Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 14 Confrontation with Qianlong

The grassland ecosystem is a rare paradise in Pangea. In the early and middle Triassic period when other places were deserts and wastelands, it was a precious habitat that all creatures refused to give up even if they died.

However, with the arrival of the Carnian rainy season, the grassland ecology of the Paradise on Earth is destined to be replaced by forest wetlands and other ecology.

Due to the drought and heat in the early and middle Triassic Period, most of the plants on Pangea were low spore plants such as lycophytes, knot ferns, and ferns. Herbivores could easily eat these fresh and tender plants without much effort. plant.

The arrival of the Carnian flood event completely changed the ecological pattern of Pangea. Drought-tolerant spore plants such as lycopodium and bifurcated fern were replaced by moisture-loving gymnosperms such as conifers and silver needles. The entire continent also changed from desert to grassland. This low terrain gave way to tall, dense forest terrain.

The previous mainstream herbivores, such as Lystrosaurus and Kenshin, which crawled on all fours, could not even reach the leaves of conifers and cypress trees. Without the spore plants they relied on for survival, they were all taken away by dogs one after another.

For a time, the death of a large number of herbivores caused a shortage of food for the predators, and the food shortage caused large predators to die one after another. Every natural change is a biological alternation.

From a macro perspective, after the Carnian flood event, the entire continent became green and full of vitality. The original two-dimensional world of deserts, Gobis, and grasslands was suddenly overclocked into three-dimensional worlds such as forests and rainforests.

But if you look at it from a microscopic perspective, underneath these seemingly prosperous and beautiful pines and cypresses are the bones of countless creatures.

At this time, small animals can escape the sanctions of nature. The rainy season and gymnosperms have caused the prosperity of insects. Small creatures that feed on insects have also begun to develop and grow, occupying the positions of those top creatures, among which dinosaurs are It took advantage of this period of change and expanded countless ecological niches. When the situation changed, it soared into the sky and dominated the world.

Xu Dong also wanted to reap the dividends of this change, so he first left this grassland and found a forest suitable for habitat.

Only the rainforest is the foundation for achieving hegemony. When the time comes, let the little red dragons seize the ecological niches that originally belonged to the Conneriosaurus, Scolerosaurus, rabbit lizards, and large insects. It will be just around the corner to become a dominant group.

Maybe it's because he has been in this world for too long and lacks communication. Xu Dong often thinks about things that are not there. In his previous life, what he saw the most was history and what he played the most was strategy games, so it is inevitable that he will become a middle-class student in it. , but this is also a good way to relieve stress.

Looking back at my little brothers, they were all in high spirits and eating while walking, just like on an outing.

The team keeps moving forward. How do the little red lizards eat while walking? You must know that Xu Dong strictly prohibits them from falling behind or getting separated.

The reason is that the ejection tongue component inherited by the little red lizards has not degraded after 800,000 years. At this time, it is perfect for dealing with various insects flying around. The little red dragons use their tongues while walking Catch the bug and swallow it in your mouth.

It was impossible for the twenty little red dragons to move forward without attracting the attention of the indigenous creatures. No, some small omnivores who liked to hunt in groups were eyeing them.

Xu Dong might have really been negligent when he came to the land he was once familiar with, or he might have been frightened by the peaceful and peaceful side of the grassland. When four small one-meter-long main dragons rushed towards the group of small red dragons, Xu Dong was stunned. It was too late to tell the boys to disperse.

In an instant, the beautiful and false appearance of this grassland was torn to pieces, revealing the bloody interior.

These small main dragons jumped into the group of small red dragons at extremely fast speeds, and bit a small red dragon with one mouth. Its flexible claws were not idle, grabbing one in each hand.

The team of twenty little red dragons was restrained by twelve in an instant. Xu Dong couldn't help but blush. These were the backbone of the team that he had worked so hard to bring out of the desert.

So he ignored the size difference and approached the outermost small dragon at an astonishing speed. His sharp claws easily cut through the guy's flesh, but he couldn't keep cutting at the bones.

It's obvious that the bones of this small archosaur are much stronger than those of the ancient tuatara.

Since he kept slashing, Xu Dong didn't want to fight anymore and quickly drew back his claws. He was well versed in the secret of being an assassin who could escape thousands of miles away without hitting a single hit.

The carnivorous dragon whose feet were chopped off could not stand firmly. It whined, and the little red dragon in its mouth fell out. The little red dragon in its claws also took the opportunity to get out.

Xu Dong retreated to a safe distance to prevent himself from being scratched by the carnivorous dragon struggling in the air. His health bar was incomparable to that of a carnivorous dragon that was 1 meter in size and weighed 10 kilograms. As long as he was attacked once, his health bar would be cleared to zero. .

Xu Dong stood still, counting 1, 2, 3 silently in his mind, then exerted force on his hind limbs, the red shadow passed by, the sharp claws stretched out, and the one-hit killing flow - Red Dragon Flash, reappeared in the world.

Xu Dong aimed at the carnivorous dragon's neck, but he did not cut it off. The guy's bones were too hard, and his claws were a little overwhelmed, and they began to hurt.

And this carnivorous dragon was even more miserable. Although his neck was not broken, the big wound caused blood to spurt out. This guy didn't even have the strength to stand up. He could only lie in a pool of blood, struggling and whining, waiting for the blood to drain away. To a certain extent, he bleeds to death.

The other three carnivorous dragons were obviously frightened. As soon as their claws relaxed, the little red dragons suddenly slipped out.

All the little red dragons, including those who escaped, gathered behind Xu Dong and followed Xu Dong to hiss and threaten the three skimmers.

In the prairie at this time, all the insects were hiding far away. On both sides of the battlefield, on one side were three one-meter-sized Eoraptors, each holding a small red dragon in its mouth.

On the other side is a group of small red dragons headed by a fifteen centimeter-sized red dragon, although the size difference is huge.

But this little red dragon leader was standing on top of the dying Eoraptor, with its claws and body covered in Eoraptor's blood, looking extremely ferocious.

The scene fell into silence. Eoraptor was afraid of Xu Dong, who could kill his own kind. In addition, it was only a small predator. After a long stalemate, the smell of blood could easily attract large predators, so it took the initiative to choose Give in.

Xu Dong saw the three Eoraptors taking a few steps back and knew that they couldn't fight this time. He finally breathed a sigh of relief. Regardless of the one that was bitten by the Eoraptor and fell to the ground and couldn't get up, he led the remaining ten The six younger brothers retreated silently.

The Eoraptorosaurs waited until Xu Dong withdrew before they began to feast.

Xu Dong let out a low hiss. This time, he was careless and lost four of his kind. The prehistoric world was full of dangers and we couldn't take it lightly.

Fortunately, this time we met a small carnivore like Archosaur, the ancestor of the dinosaurs. It knew the most basic skills of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages, and was not as aggressive as large predators. If we encountered those Aireys from 800,000 years ago, Lalong, the whole army is probably going to be annihilated today.

The second in mind is the second in the mind, but in reality it is far more exaggerated. The ecological niche here is not as monotonous as in the desert. There are many terrifying creatures that can wipe out the little red dragons.

The little red dragon is now small and weak, and Gou is the first priority.

Paleontology Theater: Eoraptor, also known as Akornosaurus, is a bipedal carnivorous dinosaur. It is one of the earliest dinosaurs in the world and is similar to the most recent common ancestor of theropods and sauropods.

Sauriformes - Archosaurs - Dinosaurs - Saurischia - Theropods - Eoraptor.

Theropods later evolved into birds.

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