Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 146 What Can’t Kill Me

When he was about to approach the ground, Xu Dong made an arcing turn, carrying the fire and wind as he flew over the heads of the insect swarm.

Perhaps Xu Dong's enthusiasm was too high, and he actually copied the scene where Rodon appears in Godzilla.

Countless insects were ignited and blown away, and raging fire ignited among the insects. The strong wind pressure not only failed to extinguish the fire, but made the fire intensify.

In the midst of the fire, a huge insect rushed and chased Xu Dong, but unfortunately it was too slow to catch up.

Xu Dong scraped on the ground for a while and then rushed straight towards the ocean in the south. At this time, the sea was shrouded in flying insects, but when it encountered the scorching heat of Xudong, it turned into fireworks all over the sky, which was dazzling.

There are countless islands in this shallow sea. Xu Dong had also been here before, so naturally he would not crash into the island stupidly, so he just crossed the archipelago and headed for the farther ocean.

Wherever he flew, flying insects fell one after another, and the sky was filled with red. This was red fire burning the sky.

On the island he flew over, two little guys were blown away by the wind pressure and flew into the sea. There were countless carnivorous fish in the sea, many of which were bigger than them.

Ordinary creatures falling into the water will definitely have a narrow escape, but the black velociraptor and the Morgan beast are no longer ordinary creatures. Although they have just entered the pseudo-legend, they are not something ordinary fish can deal with.

With a pop sound, Xu Dong slammed into the water, causing a huge wave.

He didn't realize it yet, but the two little guys were in trouble again. Just after fighting the big fish, the big waves came and knocked them back to the island, along with a lot of bony fish.

But they didn't care about the fish anymore. They stared at the place where Xu Dong fell. Water mist rose from the sea surface, which was the seawater evaporated by the high temperature.

Under the sea, Xu Dong was immersed in the sea water, feeling the cold sea water washing away the anxiety in his body.

After the initial panic, the surrounding small fish and shrimps quickly turned back and looked for food on this motionless big guy.

The scales and rotten meat that were scorched and melted by the high-temperature flames became delicacies in the eyes of the fish. Schools of fish swarmed in and surrounded Xu Dongdu.

This group of small fish couldn't hurt him at all. Instead, he felt like he was taking a fish bath in future generations. It was crispy, itchy, numb, and very comfortable.

A large number of marine fish also attracted marine predators. This is a six-meter-long incisor ichthyosaur. The incisor ichthyosaur is Taimanosaurus. It was the top predator of the ocean in the early Jurassic. It appeared here during this time period. It should be the Nothringen Ichthyosaurus.

This guy's streamlined body allowed him to swim quickly in the water. In just a moment, he got close to the school of fish surrounding Xudong. His slender snout penetrated the school of fish, bit a sea fish, and then swam far away to devour it.

Several more tooth-cutting ichthyosaurs came one after another from the sea, and they were obviously looking for bargains.

Just as they were quickly approaching the school of fish, Xu Dong raised his claws and made a single stroke. The terrifying power caused a vacuum in the sea water for a moment. This claw directly cut an incisor ichthyosaur in front of him in half, and blood quickly spread out. .

After all, they are sea creatures with no brains. Several ichthyosaurs rushed towards Xu Dong without caring about the size difference.

After two or three more swipes, several ichthyosaurs died one after another. Xu Dong grabbed one and brought it to his mouth, gnawing it clean like a big cake. However, the hunger still existed until it swallowed up all the ichthyosaurs. After eating all the food, I barely felt full.

Jumping up from the sea, Xu Dong once again felt the gentleness of the sun. Sure enough, the safe zone cannot be compared with the big stage of the universe. Even light ultraviolet rays cannot be withstood, let alone the more dangerous vacuum, weightlessness, gamma rays, radiation……

Xu Dong's appearance at this moment was extremely miserable. All the scales on his body were gone. Four pairs of the seven pairs of feather scale wings on his back were directly destroyed, and the other three pairs were also seriously damaged.

More than 50% of the body's flesh was rotten. Although a lot of it was eaten by those sea fish, it still accounted for a large part of the body.

From the majestic red-scaled flying dragon before, it has become a zombie dragon that is neither a dragon nor a ghost. It looks more like it came out of a pit of death than a giant spider.

Fortunately, the ultraviolet rays are constantly being reduced. At this time, the cells in Xu Dong's body have begun to gradually rejuvenate and are slowly repairing the damaged body.

Xu Dong, who has regenerated cells + prokaryotic cells + chloroplasts, really wants to die now.

Xu Dongfei left, planning to return to Ancient Asia to recover from his injuries, at least to his heyday before he could leave the mountain.

There is a group of small creatures left on the island who look at each other in disbelief. They see Xu Dong's power in their eyes, just like Xu Dong saw the legendary creature Sky Mica when he first became a little red lizard.

This may be a good thing for them. A lofty goal is often the beginning of a legend.

Xu Dong did not fly in the direction of the Urals, but flew across the Tethys Sea following the path taken 18 million years ago. He once flew for nearly half a year, but he only flew for two days.

This is because most of his wings have been lost and he cannot increase his speed. Otherwise, he would be able to reach Asia in less than a day.

Fortunately, Xu Dong's recovery ability is amazing. In just two days, all seven pairs of feathered scale wings have grown back. The black bad meat on his body has been falling off and falling into the ocean. Fresh and tender meat has grown out of the wounds, and the scales on the intact parts of his body have also grown back. out.

Xu Dong estimated that he would be able to fully recover in about two or three days.

When they arrived at the habitat of the red-scaled flying dragon, they found that only the young dragons and some adult dragons were left in the nest, and the rest of the main force had gone north.

What's going on? The red-scaled flying dragons rebelled?

That's not right. The rebels would not abandon the baby dragons and leave directly. It is taboo for an adult dragon to leave the nest and leave the baby dragons alone. It is very likely that in just a short time, the baby dragons will become a delicious meal for other dinosaurs.

Only land creatures could not enter the mountain lair opened by Xu Dong, so no accident happened.

Instructing the adult flying dragons left behind to take good care of the young dragons, Xu Dong flapped his wings and chased towards the north. Along the way, he saw countless creatures moving towards the north, the most common of which were Morgan beasts and velociraptors.

Is it the Great Migration? Impossible. Would the scale of migration be so large? And who is still migrating north during this season?

Soon he discovered a group of red-scaled flying dragons, flying towards the Ural Mountains.

After seeing the target, Xu Dong immediately stopped in front of the dragons. The leader of the flying dragons roared twice to express his joy, but Xu Dong was not happy at all.

My clan members are all sober, but why do they head north on their own initiative?

The only thing Xu Dong can think of is nature!

Only it can bypass Xudong and directly guide the flying dragons, allowing many creatures from ancient Asia to drag their families towards Siberia.

Thinking about it next, you know that you must cross the Ural to fight against the Zerg whose numbers have exploded.

Wouldn't it be great if we had the time to destroy them from the beginning?

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