Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 149 The dragon rushes into formation

The huge Jinshansaurus, Dachongsaurus, and Damarasaurus stepped into the insect swarm with their thick limbs. Compared with the big ones with a body length of eight to fourteen meters and a total height of at least three meters, the one-centimeter caterpillar was simply incomparable. land gap.

Every step taken by the dragons can cause a shock, crushing countless insects to death, and the corresponding insect swarm also has huge troops to fight against the dragons.

Just like the insect swarm that Xu Dong single-handedly quelled before, the four guardians and the giant beetles all appeared here.

In addition to the dozens of colorful beetles that have shown off their power before, there are also dozens of bomb-dropping bugs, as well as hundreds of weevils and large cockroaches in the front row.

Of course, the even larger black beetles are indispensable. There are only three heavy cavalry with a body length of 18 meters, which seems to be an elite unit.

Giant insect VS giant dragon is quite interesting.

No one would say anything in a head-on confrontation, but the Zerg had long-range weapons. Whether it was colorful artillery armor or bomb-dropping bugs, they could carry out long-range strikes before the dragons could rush forward.

This is more disgusting, but you have artillery and we also have the air force. The red-scaled flying dragons are no longer able to fight. Xu Dong decided to get rid of these troublesome long-range units by himself.

He grabbed two rocks weighing a hundred kilograms, which were much lighter than the big rocks weighing five hundred kilograms before. When he thrust his paws in, it was like holding two bowling balls.

This time he will turn into a fighter jet and accurately guide his opponents.

Xu Dong flapped his wings and flew towards the cannonworm and the worm, carrying two large rocks. Although it could not reach subsonic speed, it was still very easy to reach the flying speed of an ordinary passenger plane.

The intelligent insect swarm controllers obviously noticed the movement in the sky. The cannon insects and negative insect insects no longer aimed at the giant dragon in front, but all attacked Xu Dong.

This is too much. He doesn't care about the frontal battlefield. All his firepower is used to bombard the air units. Fortunately, Xu Dong is fast. The slow turning speed of the colorful artillery armor cannot hit him at all, let alone the negative child insect. Okay, there's no way it could be cast so high.

Xu Dong wondered if these guys had shared memories. The big explosion that wiped them out before made them aware of the danger of throwing stones from the sky. Otherwise, how could they ignore the good and ignore the bad and stare at Xu Dong?

But so what if their memories really were the same, Xu Dong's speed was so fast that they couldn't aim at all.

A red shadow flashed across the sky, and an explosion exploded behind him, but he was still unable to locate him. He had seen the big rocks being predicted by the cannon bugs before and guessed that there must be an extremely smart commander behind these giant bugs. .

But as both intelligent beings, if you can predict your position, can't I use rapid dodge? Can't you move like a snake?

He glided and flew close to the insect formation, and threw a bowling stone from his right hand. It penetrated directly from the muzzle of a colorful beetle, then exploded its head and flew out.

Hit, shot through.

Xu Dong felt that one at a time was not enough, so he changed his direction and struck again, throwing stones from the side of the colorful beetle. This time he hit a home run, with one stone piercing five colorful cannon armors.

Not stopping even after the victory was achieved, Xu Dong circled around to avoid the bombardment and flew back to the Ural Mountains, reloaded ammunition and continued to set off.

Without the hindrance of artillery fire, the Jurassic dragons finally engaged the front row melee units of the giant insects.

Giraffe weevils and giant cockroaches are obviously not as huge as vegetarian dragons, but they are fully armed and carry weapons.

Ordinary cockroaches have the ability to fly for a short period of time, but those of their size will definitely not be able to fly, so Xiaoqiang, oh no, Daqiang acts as a tank. No matter how you step on or attack, they can't be beaten. , making it impossible for the giant dragons to rush in.

The giraffe weevil extends its long scissor horns from the gap in the cockroach defense line, just enough to reach the dragons' necks, and can cut off a bloody little head with a click.

There are also those three black beetles that are bigger than sauropods, like heavy iron cans charging with two knight guns. Their sharp appendages penetrate the dragon's body without any hindrance, pushing them towards the center. Get closer.

The powerful front line could not be broken through, and the large beetle cavalry on both sides kept squeezing them into the middle, and soon they were crowded together.

At this time, it was time for the long-range troops to show off their power. Colorful cannonworms and negative worms continued to pour firepower at the gathering place of the sauropod dinosaurs. The giant cannons roared and beat the vegetarian dragons to pieces.

The sulfuric acid egg does not have the power of the cannon armor, but its attack range is obviously more tricky. If it is thrown to the ground, it will explode and sulfuric acid will splash everywhere.

The first thing to bear the brunt was the limbs of the vegetarian dragons. The giant dragons who lost the support of their thighs fell to the ground one by one and could not get up again.

Good guys, bugs can play tactics.

Xu Dong was dumbfounded as he watched from a distance. He had just finished loading the second round of ammunition and was about to take off to continue the attack, but this group of useless vegetarian dragons fell down.

Facing this smoke-filled explosion scene, even the pseudo-legendary leg dragons that were good at defense couldn't bear it, let alone these vegetarian dragons.

Sure enough, vegetarians are not good in terms of combat ability or combat experience. The real battle depends on the carnivorous dragons.

Large and medium-sized predators such as the Chinese Dragon, the Double Cypress Dragon, and the Carnosaurus join the battlefield.

Although their size is not large, most of them are five to seven meters in size, which is completely incomparable with the huge sauropods.

But they eat meat and are predators occupying the top of the ecological niche. They have top-notch attack equipment and rich combat experience, and they are also smarter than the big vegetarian dragons.

Xu Dong once again approached the insect formation, preparing for the impact of the carnivorous dinosaurs. After weighing the pros and cons, the guy behind everything obviously still felt that Xu Dong's throwing stones was more of a threat, and aimed his cannon at it again.

Taking this opportunity, countless carnivorous dragons rushed to the strong defense line. They would not rush directly to the defense line like sauropods. After the initial trial and found that they could not rush through, they chose to jump over or start from there. Go around both sides.

This group of relatively smaller predatory dinosaurs caused big trouble for the insect formation. A three-tiered Chinese dragon jumped directly behind the big beetle, biting the big guy with its teeth, but found that it could not bite at all and could only continue to harass.

The appendages of the big beetle could not reach its back. It fell back and prepared to crush this annoying guy. However, when it fell back, it discovered that more carnivorous dragons had jumped up. The weight of the dinosaurs made it unable to stand up.

The beetle's abdomen is also protected by a shell. The fangs and claws of the carnivorous dragons still cannot break through the defense. Since it cannot break through the defense, then attack on the appendages.

The slender appendages and joints are the weakest parts of the beetle. A dozen predatory dragons attacked together and successfully bit off and tore off all the appendages of the beetle, turning this elite soldier into a giant stone that could not move.

Xu Dong, who had been walking around with cannonworms and worms in the sky for a long time, finally threw his own stone.

The hundred-kilogram stone penetrated three colorful cannonworms under the high-speed inertia, and even killed a bearworm. All the eggs behind it were broken, and sulfuric acid was scattered on the ground, directly killing countless weak caterpillars.

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