Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 148 I control the sky fire

Facing the morning glow, the first thing to appear under the sun was a group of fast-running small and medium-sized dinosaurs. Among them were Pangearaptor, Horskisaurus, Raquel Cowardlyosaurus, Groodontodon, Eodromosaurus, etc. .

This group of small dinosaurs, which are generally one to two meters long, is extremely large in number. Although it is not as large as the bottom-feeding velociraptors and morganids, it is also the most numerous group of dinosaurs in ancient Asia.

They are located in the middle and lower levels of the ecological niche, and most of them are semi-omnivorous. When there is a lack of food, they will eat insects and the like.

The addition of this new force immediately stabilized the Ural defense line again. They were different from the passive defensive Velociraptors and Morgan Beasts. Their strategy was to take the initiative.

Anyway, the sea of ​​​​insects is full of small caterpillars with a size of centimeters. All you need to do is close your eyes and open your mouth and rush forward.

With their addition, the red-scaled flying dragon no longer has to work hard to deal with the large beetles. It is naturally up to this group of small predators to withstand the impact of the beetles.

Previously, Xu Dong was afraid that the beetles would break through the fragile defense line of the Velociraptor Morgan, so he could only carry out point-to-point attacks. Now that new troops have joined and the Ural defense line is stable, they can take the initiative to attack.

A long cry attracted the attention of all the red-scale flying dragons. Xu Dong grabbed a few stones in full view of everyone.

Although the other Feilongs didn't understand, they were right to follow Xu Dong's example.

However, due to the inflexibility of their claws, many flying dragons can only hold stones like a clamp, and can basically only hold two small stones.

Seeing that the reloading was completed, Xu Dong jumped into the sky with his hind legs, leading thousands of flying dragons to fly into the sky.

The Red Wings rise into the sky again, this time they will transform into bombers and bring death to the insect swarm.

The maximum height of an ordinary red-scale flying dragon is about two thousand meters.

If the stone is dropped from such a height, according to the kinetic energy formula E=mgh, it can be concluded that the kinetic energy of the stone falling to the ground can reach about 49,000 joules.

Taking into account air friction, the power is almost equivalent to the energy released by the explosion of 11 grams of TNT.

Although it is not very powerful, it is still easy to blow the bugs within the range of the stone into pieces. (see picture)

Xu Dong thought about it carefully now. In the previous battle in the Urals, the red stone weighing several kilograms was dropped at an altitude of 10,000 meters. Even if it did not explode, wouldn't the energy be as powerful as a grenade?

Thousands of Red Wings flew thousands of meters above the insect swarm, and from below, only a black shadow could be seen.

Then the black shadow kept throwing stones into the insect tide. Every time the stone fell, it would blast a hole of about ten centimeters, creating a small insect-free space.

Eight thousand flying dragons bombarded the insect swarm into a hornet's nest. Although it was quickly filled with endless insects, it caused the death of at least ten thousand green insects.

This number would be crippling for other species. Even for the most numerous velociraptors and Morgan beasts, it is still a large number.

But put it on a swarm of insects that counts in the hundreds of millions, a hundred thousand? What does that mean? More than a hundred thousand dollars is enough to fill the hole in Evergrande?

However, the advantage of this move is that it has almost no damage and only consumes some physical strength. It is not easy for the red-scaled flying dragon to fly to an altitude of two thousand meters.

Each time he grabbed two rocks weighing one kilogram, he would cause hundreds of thousands of casualties in one round. He would go back to rest for a while and then fly up into the sky to continue the bombing. At least a million caterpillars would be killed for most of the day.

However, the insect tide will not care about these casualties. One dead person will make up for one, and a group of dead people will make up for a group. It is endless and tireless.

The battle lasted until three o'clock in the morning. Although the flying dragons did not lose any of them, they were all exhausted. From yesterday to now, after fighting for a day and a night, they could no longer lift their wings.

There is no way to continue like this. These insects have the ability to tire them to death. It would be great if we could find that kind of red stone again.

But it is a pity that due to the heavy snowfall for many years, the top of the Ural Mountains was completely covered. After turning around for countless times, it was covered with thick snow. There was not even a stone in sight, let alone the rare red stone.

If you can't find it, then you can't find it. At worst, throw a bigger stone. With Xu Dong's current size and strength, he can definitely lift a stone of 700 to 800 kilograms.

Seven or eight hundred kilograms is equivalent to a six-meter Pradan dragon. Although Xu Dong can catch it, it will definitely not fly to an altitude of 10,000 meters. It is already very difficult to fly three to four thousand meters.

The sharp hook cut off a protruding stone with an oval shape. After weighing it, it was about five hundred kilograms. Okay, that's it.

Xu Dong flapped his wings and flew upwards. It was indeed difficult to fly with such a heavy thing.

It was fine at one or two thousand meters, but when he reached three or four thousand meters, his limbs felt a little weak, but he still insisted on flying to nearly five thousand meters, and then he dropped the big stone with relief.

According to the previous formula, the power of this explosion is approximately 24,500,000 joules, which is the energy released by the explosion of 5.8 kilograms of TNT.

The charge of a grenade is about 50 grams. 5.8 kilograms is equivalent to 116 grenades exploding at the same time. It will not be a problem to blow up a two-story villa.

Looking at the falling boulders, should Xu Dong shout that art is explosion?

Forget it, it’s better to miss the mark and concentrate on finishing this world war.

The landing point of this big stone was set at the gap dug by the Zerg in the Ural Mountains. Such a powerful explosion should be able to trigger an avalanche. At that time, the Zerg could once again be isolated from ancient Asia. The low temperature of the avalanche is still Can kill a large number of caterpillars.

The idea is good, but accidents always happen unexpectedly.

A few hundred meters to the west in the European direction, the giant insect army of the Zerg tribe had arrived on the battlefield. Dozens of colorful beetles raised their butts and aimed their muzzles at the big rocks that were about to fall.




After dozens of roars in a row, transparent liquid shot out from the tail of the colorful beetle. Unexpectedly, none of the shots were deflected, and they all accurately hit the big rocks.

The granite boulder was immediately torn into pieces and turned into countless rubbles that shot out.

Since it was shelled from the European side, most of the rubble was shot towards the Asian side.

Even though it has been shattered, the kinetic energy of the gravel cannot be underestimated. The small and medium-sized creatures that were hit were directly blasted to pieces, and even those that were only affected had their limbs broken and could no longer fight.

The rubble exploded into dozens of small craters on the ground, with black smoke rising from the small craters. The most terrible thing was that some of them fell into the group of swift lizards, blowing open their defense line. gap.

Like a dam that burst, the raging insect sea surged out of the gap, squeezing and widening the gap. Seeing that the Velociraptor defense line was about to collapse, subsequent reinforcements stepped forward to take over.

This is a group of behemoths, the small ones are four or five meters long, and the big ones are more than ten meters long. These are huge sauropod dinosaurs coming to support.

A 14-meter-long broad-ribbed Damalaosaurus directly crossed the Velociraptor defense line, bent its limbs and lay down directly. It was like a big mountain, blocking the gap in the Velociraptor defense line again.

Next, it will be a war between giant beasts!

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