Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 151 Thunder Overlord is invincible in the world

The blindness in his eyes made Xu Dong lose his bearings for a moment. The swarm of death saw the opportunity and approached silently. The alien spit out a small mouth full of fangs and directly attached to Xu Dong's body.

But Xu Dong's defense was astonishing, and that small mouth couldn't even break through the scales' defense.

Feeling the touch of a foreign object on his body, Xu Dong slashed directly towards that place, but only missed the mark.

The swarm of death immediately moved away after finding out that they could not break through the scale defense. They understood the importance of escaping thousands of miles without hitting a single hit, and did not fight Xu Dong head-on.

Anyway, Xu Dong is blind now and has plenty of opportunities to attack, so there is no need to trade injuries for injuries.

The death swarm looks terrifying in appearance, but its actual attack methods are very weak. In addition to biting with its small mouth and poking with its appendages, these are unable to break through Xu Dong's defense.

After all, Xu Dong was already an immortal at this time. Looking at today's Jurassic, not counting the legends who don't know whether they are alive or dead, his strength can at least be ranked in the top ten.

Unknowingly, Xu Dongdu has climbed to the top ranks of the world, and in terms of destructive power alone, no one dares to say he is the first when he is second.

After all, whether it's our old friend Redondasaur, the original snapping turtle or that zombie spider, who can casually unleash the destructive power of a TNT bomb?

Of course, even without bombing tactics, Xu Dong's physical attack power alone is extremely powerful.

Now being suppressed by the swarm of death is just a trick. He can't see his opponent and is naturally passive. With his terrifying recovery power, his eyes will recover soon, and the swarm of death can be broken with just a snap of his fingers.

The thunder beast that was rampaging on the ground did not care about the big bug that had been trampled to death by the puppy it had thrown away, and rushed directly to the gap in the Ural Mountains.

Breaking through this gap is the fragile defense line of small and medium-sized creatures. With the size and strength of the Thunder Beast, it can directly bleed a path of blood.

At this moment, the ground suddenly vibrated. The earth cracked from both sides, and a hill emerged from the crack. Mud and insects fell from both sides of the hill.

Soon the stone mountains all emerged from the unsealed cave. At the foot of the stone mountain, a huge head protruded. If Xu Dong could see it, he would definitely recognize it. It was the immortal species that the old leader of the Chilong clan encountered during the mass extinction. Protojaw turtle.

This big guy stood directly in the gap of the Ural Mountains, like a gatekeeper turtle.

Although it was impossible to block all the gaps, the caterpillars could still go around it directly from both sides, but the thunder beast with a body width of forty meters would definitely not be able to go around it.

Of course, the thunder beast has no intention of going around it at all. It will crush everything that is in front of it.

In terms of size, the Thunder Beast cannot really be compared with these older generations of immortal species. This round Protognathus Turtle is eighty meters long and nearly seventy meters wide.

But in terms of combat power, the Thunder Beast is not inferior to any immortal species. Didn’t the previous zombie spiders just run away when they saw that they couldn’t defeat them?

But the Protognathus has never seen a Thunder Beast, and it doesn't know the strength of this guy and the sharpness of its two large claws. It is good at defense, so it is naturally not afraid of the impact of any creature.


Like a long bell ringing, the sound wave even slightly distorted the surrounding air. The huge sound shocked a large number of caterpillars to death, and bottom creatures with sensitive hearing such as velociraptors and Morgan beasts were also deafened by the shock.

In this collision between the giant beasts, the Thunder Beast seemed to be more powerful. This guy used his brute force to push the Protognathus back dozens of meters, leaving two traces several meters deep on the ground.

For the giant immortal species, one step is tens of meters, and pushing back dozens of meters is the half-step back in martial arts novels. It is obvious that he is at a disadvantage.

Although the big claws of the thunder beast did not cut off the shell of the turtle, it also cut two deep cracks in the shell, and the top of the claws even penetrated into the shell.

The Protojaw Turtle was obviously a little unbelievable that a guy with such strange strength actually existed, but with a lifespan of tens of millions of years, it quickly realized that it should fight back.

It stretched out its head like lightning, and its huge noble head (Harmony) bit the Thunder Beast's shoulder armor.


What material is this thing made of and why is it so hard? It directly broke the big turtle's old teeth.

Today's Protognathus turtles are not like those unscrupulous descendants of later generations who directly lost their teeth. They still have dragon teeth.

Although the original snapping turtle is old, its teeth are not so old that they can no longer be used. It can chew rocks and gnaw dinosaurs easily. Why is the shell of this creature so exaggerated?

The Protognathus screamed in pain, and Guitou shrank back with a mouth full of broken teeth and blood.

The thunder beast Jie Jie laughed strangely, and the two large claws inserted into the turtle shell were inserted a little harder.

Although the two large claws have not been inserted into the body of the Protognathus Turtle, with this guy's strange strength, it will be a matter of time before the shell is broken.

Not good!

The battle situation in the sky completely lost its suspense as Xu Dong's eyes recovered. He could see the target clearly and killed the swarm of death without even using three moves. He tore it into pieces and ate it with three moves, and actually received a system prompt.

[Acquired component: Death Bug's ejection organ]

Well, that's it? Xu Dong, who had no idea what the use of this component was, decided to throw it into the warehouse to gather dust.

This death bug is pretty weak, but I don't know how it can be used to stop it. Don't the Zerg have powerful flying units? Xu Dong felt that he seemed to have discovered something extraordinary.

Although the swarm of death was solved, the group of big moths was still a problem. There were so many of them, and the poisonous powder they threw could make the dinosaurs fighting on the ground narrow their eyes and sneeze non-stop.

Although it cannot kill enemies directly, it has strong supporting capabilities.

Xu Dong let out a long cry, and the eight thousand retired (crossed out) red-scaled flying dragons from ancient Asia all flew into the sky, trying to catch all the moths in one fell swoop.

Xu Dong didn't want to join in dealing with these scumbags. He wanted to go down and help the protognathic turtle. This guy seemed a little unable to withstand it.

The thunder beast is really fierce, its strength is overwhelming, and it can actually lift a small mountain-sized protognathic turtle with its big claws.

How much did Protognathus weigh? Let’s give a few simple examples.

The eight-meter Chuxiongsaurus weighed more than a ton.

The 18-meter-level Patagonian dragon weighs 12 tons, and it can reach the 10-ton level at almost 16 meters.

Among the sauropods, the giant dragons, Barosaurus and Megalosaurus, which are 40 meters tall, are all in the 100-ton level.

How much does the 80-meter-long Protognathus weigh?

Based on the proportional estimate, Xu Dong thinks it should be at least 500 tons, which is roughly equivalent to the weight of a Komatsu PC5500 excavator. (see picture)

Such a big guy can be lifted up by the thunder beast, so you can imagine how powerful it is.

From the previous battle with the zombie spider, we can also see that this guy's shell is very hard, but there is a fatal flaw, which is the crack caused by the previous collision with the stone pillar.

I don't know if this guy has poor recovery power or if the stone pillar affects his ability to recover. Anyway, the crack on the Thunder Beast's head has not recovered yet, which created an opportunity for Xu Dong.

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