Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 142 Dramatic changes in Northern Europe

Asia in later generations, from Shanghai in the east to Edirne, the westernmost city in Turkey, is about 8,200 kilometers long.

Today's ancient Asia is much narrower than Asia in later generations. India and the Middle East have not yet merged, and it is probably not even 6,000 kilometers long.

Traveling to Beihai in the morning and Cangwu in the evening?

Sorry, Xu Dong can do it now. Without considering air friction and body loss, Xu Dong can theoretically fly from east to west in six hours.

Of course, he couldn't really fly at subsonic speeds for six hours. He was looking for death. The sonic boom, tremors, and high temperatures at subsonic speeds were not something ordinary creatures could withstand.

Even if Xu Dong is as powerful as he is now and has solar energy to repair it, he can only fly at subsonic speed for an hour at most. No matter how many red scales he has on his body, he will be melted by the high temperature. Such damage cannot even be repaired by solar energy.

After leaving subsonic speed and returning to normal speed, the charging of solar energy can allow him to completely recover within half an hour. In other words, if Xu Dong really flies at full strength, he can cross the entire ancient Asia in nine hours at the fastest and reach the North Sea to Mu Cang. Wu's achievements.

Soon he reached the sky above the Great Lake. This was the area with the largest number of flying dragons among the three places. The dragon's mouth exploded after it had grown over the past few years. After Xu Dong easily took back the command, he counted the number of the group.

Including the newly hatched baby dragons, the number of flying dragons in this great lake habitat has reached as many as 8,000, of which no less than 3,500 can form a fighting force.

Next, Xu Dong made another trip to the Feilong Wilderness. He actually flew to three places in one day to bring the tribe back under his command.

At this time, the total number of dragons in his tribe is 20,000, and there are 8,000 adult units that can participate in the battle.

This is already a terrifying number. Unless species migrate, we have never seen so many creatures gathered together.

It took nearly two months to move all the members of the first two groups to a forest belt on the west coast, separated only by a mountain from the third group.

In the past, Xu Dong would have only allowed them to live on both sides, but now he has changed his mind and opened up a large habitat directly in the mountains, so that the young dragons of the Feilong tribe can live here without any worries.

With no worries, adult flying dragons can also hunt further afield and continue to survive and reproduce.

The reason why Xu Dong moved them near the West Sea is because it is the closest to Europe. If something unexpected happens, Xu Dong will be able to rock the dragon nearby.

After spending another month to completely reorganize the dragon group, Xu Dong set out again. This time he wanted to cross the Ural Mountains to see what Europe looks like today.

He has always maintained a vigilance against the Zerg, and he did not take it lightly even if he won a big victory before. Perhaps it was influenced by the movie games of later generations, or of course it may be an early warning from nature.

Subsonic flight is fast, and it didn't take long to return to the place where he was buried. By this time, the ice and snow had melted, and the cave dug by the Zerg had turned into a pool of water.

After approaching the Ural Mountains, Xu Dong's speed began to slow down. He wanted to maintain his best condition to explore the den of thieves.

He had already prepared for the worst, and he would not be surprised even if the mountain was covered with dense insect eggs.

After crossing the Ural Mountains, Europe finally appeared in front of Xu Dong's eyes again. Fortunately, it was not as scary as he imagined. The ground was not covered with fungi and insect eggs were not everywhere.

On the contrary, the European continent is very normal, with green land and flowing rivers, but the land is very empty, which makes Xu Dong feel very inconsistent.

After flying forward for dozens of kilometers, he finally realized where the sense of disharmony came from, and that was the plants.

Why is there not a single plant on the blue earth?

Even in the previously desolate Siberia, there were still a few ferns dotting the scene, but here there is not even a tree or a clump of ferns. Have the bugs here evolved to eat living plants?

I have been flying for hundreds of kilometers, all the way from Asia to North America, but I still haven’t seen anything. The environment in North America is even worse than that in Europe. Europe is still plain after all, but North America is full of sand. It has become a veritable place. big pile of sand.

Is this a deterioration of the environment or a swarm of insects? Where are the promised insects? Is it all Xu Dong’s imagination?

Impossible, this hunch is correct, he must have overlooked something.

Xu Dong suddenly thought of something and quickly turned back and flew towards Europe.

North America was a desert during the Triassic in eastern Xudong. Although it was later transformed into a rain forest by the Carnian flood event, it returned to a desert in the late Triassic.

But it's definitely not possible on such a large scale.

As we all know, the reason for the formation of deserts is soil erosion. After soil erosion, the land will turn into loess, and the land in Europe is green!

Maybe you don’t think much of it when you say this, but what if this European land is not land at all?

It is true that Xu Dong has an eagle eye, but what the eagle eye sees is actually more dynamic objects, and those that are motionless will be ignored, just like a camera focusing and blurring.

Xu Dong soon returned to Europe. This time he no longer flew so high, but dropped to a low altitude of about ten meters, which allowed him to see the situation on the ground more clearly.

Sure enough, the ground was no longer land, but small, motionless green worms.

They are very tiny, the big ones are only three centimeters, and the small ones are even only millimeters. They are like the most basic component of the image, the pixels.

When there are enough pixels, they can be easily combined into an image that deceives vision.

This is too amazing. Although Xu Dong did not fly across the entire Europe, the area covered by this flight was large enough.

Europe in later generations covered 10 million square kilometers. At this time, most of Europe was still under the sea. This northern continent was larger than Northern Europe, with a maximum of 1.5 million square kilometers.

What is the concept of 1.5 million kilometers covered with bugs? Even if each bug only occupies one square centimeter, that's 1.5 trillion bugs, which is simply appalling.

Don't be surprised yet, the number of bugs has always been outrageous - absolutely outrageous.

In 2006, some people believed that the number of ants in the world was about 500 billion through census statistics. However, biologists generally believe that this is an underestimate. There are at least 100 billion ants.

But this is just an ant.

According to Google data, there are at least 100 mosquitoes per square kilometer of land. Based on this estimate, the total number of mosquitoes is at least one billion.

In addition to ants and mosquitoes, bees, locusts, beetles, aphids, etc. are also numerous bugs that can make your scalp numb.

In later generations, there were as many as 10 million species of insects, accounting for half of all biological species on earth. The total number is estimated to be no less than 10 million, which is 1 followed by 19 zeros.

After such conversion, Xu Dong suddenly discovered that these 1.5 trillion bugs seemed to be nothing significant.

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