Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 138 Justice from Heaven

Is this fungal red sandstone?

Xu Dong once saw the news that there were rocks on high mountains that would self-destruct.

For this reason, Xu Dong also specifically searched for the fungal red sandbag boulder in the article.

In the end, nothing was found. Just when he suspected that it was another marketing account, he actually found a picture that looked like a red sandbag rock.

Although most of these stones in the Ural Mountains were covered with ice and snow, Xu Dong recognized them at a glance as red sandbag stones.

He cut off a few pieces with his claws. He didn't know if these stones could really explode. Anyway, throwing ordinary stones would also throw them, and throwing red sandbag stones would also throw them. Why not give it a try?

Xu Dong just threw the Flower of Sin casually, and the fungus red sandstone fell downwards in a parabola.

One piece, two pieces, three pieces.

Bang Bang Bang

Three clouds of smoke and dust were exploded in the insect swarm, which were no different from the previous stones.

Sure enough, I was deceived by the marketing account. How can rocks explode so easily?

How about flying high and throwing it?

Xu Dong cut off three larger pieces of red stone, flapped his wings and flew higher into the sky.

This time, even the tallest Ural Mountains were trampled under his feet. The temperature in the upper air became extremely cold, the air became thinner, and the horizon began to arc. It was at least nearly 10,000 meters high here.

Although it is not as good as the black and white vultures of later generations, it is enough to crush 99% of the birds.

At this time, the insect swarm below has changed from a small patch to a small dot. It is a question whether it can hit it if it is thrown here.

In this case, let's dive and shoot again, and try again to see if it can break its own speed limit of 400 yards.

The giant wing adjusted its direction, and Xu Dong rushed downwards at high speed. After a while, the speed was so fast that a sonic boom was generated. He couldn't open his eyes now. The only thing he could do was to rely on his memory to smash the stone down.

Since nature wants them to block the bugs, let's give Xu Dong a little luck and let Xu Dong hit all three shots.


At an altitude of more than a thousand meters, Xu Dong slowly slowed down and stopped here. He threw the three fungal red sandstones down when they were three thousand meters above the ground. Where they landed would depend on God's will.

He lowered his head and looked down at the earth, and saw a little red light in the middle of the black insect swarm. Then the red color expanded rapidly, and the smoke obscured his vision, making Xu Dong unable to see clearly what was going on inside.

Although he couldn't see the real situation, he could feel that the earth was shaking, the mountains were shaking, and the ice and snow were disintegrating.

A loud rumbling sound rang in Xu Dong's ears. He turned his head and looked in the direction of the sound, and saw the ice and snow of the Ural Mountains disintegrating and breaking like furious waves, rushing downwards.

There's an avalanche!

The stone he threw caused an explosion, and the air shock caused by the explosion caused an avalanche. One link after another, the layout of nature is always so perfect, and there is no trace of deliberate intention.

But now is not the time to lament. The most important thing is to grab things quickly before the avalanche falls.

We can't fight such a beautiful battle without receiving any spoils, otherwise no one will be willing to work for nature in the future.

Xu Dong flapped his wings and flew downward quickly. At a height of one thousand meters, he could reach the ground in about ten seconds at most.

After feeling the changing temperature and turbulent airflow, he stopped and observed the scene. The explosion had gradually subsided, but the effect was huge.

In fact, all three fungal red sandstones were deflected when they fell, but the wind brought them all over the insect swarm, and the one that exploded happened to land exactly where the big beetle was.

The small red rock was like a meteor, bringing out a long tail flame and falling towards the big beetle lord and the guards.

The big beetle, which had already suffered a loss, naturally did not dare to confront the stone that easily penetrated its armor, but there was no point in getting out of the way, because this time it was no longer as simple as the stone causing a wave of air, this time it was real. .

Judgment from heaven!

The red stone fell to the ground, instantly exploding a cloud of white smoke. A second later, a red light appeared in the smoke. The fire expanded violently, creating an explosion effect, and a huge air wave swept in all directions with a roar.

The big beetle and the four guards at the center of the explosion were instantly scorched by the huge explosion. The black beetles on the ground turned from black to red like flowers blooming, and the insect tide outside the center of the explosion turned into a sea of ​​red.

Then the air wave swept over, and the dead insects were lifted thousands of meters away, falling to the ground like raindrops. The scene was like meteors from the sky, and the sky was full of red rain, which happened to be reflected in the eyelids of Xu Dong and Zhilong.

This big plant dragon is not dead yet, and it was not fighting the big beetle when the red stone fell.

In fact, when Xu Dong started playing with bombers, the big plant dragon, who was afraid of being affected by his comrades, once again shrank to the outside of the insect swarm, close to the source of the river where he crawled out.

So when the explosion happened, this clever guy turned around and dived into the river without any injuries.

Oh, it can't be said to be unscathed. The high temperature and air waves still shook it to pieces, but with its pseudo-legendary physique, it quickly regained its consciousness.

When its head emerged from the water again, it saw this unique rain of insects.

It was naturally not interested in this gorgeous scene. What it was interested in was only the mutated pronucleus in the leg dragon and the big insect.

Xu Dong also had the same idea as it. As the biggest contributor to this battle, Xu Dong, who almost single-handedly wiped out the entire insect swarm, could share the fruits of victory with others, especially this big plant dragon that won the whole process lying down.

The first one that the big plant dragon rushed towards was the leg dragon that was killed by his teammates' last hits. The leaders of the insect swarm have been burned to charcoal now. How can they be as delicious as this meaty leg dragon with large protozoa.

But before it could get close to the Legosaurus, the sound of airflow was heard above the Legosaurus, and he looked up.

A huge dragon whose figure could not be seen clearly under the sun just flapped its wings and floated above the leg dragon.

He didn't make any move or yell in protest, but his meaning was already obvious. This leg dragon belonged to him.

If it was before the war started, Zhilong had not paid much attention to Xu Dong. After all, size is king in the biological world. Xu Dong's wingspan was only five meters, but it was only a quarter of its length. How could he be afraid of him.

But now Xu Dong came down with the power of annihilating the Zerg. Although he didn't make a sound, his momentum was overwhelming. Zhilong found that his calves were trembling a little, and he was actually scared.

Lei Dongdalong's family motto is that the word gou comes first. This is the way of survival taught by the ancestors himself.

There is no need to offend this raptor for a leg dragon. After making an excuse for himself, it slowly retreated back into the river and popped its head out to observe secretly.

Seeing that Zhilong was so aware of current affairs, Xu Dong decided to remind it, so that he was not killed by the explosion but was crushed to death by the avalanche.

After he landed on the leg dragon, he raised his right paw and pointed lightly in the direction of the Ural Mountains. As expected, the smart big plant dragon turned around and looked.

The sight made it feel like it was dead, and it didn't dare to stay any longer. It swung its thick tail, moved its limbs and ran away along the river desperately.

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