Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 150 Heaven and earth are a game, and all living beings are chess pieces

This is a world war sweeping across an entire continent, a battle between nature and individual units.

Looking at the past and present, individual units have been extremely small and fragile in front of nature. Even if they are as powerful as legendary creatures, a mass extinction of organisms can wipe them out.

But the Zerg controller who is hidden behind and has not yet appeared is an exception. It can actually compete with nature.

In fact, the mass extinction of species is not something that can be controlled subjectively by nature. It involves the relationship between the earth and nature.

If the earth is compared to a company, then nature is its manager and maintainer, and mass extinction is the outbreak of innate problems within the company, causing a major reshuffle of the ecosystem from top to bottom.

If it survives, the company still has a chance to make a comeback. If it cannot survive, it will have no choice but to go bankrupt and liquidate.

Nature needs to do its best to maintain the ecological balance and sustainable development of the earth, but it cannot cope with the various major problems that have existed within the earth since its creation.

Plate collisions, mantle plume explosions and the like are the concentrated eruptions of the earth's long-standing problems, while meteorites falling from the sky and gamma ray bursts are purely external strikes and sudden disasters.

Of course, there are also cases of mismanagement of nature, such as glaciers, protonuclear wars leading to Snowball Earth, and plant evolution affecting the collapse of the global carbon cycle.

These are the faults of nature as a manager for failing to maintain ecological balance. However, nature was still young at that time and had little management experience. It was normal to be confused when faced with new species.

Since mass extinction is unavoidable, the only thing nature, the manager, can do is to prevent the Earth company from going bankrupt and becoming like Mars.

To this end, a series of measures have been taken. For example, the ozone layer is an absolute masterpiece, which prevents living things from being crowded in the ocean and makes the biosphere more prosperous and diverse.

It is difficult to say whether legendary creatures are a means devised by nature to weaken the mass extinction and maintain ecological balance.

If they are really thugs created by nature, then the purpose of the pseudo-legendary stage is to torture their minds, work their muscles and bones, starve their skin, deplete their bodies, and mess up their actions. Therefore, it is beneficial to be tempted and endure. What it can't do?

But if it was not caused by nature, is it a special existence created by the will of all living beings to survive, as Xu Dong had guessed before?

We must know that the two most primitive and profound instincts of living things are survival and reproduction. It does not seem impossible that legendary creatures have been born from the huge spiritual energy of countless creatures over hundreds of millions of years.

It is unknown why Xu Dong was born as the legendary creature, but it is definitely right for all living beings to survive.

The specific reasons and promotion paths will have to be discovered later by Xu Dong. Now he will act as nature's thug to deal with this Zerg that destroys the ecological balance.

There are three reasons why Xu Dong speculated that the Zerg came from aliens.

The first is that their abilities are too buggy, and they are not like the cubs that nature can produce. Although the Zerg in later generations also have a lot of black technology, how can the black technology be so outrageous?

The body becomes huge, the butt shoots out the power of a TNT bomb, throws sulfuric acid bombs from behind, and the two bugs that were killed by Xu Dong spit out flames from the mouth, and the body is full of sulfuric acid. If we want to say that these are really earth creatures, we can only say that they are huge. Naturally, the CEO's corpse is a vegetarian.

The second is quantity. Although ants, bees, and termites in later generations also move in groups, they are divided into small tribes and do not belong to each other.

A tribe is a whole. The queen ant of this family cannot command the worker ants of other tribes. Unlike now, the guy behind the scenes can directly command trillions of insects. How much mental power does this have?

As for the third, that is the reaction of nature. In the past, nature was still young, and there was nothing on the earth that needed to be taken care of, so there would be situations where cyanobacteria and plants were out of control. But today’s nature is rich in experience. What? I have never seen this scene before, will it make you lose control again?

So to sum up, there is a high chance that these insects are alien creatures. Even the insect king that Xu Dong saw at that time was probably the first time alien insects landed on the earth. The huge potholes on the ground were made by It was smashed out.

Nature may not have expected that this alien bug could actually control bugs on the earth. Isn't this in front of a minotaur? So he guided countless pterosaurs to carry out the obliteration operation, but ultimately failed.

Xu Dong probably got into the big boss's small book because he killed two larvae at that time, and he successfully became a wage earner favored by the big boss.

The insect array and the predatory dinosaurs were fighting together, and there were flying stone missiles from Xu Dong in the air at any time. Seeing that the situation was improving, the manipulator behind the insect swarm increased their efforts again.

This time it sent out two fresh forces, land and air. On the land were hundreds of things that looked like interstellar puppies, led by the Thunder Beast that Xu Dong had seen before. Judging from the broken look on the head, it should be the one who hit the pillar before. That's right.

In the sky was a group of huge moths, led by a long snake with an alien-shaped head, twenty meters long, green and black in appearance, with eight pairs of short appendages, and a pair of pterosaur-like wings on its back. .

The specific image is somewhat similar to the comic book character Death Crow that Xu Dong once saw.

The wounded thunder beast on the ground took the lead, moving its limbs and speeding towards the group of carnivorous dragons.

With its body length of 60 meters and height of 40 meters, it will basically kill anyone it touches. In front of it, even if it is an insect from the same camp, it has no intention of holding back and directly tramples to death the colorful insect blocking the front. beetles, giraffe weevils and giant cockroaches.

How can even a giant cockroach with extremely strong vitality survive after being trampled into a worm cake?

It broke through the insect array from behind, and only the panicked predatory dragons were left in front. The three-tiered Chinese dragon was kicked away by its raised forelimbs and shot in circles towards the Ural Mountains in the distance. The meat dragon was hit by its big claws. If hit, it will be broken into two pieces directly. No creature can stop the impact of the thunder beast.

It broke through the carnivorous dragon's blockage and moved forward. Its goal was to block the Ural defense line that the insect swarm had been unable to break through.

Xu Dong saw this and was about to go to support, but was blocked by a group of blue and black deaths.

Are you going to challenge yourself?

Well, since the opponent has already placed a chess piece, Xu Dong unceremoniously knocks the chess piece away to help Nature win the game.

With his red wings spread, Xu Dong rushed towards the group of deaths as fast as he could, his sharp claws flashing with cold light. Being caught by this thing was no joke.

The swarm of death faced Xu Dong without fear. When they were about to approach Xu Dong, the long alien heads suddenly sprayed out black mist, blocking Xu Dong's vision like cuttlefish ink.

This sudden situation left Xu Dong with no time to dodge, so he rushed into the black mist alone. His eyes immediately became red and swollen after being exposed to the black mist, and he burst into tears. It hurt so much that it was difficult to open them.

This bug is really insidious.

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