Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 147 The Ural Defense Line is in Emergency

Billions of ancient Asian creatures stepped into the land of Siberia in a mighty manner, marching all the way to the northwest.

This was a prehistoric Western Expedition of unprecedented scale. Although the number of the Western Expedition army could not be compared with the insect swarms all over the European continent, it was the greatest power that nature could produce while maintaining balance and sustainable development.

Tsk tsk, depending on the situation, nature is going to have a stud, a head-on battle with the Zerg, trillions of Zerg VS billions of creatures, I'm a little excited when I think about it.

How could Xu Dong miss such a moment? Although he was quite disgusted with nature's behavior of bypassing his own ordered group, he was not disgusted with the war at all.

Leading eight thousand red-winged flying dragons, he served as the vanguard of the Western Expedition and was the first to fly to the Ural Mountains.

Sure enough, a large gap had been dug out in the Ural Mountains that separated ancient Asia and ancient Europe at this moment, and a steady stream of swarms of insects had poured out.

The cyan insect swarm was like a torrent that broke a bank, sweeping huge waves towards the ancient Asia region. However, what was intercepted on the front line of the battlefield was not a huge sauropod dinosaur, nor was it the apex predator Dicrosaurus. They are the small creatures Velociraptor and Morganon that no one cares about.

Although this group of little guys have weak combat power, they are experts at eating insects, and there are so many of them. With their small bodies, they withstood the first wave of the insect tide.

The swarm of insects is like a sea, and the huge waves are surging into the sky. Wave after wave hits the dam made of flesh and blood.

Each impact will create a gap in the release line, taking away many small creatures, but the gap will soon be blocked by velociraptors or Morgan beasts.

The humble small creatures firmly guarded the front line in ancient Asia, buying time for the arrival of subsequent large forces.

But this is only a few centimeters of small caterpillars. There are already many large bugs among the endless swarm.

These bugs are similar to large beetles, with a body length of more than one meter, and they are obviously used for attacking difficulties.

The body length of one meter is naturally not that big compared to the red-scaled flying dragon or dinosaur, but compared to the ten-centimeter Velociraptor and Morgan beast, it is a giant. In front of such a big guy, they have no ability to resist.

Xu Dong immediately entered the battlefield and cleared away the threatening beetles for the small creatures.

The small caterpillars that make up the torrent are too small to be caught by the Red Scale Flying Dragon's claws, so they can only be dealt with by the Velociraptor Lizard and Morgan Beast, but Xu Dong will not let go of those large beetles.

Red wings covered the sky. Under Xu Dong's order, they dispersed their formations and launched point-to-point attacks on the large beetles in the sea of ​​insects.

A large beetle rushed through the Ural Pass and rushed towards the Velociraptor's defense line. The leader of the Velociraptor in the front row was the young leader who had migrated from the Flying Dragon Plain.

It has now reached 60 centimeters in length. Although it is not half the size of a large beetle, the power given by the mutant pronucleus gives it confidence that it can defeat this big guy.

But before it could take the initiative to attack, a loud cry sounded from the sky.

The red flying dragon passed over its head, and its sharp claws inserted directly between the big claws of the big beetle. At this time, it was too late for the big beetle to close its big claws. The whole insect was picked up by the flying dragon and spun around in the air. It circled around and fell back into the worm pile.

This move was Xu Dong's Red Flame Dragon Attack. The big guy secretly learned it after seeing Xu Dong use it.

The Red Flame Dragon Attack attaches great importance to the user's strength. An ordinary flying dragon does not have the power to lift its prey completely, but the big red scale flying dragon with a wingspan of four meters is different.

Every group has more or less individuals with special talents. Among upright apes, these special individuals are geniuses, just like Leonardo da Vinci, Einstein, and Tesla.

It is not a pseudo-legend, but its power is not inferior to that of a pseudo-legend. It can also lift up a very heavy beetle.

However, the red flame dragon attack is Xu Dong's trick after all, and its actual lethality is not as good as directly scraping a few blows on the prey's back.

But he is really handsome. The pseudo-legendary lizard leader not far away was dumbfounded. He never thought that in addition to ordinary attacks, the creature has such cool tricks.

The red-scaled flying dragon kept passing over the insect swarm, killing each large beetle, but they were not invincible. The large pincers or sharp horns on the head of the large beetle could cause damage to the flying dragons.

A newly adult red-scale flying dragon was inexperienced. When it dived and attacked, it actually flew towards the beetle. Didn't it hit the muzzle of the beetle?

The black beetle with long sharp horns on its head raised its head, and the sharp horns penetrated directly into the dragon's chest.

Blood spurted out, and the inertia of its flight made the young red-scale flying dragon not stop even if it was pierced. Instead, it hit the big beetle directly and rolled into a ball with this guy.

Countless caterpillars crawled onto the body of the young flying dragon, tearing at its flesh and blood. It was difficult for it to survive after being trapped in the swarm of insects, but the honor of being a member of the Red Dragon clan prevented it from dying like this without any results.

The young flying dragon raised its claws and stabbed fiercely at the big beetle beneath it. The amber blood sprayed on the flying dragon, making it look particularly ferocious.

The big beetle stretched out its appendages and tried to kick the flying dragon away, but was chopped off by it.

Two claws, three claws, four claws.

There is no fifth claw anymore, a young life is buried in the belly of the insect, and it is a big black beetle that accompanies it to the end of the world.

The battle lasted until late at night. The insect swarm worked tirelessly and attacked the defense line formed by the Velociraptor Lizard and the Morgan Beast one after another, pushing the front line forward for hundreds of meters.

Countless velociraptor Morgan beasts were swallowed up by the sea of ​​​​insects. Even the bones of the creatures swallowed by the worm tide would be eaten clean, and no real bones would be left.

The eight thousand red-scaled flying dragons were too tired to fight anymore and could only rest on the cliffs on both sides. The defense line of the small creatures was crumbling and there was a danger of being breached at any time.

This war that swept the entire Pangea Continent was completely different from the previous tribal battles.

It only lasted for one day, and the loss of red-scaled flying dragons exceeded one hundred. The high casualty rate made Xu Dongdu very distressed.

You must know that the flying units of the Zerg have not yet appeared, and the ground units have almost no bugs that can attack the air. With such an advantage, the Red Scale Flying Dragon can kill hundreds of them, completely relying on the lives of the big beetles.

Looking at the nearly endless sea of ​​insects, Xu Dong couldn't help but feel anxious. Under such a fierce offensive, the Swift Lizard and Morgan Beast would not be able to survive the sunrise tomorrow.

Xu Dong, who has played many strategic games, knows that if the Zerg cannot be blocked at the Ural line of defense, then the entire ancient Asian creatures will face the Zerg poisoning thousands of miles away, with corpses everywhere and no life in sight.

The sky was slightly dawning, but the earth was shaking, and the roar of dragons came one after another in the morning light in the east.

Reinforcements from ancient Asia have arrived!

Thanks to Bai Yuehu, Gou Wu Fishing, a promise lasts forever, a pot of old wine and a pot of tea, and the Dragon Demon Tooth King for the reward.

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