Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 140 Promotion to the Immortal Seed

Because of problems with temperature and water sources, herbivorous dinosaurs migrated during the dry season and winter.

Normally, things are fine. As soon as winter approaches, the vegetarian dragons will walk thousands of kilometers to migrate to the tropical southern China, and then return to northern China in the following spring.

In order to store meat for the coming winter, the red-scaled flying dragon launched a massacre against the large herbivorous dinosaurs that were about to migrate in the flying dragon plain, converting all these dinosaurs that had been raised for nearly a year into meat for the winter.

This massacre lasted for half a month. The entire Feilong Plain was littered with corpses, and there were dead large vegetarian dragons everywhere. Only about 40% of the adult dragons took the young dragons all the way south and escaped from this horror. place.

If this tradition can be passed down from generation to generation, it may become a custom similar to killing pigs and sheep during the New Year in the future.

This winter, heavy snow swept across the entire Pangea continent. This heavy snowfall has not been common in recent decades. However, the creatures at this time have no intention of studying why this winter is so cold. They can only passively survive this time. At the end of the year, I pray that the cold winter will pass quickly.

In this coldest time of the year, everything is low and no animals can be seen in the empty plains. Only the whistling cold wind blows the earth tirelessly.

But just on this silver-covered North China Plain, there is such a lizard, diligently foraging on the earth. It is one of the two bottom creatures of ancient Asia, the Velociraptor, which is as famous as the Morgan beast.

They are indispensable throughout the entire Pangea continent from north to south, whether it is Laurasia or Gondwana.

This group of early differentiated species of small red dragons did not inherit any of the excellent components given by Xu Dong, but only their own tenacious vitality and strong reproductive ability.

They cannot hibernate, their fighting power is weak, and they have no choice but to brave the severe cold to come out to look for food in winter.

However, their abundance also makes them one of the few food sources available to winter predators.

What's better than a calorie-packed meal on a cold winter day?

The young Pangearaptor, which is more than one meter in size, has been hungry for a long time. It is hungry and skinny, and its eyes turn to look around at any food that can be eaten.

Suddenly, it discovered a velociraptor eating tree bark. It was overjoyed and ran quickly towards the velociraptor.

Even in the ice and snow, the bottom forager will not relax its vigilance, and Pangeraptor's surprise attack did not catch it.

After the little velociraptor dodged Pangeraptor's attack, it ran away, but the hungry young Pangeraptor was chasing after it.

It is no longer easy to meet a living animal in this ice and snow. How could it give up so easily?

In the panic, the little lizard didn't pay attention to the front, and actually hit a hard object and was knocked to the snow.

Pangeraptor, who was chasing behind, was immediately ecstatic when it saw it. Thinking of the bloody meat, a faint splash appeared at the corner of its mouth. It could finally have a full meal today.

However, all this was just its last fantasy. The hard object the velociraptor hit was actually a large velociraptor.

Generally, velociraptors are only about ten centimeters long, but this one is 20 centimeters, which is twice as big as ordinary velociraptors.

Moreover, this tall velociraptor is not alone. There are thousands of velociraptors behind it. They are all the tribesmen and subordinates of this large velociraptor.

After setting off from the Feilong Plains, the young leader continued to gather the velociraptors on the way, and gradually grew to its current level.

Even when facing this huge Pangeraptor, they showed no fear at all and pounced on the predator one after another.

The young raptor, who was only a little over 1 meter tall, had never seen such a scene before. He was so frightened that he tried to run away, but was eventually chased by a group of velociraptor lizards and chewed into bones.

This 20-centimeter velociraptor leader has been very smart since he was a child. He once witnessed his father and other velociraptors provoking predators like crazy, and finally walked out of the forest and never came back.

So when his mother died, he left the forest with the rest of the velociraptors and embarked on a journey north.

In the beginning, they were hunted down by various creatures, and even bullied by Morgan beasts, just because these creatures were bigger and stronger than them.

It wasn't until it learned to attack in groups like the red-scaled flying dragons it had witnessed and defeated the Morgan beast that it completely understood that quantity was more important than size.

So whenever you encounter a velociraptor on the road, it will take it under its wing. When the number of the group reaches a hundred, the small creatures will run away when they see them. When the number reaches a thousand, the small and medium-sized predators that used to tremble when they see them It also dares to cull.

It seems that the Velociraptor is also slowly but firmly walking a path that has been traveled by countless predecessors.

Winter turns to spring, rain and drought alternate, and several years pass in a flash. The climate in the past two years has been somewhat abnormal, and the temperature has not been rising, which makes the dragons who are drought-tolerant and afraid of cold very uncomfortable.

This winter is still as cold as ever, with heavy snowfall arriving as scheduled, submerging the Siberian plains under a thick layer of snow.

In the plains at the foot of the Ural Mountains, the thickness of the snow even reaches hundreds of meters.

On this vast plain covered with ice and snow, a big black hole suddenly exploded, throwing all the snowflakes originally covering it into the air, and then falling slowly, like real snow.

A huge black shadow emerged from the crater and flew thousands of meters into the sky in an instant.

It's Xu Dong, he's back again!

Two years ago, he was tricked by nature, or it can be said that he was pushed by nature.

Xu Dong had actually reached the critical moment for the longevity species to be promoted to the immortal species after eating several mutated prokaryotes.

This is a critical moment when he steps from ordinary life to extraordinary life. After passing it, he will no longer be limited to a life span of hundreds of years like ordinary creatures.

And if you can't get over it, your body will be exploded by mutated prokaryotic bacteria.

After entering the immortal species, Xu Dong no longer has a solid mutated pronucleus in his body, but transforms into cells and completely becomes a part of Xu Dong.

The cellular structure of living things is like an edited program. Now it is necessary to forcibly insert a piece of code that is completely different from the original program.

Then there will be two situations. One is that the program is incompatible with the code and the program is completely scrapped.

Secondly, the program did not crash after inserting the code. Even when the programmers were confused, the program continued to run and even added some new features that were completely confusing.

Is this explanation easy to understand?

Immortal species are the second case. Prokaryotic bacteria that are completely incompatible with the body's cells have been successfully integrated into the body, making this originally ordinary body completely transformed. The size has become larger, the strength has become stronger, the speed has become faster, and the life span has been infinitely increased. The most terrifying thing is , this is not the limit.

You must know that there are even more terrifying legendary creatures of the Immortal Species, whose lifespans can even reach hundreds of millions of years. What kind of strange life forms are they?

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