Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 16 The Fall of the King

The battle between the long-toothed Ornithosuchus and the Lou's crocodile lasted for nearly half an hour, and the two crocodiles with scars finally decided the winner.

The experienced crocodile Rausi won the final victory. It stepped on the body of the young crocodile with its forelimbs, ripped open the scales with its big mouth, and inserted it into the body of the crocodile to devour it wildly, replenishing the energy consumed in the previous battle and restoring the body's vitality. Horrible injuries.

Its back, limbs, and sides all had large gashes torn open by the claws of birds and crocodiles. A large piece of flesh and blood was torn off its body. One eye was blind, and one of its forelimbs was also lame. It could be described as being covered in bruises.

The vitality of pseudocrocodiles is extremely tenacious. Even with such terrible injuries, as long as they can rest for a few years with enough food, they can still recover.

But nature has never been so kind, or in other words, its kindness is only given to the strong.

The previously silent battlefield, as the fighting subsided, predators that could only smell the smell of blood gathered around, including Eoraptor, Plains Dromaeosaurus, Cynognathus, Herrerasaurid Jaw-devouring Dragon, and so on. Small predators such as the rhinoceros and the geniodon all ran out.

Countless creatures surrounded the Crocodile Lowes in the center, all of them watching with eager eyes, but they did not dare to step forward due to the long-lasting power of the Crocodile Lowes.

At this time, Crocodile Rausi also knew that it was a matter of life and death. Having experienced many battles, it had long known that as long as its overlord was injured, it would attract countless predators to covet it.

This is also the reason why I started playing assassin style with Bird Crocodile. It is already very old and its own rule has begun to waver. It cannot be seriously injured anymore, because an old and injured king cannot suppress the group below. of small predators.

The forelimbs of the Crocodile Rausi lay on the huge bird crocodile, its mouth opened wide, and it let out a king's roar, as if to say: As long as I survive, you will eventually become my subjects!

The terrifying power instantly swept through all the surrounding creatures. Some timid beasts, such as the Chini Claw-toothed Beast, were so frightened that they crawled back into the hole.

Even the strongest predator under Crocodylus louisi, the nearly three-meter-long Herrerasaurid jaw-eating dragon, couldn't help but hesitate.

The scene fell into a stalemate for a while.

This is good news for the Crocodile crocodile. It would be best if we could directly scare off these thieves. Even if we can't scare them away, we can still give it time to recover from its injuries and physical strength.

Xu Dong curled his lips. This is how the biological world is. They weigh the pros and cons, assess the situation, and always put their own safety first. The long-toothed Ornithocrocodile and Xu Dong who led the team to migrate thousands of miles are both alien.

Because for living things, survival is the first priority. They eat meat and grass in order to survive, fight in order to survive, evolve in order to survive, and be afraid of injury also in order to survive.

It can be said that there is nothing else in the life of a living thing except survival and reproduction.

However, Xu Dong's life is more than just eating and sleeping. He has wisdom beyond the times and will judge what is best for him when opportunities come, and then take corresponding actions.

On the ground, with the roar of Crocodile Rausi, many surrounding predators actually began to retreat. Whether it was Eoraptor, Cynognathus or Gnathognathus, they all began to retreat slowly.

At this moment, a 15-centimeter little guy emerged from the hole in the ground, ran directly to the feet of the Crocodile Lowes, and began to eat the meat of the crocodile.

The Crocodile Lowes was furious, but it had nothing to do at this time. One of its forelimbs was broken and it couldn't use its strength, while the other one had to support the Bird Crocodile to maintain a deterrent to surrounding creatures.

So much so that Xu Dong arrogantly ate bird and crocodile meat, but Crocodile Lowes was powerless. If Xu Dong was allowed to be so arrogant without taking action, the seemingly powerful appearance of Crocodile Lowes would be exposed.

But it would be even more unbearable if he took action, clearly exposing himself to predators with only three legs left and difficulty in walking.

Of course Crocodile crocodile doesn't think about it in such detail. It just feels that no matter what it does, it's just like backgammon, which is blocked by three or three pieces in a row, chess, where the general will be defeated no matter how much it moves, and Go, which is trapped to death. It's impossible to think about it.

The Crocodile crocodile froze in place and hesitated, allowing Xu Dong to swagger back into the hole holding the flesh and blood in his mouth.

The surrounding predators could no longer bear it any longer, and the largest Jaw-eater took the lead in attacking. Three nearly three-meter-long giant beasts ran up and drove all the surrounding predators with them.

Cynognathus and Eoraptor also started running in unison, and a rebellion that defeated the superior seemed inevitable.

The Crocodile crocodile roared several times, and when it found that it was no longer effective, it decided to give up the chance and face the battle head-on.

The first Gnathosaurus that rushed forward was slapped to the ground by the intact left forelimb of Crocodile Lowes. Before it could struggle to get up, its bloody jaws had already dropped, easily biting off the Gnathosaurus's neck.

But in just a short time, other predators have arrived.

Two jaw-eating dragons jumped on the back of Low's crocodile, but were thrown out by it. The canine jaws tried to bite the limbs of Low's crocodile, but were easily trampled to death by it.

But after all, there was only one Crocodile crocodile, and it was somewhat helpless under the siege of dozens of small and medium-sized predators. Soon, the whole body was covered by these little guys.

But your uncle is still your uncle. The battle-experienced Crocodile crocodile L. laid down on his belly and used a talent skill:

Death roll!

The two-ton giant tumbled, no different from a steamroller. Under this steamroller, no matter whether you were a Gnathognathus, an Eoraptor, a Cynognathus or a Dromaeosaurus, they were all turned into meat pies.

The Crocodile Lowes finally came to a stop after rolling around four or five times. This skill was extremely energy-consuming, almost draining the stamina that the Crocodile Lowes had just managed to recover.

Although there were fewer predators around, there were still quite a few. Under the stimulation of blood and meat pieces all over the ground, not to mention being afraid of running away, each and every one of them had red eyes and fell into a rage.

This time, Crocodile louis could not survive.


The long roar resounded throughout the entire plain. It was the last roar left by the former overlord, as if it was declaring to all creatures that only it was the worthy king of this grassland! Only worthy of being king!

But now, the king fell, he died in battle, and the rebellious officials and traitors were biting and devouring the king's blood, flesh, and internal organs.

When they are full, small predators will come and eat the remaining organs, minced meat, and gnaw the bones clean. Finally, under the mouths of scavenging insects, only this piece of helpless remains of the former king will be left. Digested bones tower over this plain.

No one will remember that on the nameless plains of the Carnian period of the Triassic, there was once such a king who ruled an era. It defeated countless challengers. It even defeated a seven-meter-level young Ornithosuchus. In the end, he fell under the backlash of his ministers.

As time goes by, the world changes.

Hundreds of millions of years from now, when the terrifying erect apes dig through the strata and unearth fossils, they may sigh with emotion.

Oh, this guy is so big!

Paleontology Theater: Cynognathus was a small predator from the Triassic, about 1 meter long, 40 kilograms, with hair all over its body, and looked like a puppy. It belongs to the genus Cynognathus, which is a group of mammal-like reptiles that are more similar to mammals.

Synapsids - Therapsids - Cynodonts - Cynognathidae - Cynognathia

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