Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 143 Dragons and Beasts

Perhaps sensing the breath of living creatures on Xu Dong's body, the caterpillars on the ground suddenly started to move, rising up like ocean waves. One wave was a hundred meters high, and there were two waves at once, one on the left and right of Xu Dong.

Just like the book is closing, the big waves are coming towards Xu Dong. With such a terrifying amount, even if he is an immortal now, he does not dare to take risks himself.

The wings instantly jumped up to a thousand meters in the air. At such a height, it was hard to see what else the Zerg could do.

Sure enough, when Xu Dong reached a height beyond their reach, the land of caterpillars became calm again.

High altitudes are a restricted area for them, and lack of oxygen is a big killer for insects that breathe through their trachea.

Almost everyone knows the terror of the Zerg, but these guys are easy to deal with. They are all controlled by the mother worm pheromones. As long as the hidden mother worm is eliminated, the Zerg will have nothing to fear.

At Xu Dong's speed, he could visit the European landmass, which is only 1.5 million square kilometers, in one day, hoping to find traces of the female worm.

In the southernmost island group of the European continent, the green earth has not spread, only countless flying insects cover the entire sky, hunting for all life on the island.

They are the same species as the flying insects that Xu Dong defeated before. They are huge in number but have poor combat effectiveness. Although there is no way to deal with Xu Dong, but against ordinary creatures, the numerical advantage is unfavorable.

A small black lizard emerged from the water, revealing its small head. The long tongue inherited from its ancestors allowed it to hunt for food without leaving the water.

There were so many flying insects in the air at this time that it didn't even need to aim. It could stick to several of them by popping out and retracting its tongue.

After successfully foraging for food, he did not stay for a long time and immediately escaped into the water.

Relying on this hand, the little black lizard survived the insect wave, escaped here, and stood firm.

Turn around and swim to your own habitat, a small cave under the island. This place is under the water and can only be reached by wading through the water.

It is precisely because of this terrain that it can be protected from bugs and rest in peace.

However, in the dark cave, a pair of green eyes suddenly appeared behind the lizard, and the gaze made people shudder.

The small figure gradually walked out of the darkness. Through the light of the luminous algae, its appearance could be vaguely seen. It was a very common Morgan beast.

When will dragons and orcs, the billion-year-old enemies, live in the same place?

Especially now that the Velociraptor is the Morgan Beast's biggest competitor for survival. Counting the hatred between clans and families, they haven't even started a fight yet.

As if the Velociraptor knew of Morganmon's arrival, it quickly retreated and covered its mouth to prevent the bugs from leaking out, looking very naive.

However, the Morgan beast didn't bother to snatch the bugs from the lizard's mouth. It had its own way of foraging. It only needed to dig into the soil and turn around to find all kinds of food.

These two little guys both escaped from the European continent by wading through rivers. When caterpillars sweep across the land, they don't care about the ground or the ground. As long as they are alive, they will eat them.

Countless creatures died in the mouths of the insect swarm. As the lowest level and the most numerous small animals in the Jurassic, the Velociraptor and the Morgan Beast suffered heavy casualties under the insect swarm.

In order to avoid the tide of insects, many animals began to migrate around, but where could they find a place to stay on the European continent?

Fortunately, these caterpillars are more afraid of water, so many islands in southern Europe were spared. They waded through the water and swam to this small island.

However, the leader of the insect swarm did not intend to let any creature go. He sent countless flying insects to cover the sky of the southern European islands, blocking out the sunlight. They would hunt down all visible animals and plants.

This underwater cave was originally discovered by the Velociraptor and lived here for a few days. However, this Morgan beast fell from the sky. Is it okay to drop a deadly enemy from the sky?

In order to avoid the swarm of insects, the Morgan beast dug too deep into the cave. It accidentally dug into this cave and fell into the little velociraptor.

The dragon and the beast almost got into a fight after regaining consciousness. In the past, whenever they saw each other, they would definitely be trying to grab food. For a little bit of food, the two tribes had been fighting to the death for thousands of years.

Out of physical instinct, the two little guys were about to fight, but they stopped when they were about to come into contact.

In such a desperate situation, both sides had to maintain the utmost restraint in order to survive this common crisis and continue to survive.

On this day, Morgan Beast and Velociraptor were both asleep but were awakened by the vibration of the earth. After the two guys hugged each other and shivered for a while, the vibration slowly subsided.

The two little guys pushed each other away in disgust, looking extremely disgusted. They would not have any good impression of each other just because they lived together.

Dragon beasts, never be friends!

At this time, several dead fish suddenly floated up from the underwater exit of the cave. This was like pie in the sky. The Velociraptor and Morgan Beast were overjoyed and quickly dragged the big fish into the cave one by one.

There are so many big fish that they can go months without having to go out to look for food.

When Morganmon was eating a big fish, he found a shimmering bead in its belly. It was not picky about food and ate everything, so it swallowed one directly into its belly.

The Velociraptor next to him, who was also eating fish, was startled, and then he imitated Morganmon and swallowed the beads in the belly of his own fish.

After a rare meal and drink, one dragon and one beast lay down on the ground and fell asleep. This time they slept for a long time, perhaps to make up for being woken up at night.

After flying around the European land for several hours, Xu Dong finally discovered a strange place.

All you can see is the desolate green land, and you might imagine that there are so many caterpillars there, but on this green land, there is a towering stone pillar standing there, which seems very inconsistent.

This must be the pit of death that once existed. He hadn't seen it for so many years and he didn't dare to confirm it.

This pillar has been bothering Xu Dong for a long time, but then came the Triassic mass extinction and the Zerg attack, leaving him with no energy to explore the secret of this pillar.

I didn't expect to see him again after tens of millions of years under such circumstances.

In this peaceful moment, the green earth under the stone pillar suddenly surged, and the caterpillars actually began to climb up the stone pillar.

The insect swarm covered the pillar like a green shell.

At this time, a shining metallic appendage stretched out from the ground, and Xu Dong was all too familiar with the big spike-like feet.

Is that big spider not dead yet?

Xu Dong remembered the misery of being chased by this guy in the pit of death. If he hadn't been able to fly, he would have been eaten by it.

The big spider rose up from the blue earth, and the insects bit it but it was unscathed. This guy's body was already as hard as steel, and it was not something that these five scum bugs could bite through.

Xu Dong's body started to suffer from lividity reaction after staying here for two or three days. He thought that the giant spider that had been here for tens of millions of years was probably a real zombie that had been tempered into steel and iron bones.

Thanks for the tip, big brother.

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