much larger than their peers are almost all long-lived species.

In this way, the number of pseudo-legends in Ancient Asia exceeded twenty, but they had no chance of winning against the Leviathans dispatched by the Zerg.

Even if Leviathan is only transformed from the corpse of a legendary creature without legendary wisdom and special abilities, its powerful body is invincible.

What's even more unsolvable is Leviathan's air superiority.

Although it can't fly high and can only fly up to one or two hundred meters at most, for these land creatures, it is a dimensionality reduction blow.

The situation at this time was exactly the opposite of Xu Dong's previous guess. Nature could not produce a powerful enough air unit.

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