Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 145 Earth Boundary Wall

This was a big round green insect. If it hadn't jumped up from the green ground, Xu Dong wouldn't have been able to spot it.

This round caterpillar is shaped like a flea and is only ten meters long. It is completely incomparable to the zombie spider that is 80 meters tall. However, it jumps tens of meters and approaches the tall body of the big spider at extremely high speed.

Unlike fleas, this round caterpillar has eight legs, and the front appendage turns into a saw-toothed curved knife similar to that of a mantis, sharpening it against spiders.

The big spider may have focused on the thunder beast and ignored the big flea mixed with the caterpillars behind it.

It wasn't until the big flea's blade arm was raised and slashed towards its back that it reacted and hurriedly tried to avoid it.


Both are alien creatures. The blade arms of the big flea are no less sharp than the shell of the thunder beast. The two blade arms were inserted into the hind abdomen of the zombie spider. The severe pain made the big spider scream.

After so many years of being influenced by corpse energy, the big spider can be regarded as a zombie insect according to the standards of later generations. Even though its body is not as strong as alien weapons like Thunder Beast, its defense power is sufficient.

After the flea's blade arm broke through the outer skin defense, it found that it was stuck in the body of the big spider and could not be pulled out. It was so anxious that it kept kicking its legs.

The big spider shook its fat butt crazily, but it couldn't get rid of the big flea.

The scene fell into embarrassment for a while. The big spider could not get rid of the flea. The flea also lost its attack weapon and could only passively follow the big spider in synchronization.

At this time, the cocoon that bound the thunder beast finally couldn't hold on anymore, and was torn open by the tremendous force of the thunder beast.

The big spider doesn't have the confidence to fight this monster one-on-one. It just wants to get the fleas off its butt and run away.

Yes, between guarding the stone pillar and its own life, it chose its own life. This is really the self-interested style of animals.

The thunder beast is about to emerge from its cocoon, and the big spider no longer cares about the fleas on its butt, and runs towards the west with its eight long legs. However, it may not know that it has just woken up from its deep sleep, but it can't hold back anymore. , there are bugs outside.

The big spider just ran away, and it was no good. If he had a stone in his hand at this time, he wouldn't mind playing the bomber game again, but looking around, he couldn't find a stone in the vast world.

The only stone is still a black technology stone pillar that cannot be cut.

Seeing the caterpillars climbing up and falling down due to lack of oxygen, he suddenly had the urge to fly up and see what was on the stone pillar.

High altitude is an insurmountable place of death for insects, but for Xu Dong, it is just a matter of time.

After being promoted to the Immortal Species, he only tested the flight speed, but not the flight altitude. He could already reach close to 10,000 meters before, but now can he directly break through the troposphere?

Xu Dong just went up along the stone pillar, breaking through 10,000 meters easily, but the top of the stone pillar was still out of sight. A few thousand meters further up would be the stratosphere with blue clouds under his feet.

Continuing to leap upward, breaking through layers of white clouds, we entered the second protective zone of the earth's atmosphere, the stratosphere.

Different from the troposphere where it is cold at the top and hot at the bottom, here it is hot at the top and cold at the bottom. The air flow is more stable than that in the troposphere, that is, the wind speed is generally faster.

However, the top of this stone pillar is still not visible, so what should I do? Just keep going up.

He flapped his wings vigorously and continued to move higher into the sky. The wind was strong and the temperature was very cold, but he could not stop the immortal Xu Dong until he reached the boundary of the blue area.

This layer that looks like a boundary wall is a protective shield that helps all life on earth filter ultraviolet rays. It was the ozone layer that lasted from more than 300 million years ago to the era of Homo erectus 100 million years later.

We are already at an altitude of 20,000 meters, and the air is already very thin. Although the ozone layer is the same body as oxygen, it is extremely unstable. Almost all Xu Dong breathes is air with a fishy smell.

Ozone lived up to its name. He felt more and more nauseated now, his eyes were sore, and the cells in his body were whining, but this section of the ozone layer was still several kilometers away.

Xu Dong was not ready to give up. He wanted to keep going up. Firstly, he was curious about the top of the stone pillar, and secondly, he was trying to break through the earth's protective umbrella, leave the safe zone, and face the limits of the universe.

The wings flapped, and a layer of thick blue border was right in front of him. He worked hard upwards, feeling that his body was failing with every breath.

This three-millimeter pure ozone layer is a real plane boundary. If you cross it, you will truly leave the human world and enter another world.

Phew~ A breakthrough.

Xu Dong easily broke through the thin barrier. This is the outer ring of the ozone layer. Ozone is as scattered as the inner ring. Ultraviolet rays react with ozone unscrupulously. The sunshine here is no longer as gentle as the earth. Every day Every bit of it caused him great harm.

UVA and UVB are nothing, they just cause black spots on the body, but UVC is no joke.

Ultraviolet rays in this band can cause great damage to living things. Even difficult bacteria and viruses are equal to all living beings under UVC.

Whether it is the mutated prokaryotic bacteria or chloroplasts transformed into cells in Xu Dong's body, they are rapidly disintegrating. It is estimated that if he is exposed to it for a while, he will be completely wiped out.

Sure enough, it is still too reluctant to resist the power of the universe with the body.

The feather scale wings flapped weakly, and Xu Dong just began to fall. His eyes that were originally closed opened slightly. In the hazy state, he saw the stone pillar and the huge platform above the stone pillar.

Standing proudly in the sky, overlooking the human world, is this an ancient ruin or an alien product?

When one day he is strong enough to resist direct ultraviolet rays, he will come up and take a look and see what is on that platform.

Close your eyes and let your body fall, with the sound of wind in your ears. Even if it doesn't flap its wings now, its falling speed is close to the speed of sound.

About a minute later, Xu Dong woke up from his coma and found that his body was actually on fire. It was friction. The friction of the air ignited the scales on Xu Dong's body.

If it were before, Xu Dong's physical fitness would naturally be able to withstand subsonic air friction.

However, after being directly exposed to UVC, countless cells in the body were killed and injured, and the first ones to die were his red scales and body.

The withered red scales were ignited by friction, and Xu Dong was like a phoenix in myths and legends, burning with blazing flames and falling towards the earth.

The caterpillars on the ground are alive and dead, and they don't know their age. They don't pay attention to the strange phenomena in the sky. The thunder beast that just struggled out of the cocoon looked up at the sky and let out a roar that seemed to be crying and laughing.

On the island not far to the south, a dragon and a beast stared blankly at the meteors and fire showers that streaked across the sky not far away, and couldn't help but feel a little more in awe of nature.

At the mouth of the western river, a huge Redonda dragon roared, and tens of thousands of plant dragons drove fish into the rivers of the European continent.

In Gondwana, countless pterosaurs, led by the huge pterosaur leader, crossed the split central mountain range and flew towards the place of origin.

In the east, the mighty velociraptors are approaching Europe. The leader, the young velociraptor, doesn't know where its destination is, but it feels that it can find a paradise for velociraptors if it keeps going west.

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