Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 141 Subsonic Speed

Xu Dong flapped his seven pairs of feather scale wings and floated thousands of meters high in the sky. The sun was rising, and the sunlight fell on the snowy top of the Ural Mountains, shining like a golden dome.

Take a deep breath and feel the sunshine that you have not enjoyed for a long time. The chloroplasts in your body are like dormant seeds, gradually awakening under the caress of the sun, like seedlings breaking out of their shells.

Xu Dong could feel that his body was eagerly absorbing the heat of the sun, and his body temperature, strength, and body flexibility were all returning. This body was much stronger than before.

At this time, his wingspan has reached a terrifying thirty meters, and his body length is eight meters long. His whole body is covered with smooth and bright red scales, and each piece of red phosphorus has a green thread at its root.

It's just that the scales on the body are relatively dense, and the green color is not conspicuous, but the exposed wings are extremely conspicuous.

It has been described a long time ago that the feather scale wings of the red scale flying dragon are a main trunk with feather scales hanging on both sides. Now the main trunk of the feather scale wings has turned green, and there is also a cluster of green at the root where the feather scales are connected to the main trunk. It looks like a red flower in bud on its rhizome.

What such changes have brought to Xudong is that the efficiency of absorbing solar energy has been greatly enhanced. If it was just a solar power bank in the past, now it is a power plant, and the solar energy obtained is enough to supplement the consumption of most of Xudong's activities.

Unless he encounters a battle that requires all-out efforts or even a near-death encounter, he is a perpetual motion machine that cannot be defeated no matter what.

However, for flying units, if you can't beat them and run away, how can you get into a desperate situation, unless the opponent can fly faster than you.

After a while, Xu Dong burped. With the help of solar energy, he was actually full after being hungry.

I don’t know what happened to the three clusters of red-scaled flying dragons under my command during the few years I was trapped under the snow.

It's better to go take a look first. If nothing unexpected happens, he plans to gather them together to form an unprecedented flying dragon army.

The wings merged into pterosaur skin wings, and with one strong blow, the Ural Mountains became insignificant and invisible.


This speed is so terrifying. Although it is not as good as the Kunpeng in ancient poems that can fly ninety thousand miles with one spread of its wings, he can still achieve it with a fan that can fly hundreds of miles.

In front of Xu Dong's speed, no ordinary creature in history can compare with him, except for those unknown legendary creatures.

The fastest flying creature in the history of the earth is the peregrine falcon at 389km/h. Xu Dong can easily surpass it now.

His speed at this moment is infinitely close to the speed of sound. What is the concept of speed of sound? Under normal circumstances, it is approximately equal to 340m/s, which is almost 1224km/h, which is hardly a speed that living things can achieve.

Xu Dong's top speed can reach 1,000km/h. After being promoted to the Immortal Species, compared with ordinary creatures, there are completely two levels of life.

In just one hour, he completed the two-day journey and arrived at the plain surrounded by mountains and sea.

This was the last red-scaled flying dragon that he gathered. The number was about three thousand, and the adult ones were only about a thousand.

But now that he was high above the plains, his enhanced vision allowed him to see the dynamics on the ground clearly like an eagle's eye.

In the past few years, the group has grown rapidly, and the number of members has almost exceeded 6,000. Of course, most of them are young dragons.

Including the young dragons that have grown up in the past few years, this plain can now draw more than 2,500 adult units to participate in the battle.

Xu Dong nodded, folded his wings and fell to the ground. The huge wings fell, and the creatures on the ground fled in fear just by feeling the wind pressure.

His movement also alerted the surrounding red-scaled flying dragons. They quickly gathered together and shouted to their companions, preparing to deal with the big guy Xu Dong together.

Very good, he actually didn't panic and run away when faced with such a big creature. It was not in vain that Xu Dong had taught them for so long.

Soon, a tall flying dragon with a wingspan of more than four meters came here with thousands of tribesmen to support them. They formed a formation to confront Xu Dong.

Close to the sea, there are thousands of red flying dragons. The array is spread out for several hundred meters, and they are densely packed like red clouds.

On the side near the mountain, although there was only one red-scale flying dragon, it was astonishingly large. Its wingspan was the total length of ten flying dragons. It was just suspended there, but its power was not inferior at all.

The big man at the front of the dragon group felt more and more strange as he looked at it. The huge flying dragon in front of him always gave it a familiar feeling, as if he had seen it somewhere before.

But it was convinced that it had never encountered such a huge creature, and it would be impossible for it to be unimpressed if it saw it.

When Xu Dong raised his head and roared loudly, all the flying dragons trembled in unison. This sound was too familiar to them. This was a group of them, uniting them into a whole, leading them to defeat the insects and dominate. The leader of the plains.

Among them, the big flying dragon was the most excited. It was Xu Dong who made him feel overwhelmingly powerful.

Whenever it leads a group of dragons to hunt large dinosaurs and becomes arrogant, the scar on its chest will ache, reminding it who created such a terrifying red tide. The flying dragon who single-handedly established the hegemony of the dragon clan is the real leader.

Now, it finally came back. The big guy was so excited that he actually challenged Xu Dong.

Haha, that's a lot of courage.

Xu Dong did not refuse. He was afraid that the dragons would forget their own strength after not coming back for so long. It was time for them to recall the fear of being dominated by Xu Dong again.

The big guy with a wingspan of four meters rushed towards Xu Dong menacingly. However, before it could get closer, a feather scale wing on Xu Dong's back had already stretched out, as soft as an octopus tentacle, and slapped the big guy. .

The young man who had been Xu Dong's leader for several years was unable to withstand such a huge force. He flew out in circles and barely stopped until he hit a big tree.

Xu Dong had tried his best to hold back his strength, and the force of the wings was less than half. However, even so, ordinary flying dragons could no longer resist it. Fortunately, the big man was gifted with a strong body, and there were branches to relieve the force, so he was not defeated. Shoot him to death.

It seems that when getting along with his own people in the future, he will not be able to use even half of his strength. Xu Dong, who has just become an immortal species, cannot control the surge of power very well. If he is not careful, he will beat his own people to death.

After showing off his presence in front of the newborn dragon, Xu Dong set off again, preparing to head to the big lake in the southeast. With his ability to fly at subsonic speeds, he might be able to visit all three habitats in one day. , when the time comes to find a larger habitat to settle the young dragons, you can start preparing for war.

The situation in the west may be very bad, otherwise the climate of nature would not always be so abnormal.

He kicked his legs hard and jumped into the air. He flapped his feather scale wings and stirred up a gust of wind. After a brief acceleration, Xu Dong turned into a red light and disappeared from the sight of the red scale flying dragon, leaving behind a group of people. The strong wind blew the red-scaled flying dragon swaying around.

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