Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 15 Battle for Overlord

After the Eoraptor attack, the entire Red Dragon team became cautious.

This grassland is not a desert. Although the desert is dry and hot and has harsh living conditions, there are few predators that can be encountered.

The grasslands are different. You may encounter different creatures every time you take a step. For small animals of the size of a red dragon, not to mention large, medium and small predators, even vegetarian animals can kill them.

For this reason, the little red dragons have rediscovered the ability to dig holes. Every time they migrate a certain distance, they will dig a hole to hide just in case.

Being in a state of alert every day, although it is painful, is the normal state of nature. Except for the terrifying upright ape, other creatures that are indolent have long since rotted in the stomachs of other creatures.

Bang, bang, bang!

There was a rapid vibration.

Xu Dong immediately opened his mouth and called for his brothers to hide in the cave, while he quietly exposed his eyes and observed secretly.

It turned out to be a group of puppy-like creatures running wildly. Xu Dong also knew this creature. It was the leader of the Triassic carnivorous beast tribe, the Cynognathus.

Yes, you read that right, the leaders of the dignified carnivorous beasts are not big guys like Crocodile Rausi that can easily reach six or seven meters, nor are they the majestic and domineering existences like the tigers and lions of later generations.

But this group of little guys are one meter long, weigh 40 kilograms, have long hair and stripes, and are about the same size as dogs.

Although they are small in size, they travel in groups, and ordinary predators do not dare to bully them easily. What did they encounter today, and they are actually running away?

Reality soon gave the answer.

An extremely large four-legged reptile followed the cynognaths.

This monster is covered in scales all over its body. The scales are grass green, its forelimbs are slightly short, its head is huge, and its big mouth is full of sharp teeth.

Long-toothed Ornithosuchus!

Doesn’t popular science say that these guys can only grow up to 4 meters?

So what the hell is this nearly 7-meter-long guy in front of you?

Ornithosuchus, although it is not a crocodile, is also a genus of pseudosuchian, Ornithosuchus in the family Ornithosuchus.

The large family of pseudosuchians seemed to be in trouble at the end of the Triassic. The land overlords were Crocodylus and Ornithosuchus, the main herbivores were the phytosaurs, and the phytosaurs were also in the freshwater lakes.

Except that he didn't fly into the sky like a pterosaur, he basically dominated Pangea.

The huge size of the long-toothed Ornithosuchus jumped forward and instantly overwhelmed the three canine jaw beasts. Its huge mouth opened like a huge mouth of the abyss. In just one click, the flesh and blood bitten by the canine jaw beasts were separated. It was horrific.

The other dog-jawed beasts were so frightened that they didn't dare to look back at their own kind, and fled away into the distance whimpering.

The huge bird and crocodile stopped chasing and began to enjoy the delicious meal beneath him.

Considering the length of Ornithosuchus longtooth, which is seven meters tall, the three-headed canine-jawed beast can't lick its stomach to its fullest, so why let the other canine-jawed beasts go?

The reason is that the other big guy has also arrived.

The long-toothed Ornithosuchus slowly turned around, raised its front body, stood upright on its feet, and roared forward like a burp.

The other side did not show any weakness and also issued a high-pitched response.

A huge crocodile slowly walked out.

It was so huge, almost as big as the long-toothed Ornithosuchus, and its body structure was also very similar, with the same huge head and fangs, and the same short forelimbs.

But if you look carefully, you can still clearly distinguish the difference between the two. The Ornithosuchus has a larger head, a plumper body, and its two forelimbs are shorter. It can even stand upright on both legs when demonstrating.

The other giant beast has a slender body, a smaller head, longer forelimbs, and crawls on all fours. The black stripes on its body make it look ferocious.

This is none other than the overlord of this grassland, the genus of the pseudocrocodile Rausisuchidae, Crocodile louisi!

Animals have a strong sense of territory, especially top predators, who will not leave their own territory easily, let alone invade the territory of other predators.

If a powerful predator comes to the territory, there is no doubt that it means that it wants to declare war on the original lord.

In the battle for territory, the winner lives and the loser dies. This is the rule of the biological world.

Xu Dong didn't expect that he could watch such a good show while nestling in the cave.

The foreign long-toothed Ornithosuchus was the first to launch an attack. It would lower its erect body to the ground again. No creature would be stupid enough to expose its abdomen to the enemy's attack range.

In the past, the feet of Ornithocrocodiles were upright, which was more of a deterrent, just like a peacock spreading its tail, a gorilla beating its chest, etc. In real fights, you still have to lie on the ground to fight.

The young bird crocodile threw away its limbs and ran wildly. Every time its weight of nearly 2 tons fell to the ground, it was a huge earthquake.

The little red dragons in the cave were awakened by the vibration and shivered in fear. Fortunately, Xu Dong's backbone was still there, so they would not collapse.

The original overlord of this grassland, Crocodile crocodile, still stood in place, motionless as a mountain, ready to go, but its momentum was rising steadily.

The young and strong bird crocodile had no idea how many challenges this crocodile had experienced and how many times it was on the verge of death.

When the Ornithocrocodile rushes closer, the experienced Crocodile Law's just wags its tail, and its big fat tail sweeps towards the Ornithocrocodile's hind limbs.

With the bird's crocodile weighing nearly two tons, a fall would almost be a death sentence, so it jumped to avoid the big tail of Low's crocodile.

Unexpectedly, all this was part of the plan of Crocodile Lowes. It did not stop after swinging its tail. Instead, it turned its body 360 degrees with the help of inertia. After standing firm, it kicked off its hind legs and its head was already rushing towards the side of Ornithosuchus. .

The Crocodile Raudi opened its huge mouth, and its sharp teeth bit directly on the carapace of the Oriocrocodile, causing blood to splash everywhere.

The young Ornithosuchus howled in pain, and was about to turn sideways to fight back, but Crocodile Rausi did not give it a chance to fight back. It pulled away and retreated to a place where the long-toothed Ornithosuchus could not attack.

Although many ancient creatures have no brains and their IQ is not comparable to that of the terrifying upright apes, their hunting skills have become an instinct of their bodies over time.

Although this young bird's crocodile has caught up with the old crocodile Lou's in terms of size, its experience and skills are completely different.

After only a few rounds, he was bitten by the Crocodile Lowe and suffered multiple claw injuries.

After being injured once, Crocodile Rausi will directly distance itself. Although it avoids being injured by counterattack, it is also unable to cause fatal damage to the enemy.

If the situation in the past were to go by, the challenger should have retired at this time. Such injuries are not particularly serious and will not affect his ability to move. By then, he will be able to recover as before by eating more food and resting for a few months.

But this bird crocodile may have been blinded by anger, but it actually refused to retreat and launched an attack on the Low's crocodile relentlessly.

After all, Crocodile Lousi is old, and is inferior to young Crocodiles in terms of strength and stamina. It would be extremely disadvantageous for it to fight a protracted battle.

Since the Ornithocrocodile was so ignorant of praise, Crocodile Lowes decided to kill the little cub to avoid future troubles, even if he risked being injured.

As a result, Crocodile Lowes, who had been playing the assassin style before, changed his style and began to compete head-on with Bird Crocodile.

Only then did the power of the niche overlord become apparent.

During the fight between the two seven-meter-long giants, mud flew, stones and pines broke, and insects escaped. No creature dared to stay within a hundred meters of the two beasts for fear of being harmed.

Xu Dong also wanted to run away at this time, but it was too late. They were too close to the battlefield. If they went out, they would probably be trampled to death by two false crocodiles.

Now Xu Dong can only pray that this temporary dug hole can hold on and not be crushed by the battle between the two big guys.

We have walked out of the desert and crossed the stream, but we cannot fall under this grassland. This must not be the end of the journey!

Small theater of paleontology: Ornithosuchus is about 4 meters long, and its skull is similar to that of theropods, but its feet have five toes, its back has two rows of scales, and its hind limbs have five toes, while Tyrannosaurus only has three toes. There is only one species in the genus Ornithosuchus, the long-toothed Ornithosuchus. Although it is a four-legged carnivore, its body is functionally capable of walking on two legs.

Sauriformes - Archosaurs - Pseudosuchians - Ornithosuchidae - Ornithosuchus

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