Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 135 Great changes in the Urals

After the battle was over, Xu Dong began to integrate the red-scaled flying dragons in the entire plain area.

Including the flying dragon population on the coast, the number of flying dragons reached over 3,000.

Xu Dong began to teach the flying dragons hunting skills, unity and cooperation, and the necessary sacrificial rituals. After spending a month, he finally knitted them into a whole.

This plain is larger than the previous Feilong Wilderness. It is surrounded by mountains on three sides and the sea on one side. It is a natural dinosaur pasture.

In such a large place, the number of flying dragons is only slightly more than that in the Flying Dragon Field, and there is more space for development. If he has time, Xu Dong would of course want to turn this plain into a herbivorous dragon pasture like the Flying Dragon Field.

But there was always a heavy feeling in his heart that a storm was about to come, and he had no time or inclination for him to take care of the ranch.

On this day, Xu Dong decided to embark on a journey again. This time he wanted to go all the way north to see the Ural Mountains that straddled Siberia and served as a natural barrier to ancient Asia. He felt that something big was going to happen there.

It would be best if nothing happens to the Ural Mountains. If something does happen, then something more terrible must have happened in the west. So Xu Dong needs to go over there and see what Europe is like today.

At Xu Dong's speed, it wouldn't take long to sprint to Siberia with all his strength.

Today's Siberia is far less vibrant than North China. At least in the Early Jurassic, no dinosaur fossils unearthed in Siberia have been found. However, in the Middle and Late Jurassic, sauropods were very prosperous here.

After flying for five or six days, the climate began to get colder. Fortunately, the feather scales had a thermal insulation function similar to that of bird feathers, so he would not shiver from the cold.

No wonder there are no dinosaurs here. Why would the dragons, who are resistant to drought and cold, like to stay in such a cold place? Their feathers have not evolved to keep them warm in later generations.

Ten million years ago, Siberia was not so cold. The temperature in the Triassic was already high, and it happened to coincide with volcanic eruptions in igneous provinces and global climate warming.

When Xu Dong flew to Siberia, he didn't feel any difference in temperature from North China. Except for the fact that it was a bit colder at high altitude when crossing the Ural Mountains, everything else was fine.

The climate of the Jurassic was much better than that of the Triassic. Although there were no distinct four seasons, at least there was no sustained high temperature and drought. This made the climate of Siberia in the north different from that of North China.

This large area of ​​land is so desolate that it is difficult to imagine that this will be the birthplace of giant sauropods in the future.

It can be said that thousands of mountains have been wiped out by insects and thousands of dragons have been wiped out. Although tenacious plants are still sparsely dotted in this wasteland, in general, it is still lifeless.

Naturally, there would be no red-scale flying dragon in such a place. Xu Dong flew at full speed towards the Ural Mountains. At full speed, it took only two days to reach the foot of the mountain.

The huge Ural Mountains still tower over the wilderness, like a Titan with its head in the sky and its feet on the earth, giving people an indescribable sense of majesty.

Xu Dong's only regret when he arrived at this prehistoric era was that he had never seen the central mountain range of Pangea. The Ural Mountains were already so spectacular, so how powerful would the central mountain range that divided the continent into two and cut across the north and south be?

All the way north along the Great Wall of Siberia, Xu Dong kept flying at a tortoise speed of 30 yards.

Except for the continuous mountains, the surrounding clouds and mist, and the occasional river flowing from the mountains, there is nothing else, and there is no sign of any life activity.

If he didn't find anything strange until he reached the North Pole of Pangea, he would have to cross the mountains and head to Europe.

Perhaps due to Xu Dong's keen senses, or perhaps due to fate, he really discovered something strange in the Ural Mountains.

At first he thought it was the sound of the river flowing down from the mountains, but when he listened carefully, he found that it was not.

Siberia was so quiet that the sound of falling rivers was very noisy. Through the noisy sound of falling spring water, he heard strange sounds coming from underground.

What kind of sound is this? It comes one after another. It is very strange and difficult to describe, but it always makes people feel uneasy.

At this moment, a large hole suddenly exploded in the dry and cold Siberian land, and wisps of white smoke came out of the dark hole.

Could it be another mantle plume erupting?

No, this crater is only about ten meters in diameter. Would a mantle plume really be so small? Is this looking down upon nature and the earth?

Soon a huge insect head emerged from the hole. Xu Dong may not recognize this big head from other insects, but he has seen a lot of crickets. But are there any crickets these days?

Then he thought of another point, what are these insects digging holes under the mountain for? Could it be that we couldn't climb over the Ural Mountains, so we found another way to dig there?

A huge mole cricket of the family Gryllidae jumped out of the hole. It was at least one meter long. It should be a pseudo-legend. But when the second one of the same size came up, Xu Dong was a little unsure.

The third one, the fourth one, the fifth one...

A total of nine mole crickets came up, which made Xu Dong confused. It was impossible that all nine of them were pseudo-legends. Is the mutated pronucleus so worthless now?

Indeed, they are not really pseudo-legends. They only partially possess the characteristics of pseudo-legends. They are bugs that hatched in the bodies of pseudo-legends and eat away at the flesh and blood of pseudo-legends, giving them a trace of legendary characteristics.

Before the nine mole crickets were finished, another bigger one emerged from the hole in the ground.

This insect is about five meters long, with an overall oval shape, a pointed head, and two pairs of appendages located on the top of the head.

If it's just like this, it's just a bigger pseudo-legend, and there's nothing to care about.

But the most disgusting thing is that the densely packed insect eggs on its back are like the poisonous bugs of later generations, which makes Xu Dong just want to stay as far away as possible.

Fortunately, only one stink bug emerged, and the rest were densely packed small beetles.

Is this the Zerg vanguard? I feel that the strength is not bad. There are nine giant crickets that are suspected of being pseudo-legendary, an equally suspicious stink bug, and a huge number of carnivorous beetles. Not to mention ordinary creatures, such a lineup will make ordinary long-lived species kneel when they encounter it.

Just as Xu Dong was hesitating about how to deal with these smuggled bugs, a big guy suddenly appeared in the river not far away. Is this a huge, plant dragon?

Are there any dragon plants these days?

It was twenty meters long, with towering horns and protruding scales on its back, making it look more like a crocodile than a crocodile.

Is this guy a long-lived species that survived the Triassic mass extinction or a newly born long-lived species from the phytosaur tribe that survived the Jurassic?

This is very important. If it is an immortal species that survived the end of the Triassic Period, then there is a high probability that it will be on Xu Dong's side this time, but few creatures will be fond of bugs.

If it's the newly born stupid green longevity species, it's hard to say. After all, no one knows what these guys are thinking.

In other words, there is a generation gap.

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