Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 144 Spiders walking around the pillar

Xu Dong had always doubted whether this guy was guarding this pillar. Otherwise, why didn't he show up at other times? When Xu Dong touched the pillar, he came out to disrupt the situation.

At first, I thought it was because of the attraction of the mutated pronucleus, but now it seems that the guarding pillar is obviously more important than the mutated pronucleus.

The big zombie spider waved eight steel appendages, stirring up and down the swarm of insects, but the effect was not ideal. His appendages had a very powerful piercing effect, but they were unable to pierce these insects that were not as big as its spider hairs. .

The smart immortal species will obviously change their methods. Since physical attacks cannot be effective, then use spider silk.

Unlike other spiders, this big zombie spider actually spits out spider silk from its mouth. Thousands of years ago, Xu Dong was busy avoiding the spider silk and escaping, so he didn't have time to complain. Now he is eating melons in the air, so he can comment on it.

The big spider sharpened its fangs, rubbed its appendages, and after some preparation, the spider silk balls spurted out, exploding countless small spider silk balls in the air and falling down like raindrops.

As long as it is touched by this spider thread, the green bug cannot escape, and can only twist and twist on the sticky white thread, and is eventually corroded into a puddle of thick water.

Hey, this spider silk has been upgraded and is now corrosive.

But the corrosive spider silk is not unlimited after all. After being shot dozens of times, the green bugs still show no decrease. Trillions of green bugs are no joke.

The big spider simply changed its tactics again. Although its appendages could not reach the insects, its size was such that with just a lift of its appendages, it could create a wave of air and lift the insect swarm away.

It fought like this in the sea of ​​insects for most of the day. The swarm of insects could not do anything to it, and it could not do anything to the insects. The caterpillars on the pillars climbed higher and higher.

However, Xu Dong felt that with their physical quality, they might not be able to climb to Xu Dong's height in a few months.

You must know that Xu Dong was at an altitude of thousands of meters at this time, and the oxygen was already very thin. Bugs did not have air sacs and lungs like dragon beasts, and could only breathe through the trachea, so the importance of oxygen to them was self-evident.

At this moment, the swarm of insects in the distance began to surge, like a big wave crashing over them.

A huge insect stood on the top of the insect wave and headed here.

This insect is different from any insect in Xu Dong's memory. It is huge, at least 60 meters long and 40 meters high. It is covered in black armor, has back spines, and has four legs. The front appendage has turned into a As for the large claws, it looks a bit like the Thunder Beast in StarCraft.

Damn it, these bug-like insects are not life on earth at all!

The huge thunder beast rode on the swarm of insects and rushed towards the big spider. Naturally, the zombie spider would not sit still and wait for death. It grinded its teeth at the charging thunder beast and made a clicking sound in demonstration.

Finally, the wave of insects crashed down. Among the big waves, the most eye-catching thing was the pair of huge and sharp claws. Whether it was animals, plants, or steel, they would be cut into two pieces under these claws.

The big zombie spider was very smart and did not face the Thunder Beast directly. It circled behind the stone pillar and used the stone pillar to resist the Thunder Beast's strongest attack.

Some people may say, isn't the big spider guarding the stone pillar? Aren't you afraid that this pillar of baptism of time will be cut in two?

However, only the giant spider that has been with the stone pillar for tens of millions of years knows how hard and mysterious this stone pillar is.


The big claws were clamped on the stone pillar, making a loud metal collision sound, followed by the thunder beast hitting the stone pillar with its head, and its skull cracked.

The Thunder Beast is too heavy. No matter how many caterpillars there are, they cannot bear the weight. They can only continue to relay the force, rolling the Thunder Beast forward like a log.

It is equivalent to driving a car without brakes on the highway. Because there are no brakes, Thunder Beast can only use the handbrake with its body every time.

Due to the hardness of the Thunder Beast's body, no matter how fast the impact is, it cannot be hurt at all, but this pillar is an exception.

It pinched hard with its big claws. Not to mention breaking the stone pillar, not even a single fragment fell off. Instead, it cut a gap with its sharp claws.

After that, he hit his head against a pillar and cracked its skull, almost destroying its brain. Although the insect's brain is not the most important, it doesn't mean it will be gone without it.

While the Thunder Beast was stunned, the big spider hiding behind the stone pillar quickly sprang out and slashed at the Thunder Beast with its two pairs of appendages.

Dong dong

After two loud noises, the zombie spider's invincible sharp appendage actually did not penetrate the Thunder Beast's shell. This guy was probably too tough.

And in such a comparison, the stone pillar that can crack the skull of a thunder beast is made of some outrageous material.

The big spider tried several times, but its appendages couldn't penetrate the Thunder Beast's body.

At this time, the thunder beast had woken up from the chaos and raised its giant claws towards the big spider.

The thunder beast is 60 meters long and 40 meters high. The giant spider was already 50 meters tall more than 10 million years ago, and is now 80 meters tall. This is why it can chop the thunder beast from top to bottom. s reason.

The Thunder Beast moved its limbs and ran towards the big spider. Every time it landed, it caused the ground to tremble, killing and flying countless insects. But there were too many caterpillars, and the Thunder Beast didn't care about their life or death at all.

The Ten Thousand-Year-Old Gou Spider knew that it could not confront the Thunder Beast head-on, so he chose to play in circles with it. When the Thunder Beast charged at it, it hid behind a stone pillar. Because of the previous blow to its head, the Thunder Beast could not run rampant unscrupulously. Gave the big spider a chance.

Whoops! The big spider circled back and sprayed webbing to stick to the back of the thunder beast, but it didn't care and turned around and rushed towards the spider again.

The flexible zombie spider circled behind the pillar again and sprayed spider silk from the other side. In this way, the Thunder Beast was entangled with countless bluish-white spider silk, restricting its movements.

It’s time to close the net!

The big spider tightened the spider silk in its mouth, and the cobwebs densely covered on the Thunder Beast pulled it to the stone pillar. The big spider quickly circled around the stone pillar, wrapping the spider silk around its body in circles. Before he could react at all, he was wrapped into a cocoon.

Then it's just a matter of waiting for the corrosive toxins to take effect.

The poison of the big spider is different from the corrosiveness of the blood of the Zerg. This is a special toxin formed by the fusion of the spider's own poison and the corpse poison of the death pit over a long period of time.

If the corrosive blood of the Zerg is dissolved by sulfuric acid, then the venom of the giant spider is decay and decay, the poison of death. It believes that even the shell as hard as a thunder beast will still be eroded by the poison of death, and eventually rot into a pool of yellow pus .


A terrifying roar came from the cocoon, and the thunder beast was constantly attacking the cocoon, trying to break out of the cocoon. However, the sticky and paralyzing cocoon made it useless but could only use its huge strength. Roaring violently to vent his anger.

Hoho, reinforcements are coming.

Xu Dong, who was watching the battle in the sky, applauded this wonderful show.

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