Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 13 A new land and a new journey

With an ample supply of food and no powerful predators in the surrounding area or in the water, the little red dragons were able to lay sand paths at an alarming rate.

In the past few days, apart from eating and sleeping, they have been busy moving sand, piling sand, wetting the sand, and paving sand paths. Xu Dong is a little red dragon and naturally does not need to do such physical work. He was swimming leisurely in the river at the moment.

After many days of adaptation, his swimming skills are now much better than when he first came here. Although he still can't catch the agile ray-finned fish, he can still catch the silly Triassic tailed frog very easily.

The Triassic tailed frog is similar to the frogs of later generations, except that it still has a small tail behind its buttocks. It is also a close relative of the previous Salander, but its strength is different. It can claim to be a freshwater overlord, but the tailed frog, the ancestor of later frogs, could only eat insects in the Triassic, which is a shame for the vertebrates.

However, the tail frog said that whoever laughs at the end is the real winner.

Therefore, when frogs 200 million years later are still taunting single dogs in wheat fields, rivers, and ponds, the soil on the graves of the Salamanderidae family has already been buried dozens of meters deep.

The size of the Triassic-tailed frog is similar to that of the small red dragon. They are both about ten centimeters in size. In terms of fatness, the Triassic-tailed frog is like a sumo wrestler and a thin bamboo pole compared to the small red dragon. What's more? The diet of Triassic tail frogs originally included lizards.

Once the data panel is displayed, it looks like Tail Frog is a sure winner.

But who told it to face Xu Dong, a wall hanging? A pair of wolverine claws can penetrate even the dragon skin of a tuatara and the carapace of a sand scorpion, let alone the slippery tailed frog, under Xu Dong's claws It's no different from paper.

This story tells us that the contradictions and disputes in the world of paleontology have existed since ancient times. Your slippery body light armor, the leather armor of the scale dragon, and the full-body light armor of the Zerg are all outdated and can no longer resist the increasingly powerful fangs and claws. The kingly evolution of the armor faction is still the pseudo-crocodile-like physalis type with heavy body armor and back stabbing anti-armor flow. It is the kind of powerful human shield that makes predators unable to bite.

This was the case when Xu Dong faced the Salamander. His sharp claws could not cut through the heavy armor of the Salamander. If he could be given a weapon to cut off everything, let alone the skeletal spondylosis of Sunset West Mountain, He can kill even the invincible Crocodile Raudiensis for you.

Of course, the Triassic tailed frogs are not useless. In order to better obtain food, they specialized in jumping ability and elongated the bare bones. If you look closely, you will find that the frog's legs, not including the soles of the feet, have three sections. This is the most The lower section is the hollow bare bone.

A modern frog a few centimeters in size can jump 1 meter to 5 meters high and 1 meter to 3 meters away, which is dozens of times their body size. This jumping ability is terrifying. Faced with this special ability component, Xu Dongke is very greedy.

Fortunately, there are not many Triassic tailed frogs in this section of the river. Xu Dong ate about ten tailed frogs during the few days of paving the road and finally got rid of the [Triassic tailed frog's bouncing bare bones].

While paving the road, Xu Dong also returned to the desert to see if the salamander that had chased him for several streets was completely dead.

As a result, there was no sign of the salamander in the vast desert. It must have been eaten by some predator.

Xu Dong didn't care. He came back just to take revenge and relieve his anger. Even if he really saw the body of the newt, he wouldn't be able to drag it back.

Happy life is always short-lived. In the occasional rain, twenty little red dragons worked overtime 996 hours a day and finally paved the sand path to the opposite side of the dirt field.

The leader Xu Dong first set foot on another land through the sand road. This is no longer the sparse desert and the hot Gobi. This is the grassland covered with low stone pines. Under his feet is the land that has not been seen for a long time, exuding the fragrance of earth. After more than two years, he finally stepped on the soil again!

Take a deep breath of fresh air. Unlike the scorching heat of the desert, the oxygen here is cool and moist, which is really comfortable.

Xu Dong knew that he couldn't be sentimental for too long, so he turned around and gave a low, hoarse cry to the little red dragons on the other side of the river, calling them to come over quickly.

Without any hesitation, the twenty loyal little red dragons stepped across the sand path one by one and stepped onto this extremely unfamiliar land. The sticky soil, low green plants, and low-flying insects were all unique. It is impacting the world view of the little red dragons.

Taking in too much and too complicated knowledge at one time will inevitably lead to confusion. Fortunately, the little red dragon has no brain. Since he can't understand, he simply doesn't think about it. Some of the more lively ones have already started chasing the flying insects.

Xu Dong let them play by themselves for a while so that he could take care of the harvest of the past two years.

During the two years of migration, countless desert creatures were killed. At this time, Xu Dong had thirty-six points of source material and four newly obtained components, namely:

[North American sand scorpion carapace], useless garbage;

[Short dorsal spines of tuatara], useless garbage;

[The third eye of the tuatara], which is the pineal gland between the two eyes of the tuatara, is widely present in the brains of vertebrates, but it is usually degenerated and buried deep in the cranial cavity. It is not known what its specific use is. , it is said that the tuatara's third eye has the ability to sense light.

[The jumping bare bones of the Triassic tail frog], needless to say, this is a must-have component for modification.

With so many sources and components, Xu Dong can actually carry out biological transformation now, but he can't let go of the twenty little red dragons that have been with him for so long.

The evolution of a species may take tens of millions of years. He was afraid that after he disappeared, the little red dragons would not be able to survive in this cruel world.

Therefore, only after leading the little red dragons to a habitat where they can fully adapt and have sufficient food for the race to develop and grow, will he enter the creature editor again for transformation.

After the excitement of the little red dragons subsided, Xu Dong led a group of twenty little red dragons and continued to the east on stone pines and soil.

Further to the east is the Eurasian plate of Pangea. There are dense forests there, ample water sources, and countless food. That is the most suitable place for the development of the little red dragon.

Pangea spans the north and south and is vast in territory. It has a variety of landforms and environments and a variety of ecosystems. It has given birth to countless creatures and countless predators.

The grassland that Xu Dong set foot on already had its own ecological circle, with ancient creatures occupying various ecological niches. On this prairie densely covered with low plants, the remnants of the past overlords and the emerging races that looked like hidden dragons competed. A miniature race for survival spanning millions of years.

The battle between dragons and beasts will never stop as long as one side is not completely defeated!

Small theater of paleontology: Triassic tailed frog, the earliest slide-body amphibian discovered so far. It is different from other frogs in that it has a cute little tail trailing behind its buttocks.

Animal Kingdom - Phylum Chordata - Subphylum Vertebrates - Tetrapods - Sliding amphibians, but it is not clear whether it belongs to the order of anurans or anurans.

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