Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 139 Under the avalanche

Da Zhilong ran away, but Xu Dong didn't have to worry about the avalanche behind him. Being able to fly was such a bug that it was completely impossible to be crushed.

Xu Dong could even eat some of the flesh and blood while digging open the abdomen of the leg dragon to retrieve the mutated pronucleus.

After all, it is a pseudo-legendary at the level of 18 meters. The mutant pronucleus is a circle larger than the ordinary pronucleus. It seems that it must have swallowed up a lot of pronuclei.

Xu Dong smiled politely and accepted the large proto-nucleus. Apart from feeling a little hungry after eating it, there was no big difference.

No matter how hungry he is, the big guy in front of him has plenty of meat, which is enough for him to eat.

But now was not the time to eat. Xu Dong suppressed his body's hunger and prepared to eat the mutated prokaryotes in the insect swarm first.

Despite the large number of bugs, most of them are actually not pseudo-legendary at all. These guys can also possess a small number of pseudo-legendary qualities after devouring the flesh and blood of pseudo-legends, but they are certainly not comparable to those who directly eat mutated prokaryotes.

In fact, after all, only the Big Beetle and its four guards can be considered true pseudo-legends.

Xu Dong came to the center of the explosion, where the five insect corpses had turned into charcoal. He lightly touched the big beetle, and it turned into ashes and drifted away in the wind.

However, the mutated pronucleus was not damaged at all by the explosion and still maintained its round bead shape.

However, the size of this beetle is not smaller than that of Athosaurus, and its width is even greater than that of Athosaurus. Is the proto-nucleus that exploded so big?

It was only a little larger than an ordinary pronucleus, and certainly couldn't be compared with the one inside the Legosaurus.

Only three protonuclei exploded out of the remaining four big bugs. The big beetle could be identified by its size. The other four were all about the same size. Xu Dong didn't know which one was just a fool mixed in.

What was a pity for Xu Dong was that these big guys from the Zerg race turned to dust at the first touch, and he didn't even get a bite of the bug components from the Zerg race.

Back at the Legosaurus, the avalanche in the Ural Mountains had just approached the foot of the mountain. With Xu Dong's speed, he could eat until he was full before leaving.

He cut it with his sharp claws and inserted a piece of leg dragon meat into his mouth. Well, this guy tastes good.

The flesh was chewy, bloody, and the fishy smell exploded in his mouth. This meat was considered to be the first-grade meat among the creatures he had ever eaten.

Tasting the delicious leg dragon meat, Xu Dong wanted to see what components this big guy could explode.

[Obtain source quality +6]

Sure enough, as Xu Dong's size increased, the source of essence these big guys could provide became less and less.

I think the two Triassic dragons gave Xu Dong a starting quality of ten points. However, this leg dragon was only slightly smaller than the Triassic dragon and was still a powerful pseudo-legend. However, such a big guy was only given six points.

[Get source quality +5]

[Obtain source quality +3]

On average, it takes five pieces of meat to get one source of essence. Fortunately, Xu Dong now has a food storage stomach and can eat more, otherwise he really wouldn't get much source of essence.

[Acquired component: Hypodosaurus's subcutaneous osteogenic spurs]

Components are out.

To be honest, this thing is not very useful, and Xu Dong does not rely on these things for defense. With claws, wings, strong bite force and fangs, he now has many offensive weapons.

How about adding a few spikes to the tail like a stegosaurus? It feels good to have a Stegosaurus tail wagging while flying.

The function of the red-scaled flying dragon's tail is to provide balance. A few bone spurs should not cause the tail to lose its balance.

The avalanche had reached the foot of the mountain and was running towards the insect corpse unabated. Xu Dong was also full and ready to leave at this time.

Just as he flapped his wings and flew about ten meters away, he suddenly felt uncomfortable inside his body, and his intestines and stomach twisted, as if two villains were fighting.

His body temperature rose sharply, and his red scales became brighter red. The cold air in Siberia could not offset the heat of his body. Xu Dong could no longer control his body shape and fell straight down.

He landed with a bang, and Xu Dong fell to the ground and kept twitching. His body was red, and his size began to expand rapidly. He swelled into a ball and rolled around on the ground like a puffer fish.

Seeing that the avalanche was about to hit him, he couldn't move. Pain filled his whole body. He couldn't control his body at all. He couldn't even open his eyes. He could only endure the hot, expanding, and twisted impacts over and over again, praying for this abnormality. Can get there quickly.

Finally, the avalanche rushing down from the Ural Mountains drowned the insect corpses, the caves, and the rivers. It also flooded Xudong, burying it under the ice and snow.

Da Zhilong, who had already run for several kilometers, looked back at the terrifying avalanche and was still frightened. Fortunately, he ran too fast.

What our ancestors said is indeed true. The outside world is too dangerous, and the only way to survive is to be stubborn.

The arrival of the avalanche is just a precursor, implying the arrival of winter. Cold air sweeps across the Siberian plains, covering the desolate land with a layer of frost.

Let's follow Xudong's flight path and look south.

More than 3,000 red-scaled flying dragons on the coastal plain have condensed into a group, with the mountain clan leader who has recovered from his injuries, the red-scaled flying dragon with a wingspan of four meters, as the temporary leader.

This was what Xu Dong had designated when he left, and only the strongest big guy could suppress all the flying dragons and prevent them from splitting again.

In fact, most of the divisions in the past were due to issues of food and living space. Under Xu Dong's teachings, they learned powerful air raid tactics, and there were no creatures that they could not hunt in the plains surrounded by mountains and seas.

With sufficient food supply and enough living space, the population began to multiply rapidly, and the number of new baby dragons was far greater than before.

Going all the way south, we came to the Great Lake. The area around the Great Lake now has its own overlord. This land with a radius of hundreds of kilometers belongs to the King of the Sky, the Red Scale Flying Dragon.

Xu Dong had been away from their group for quite some time, and the new baby dragons all hatched out of their eggshells before winter came.

Because of the appearance of Xu Dong, the red-scaled flying dragon no longer needs to fish to survive. It can hunt enough meat by walking around the lake every day.

Before winter comes, they have fed themselves well, their main stomach and accessory stomach are full, and dormant cells will work to help them survive the cold and food-deficient winter.

Thousands of newborn dragons may freeze to death and starve to death, but as long as they survive the winter, they will have a whole year of stable growth.

Further south, the red-scaled flying dragons located in the Feilong Plain have become very skilled in raising vegetarian dragons, but the dry season and winter are still the times they hate the most, because drought and freezing of the rivers will cause the herbivorous dragons to escape.

No rancher wants the livestock in his pasture to escape. Once the livestock escapes from the cage, the erect ape will lose some money at most, while the flying dragon will face starvation.

In order to survive this cold winter, maintain the life of the group, and prevent them from starving to death in the winter.

The flying dragons brutally massacred the dragon pen and the escaping vegetarian dragons to accumulate food for the coming winter.

Thanks to Samsarac for the tip.

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