Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 136 The leg dragon is rolling

Insects emerged from the holes one after another, including many large units. Faced with such a situation, the first person to take action was neither Xu Dong nor the plant dragon, but a large one running from a distance. Dinosaur.

The length of this dinosaur is unclear, and it’s hard to tell what species it is, because it didn’t come running, but rolled.

Literally, this guy curled his body into a big ball, rolled over from the northern wasteland, and rolled into the insect swarm without hesitation.

The dense insect swarm couldn't stop the dinosaur ball at all. It was mercilessly crushed by it, making a click sound, and was crushed into insect cakes, leaving yellow blood on the ground.

Among the insects, a three-meter black beetle moved its appendages and walked directly in front of the dinosaur ball. It raised its two appendages and the ball towards the ball that was twice its size. The forked horns on his head.

Real insect arm blocker

With a bang sound, the big black beetle was directly knocked away. Not to mention the horns on its head, most of its head was flattened.

However, its obstruction also successfully stopped the dinosaur ball, and only then did Xu Dong see the specific appearance of this dinosaur.

This is a red-legged dragon with short spines on its back. It is about 18 meters long. It must be a pseudo-legend, but I don't know if it is a long-lived species or a long-lived species.

Legosaurus belongs to the ornithischian armored form, which is related to Scutosaurus. It is also the ancestor of the later Stegosaurus and Ankylosaurus. They are both vegetarian dinosaurs, but their actions are not at all like docile herbivores.

The grumpy red armored dragon looked around and found that even the largest bugs in the insect tide were small bugs to it. Only a colorful beetle with a body length of about five meters could still see it, so he became so angry. He rushed towards the largest colorful beetle.

This guy has no tactics. As long as it curls its body into a ball, it will be in a pseudo-invincible state. Almost no attacks can harm it. No wonder it is so reckless.

Seeing how brave this vegetarian dinosaur was, Xu Dong and Phytosaurus naturally couldn't do anything. They also had to prove that they were brave, so they rushed into the insect swarm one after another.

The dozen or so silverfish with a body length of one meter that Big Phytosaurus targeted had relatively full belly meat. Da Phytosaurus probably prefers eating meaty fish.

Xu Dong aimed at the nine mole crickets. As for the mole crickets with densely packed larvae on their backs, it was so disgusting that he couldn't do anything about it. He had better let Brother Leg Dragon and Brother Plant Dragon handle it.

One meter long mole crickets are actually easy to deal with, even if there are nine of them.

The red wings flapped, and Xu Dong showed his claws and slashed at the crickets. This group of cricket tribe members were brave and good at fighting, and they opened their big claws and wanted to bite Xu Dong.

Ha, naive.

Xu Dong let them bite directly. His sharp claws, which were as sharp as iron as mud, were bitten by the mole cricket in his mouth, but there was no lag at all. Instead, he was cut in half along the insect's body.

A wave of air strikes killed four mole crickets. It was indeed not a fake legend. There was no mutated pronucleus in his body at all. He spun around in the air and dived down again.

These mole crickets didn't know whether to call them brave or stupid. Even though four of their kind were killed, they still bit Xu Dong's claws without hesitation.

Still the same way of death, Xu Dong chopped all the remaining five to death this time, and the whole family had to die neatly.

He successfully defeated his opponent here, but things were not so smooth on the other side. It was not Zhilong's side. Brother Zhilong had already killed all the silverfish and was feasting on them.

The one who ran into trouble was the leg dragon brother who looked very awesome at first. After it turned into a leg dragon, it ran directly towards the largest colorful beetle in the insect swarm. Who would have thought that this insect was not a tank at all, but a tank. It's artillery.

The colorful beetle turned its back, raised its butt slightly, and fired an explosive bomb at the rolling leg dragon.


There was an explosion, and the huge leg dragon was blown hundreds of meters away. The power of the explosion was so terrifying that the aftermath killed a large swarm of insects around it.

Although circular rolling can relieve force, it is not truly invincible. Facing explosive attacks that exceed the upper limit, you will also be injured.

As for the leg dragon that faced the blow from the colorful cannonworm, a large area of ​​its back was charred black, exuding the smell of burnt barbecue.

The subcutaneous bone used as a defense in the scorched black area was directly blown to pieces and burst into the leg dragon's body, causing it to suffer terribly.

But after all, it is a pseudo-legend, with amazing vitality. He actually did not die. Instead, he got up from the ground, breathing heavily, and his amber eyes began to slowly turn red. This was a sign that he was about to go crazy.

Just then, a big bug crawled out of the pothole again. This bug was much larger than the one on the ground. Even if it was a pothole with a diameter of ten meters, it could barely squeeze out.

This was a large black beetle, its body was ten meters wide. After squeezing out of the hole, Xu Dong was able to see its entirety.

The body is eighteen meters long, with a shiny black and hard shell and eight pairs of appendages. The front appendage has evolved into two huge spikes, which look extremely sharp.

After the big beetle came to land, all the bugs seemed to have found a backbone and gathered towards the big beetle.

Xu Dong and Zhilong decided to wait and see for a while, but the already half-crazy Legosaurus didn't care so much. He curled up into a ball again and rolled towards the big beetle.

The disgusting egg-bearing insect used its two tentacles to grab the eggs from its back and threw them towards the leg dragon.

This is not a simple insect egg. The insect egg contains highly corrosive acid and makes a sizzling sound when it hits the leg dragon's back.

It turns out this guy is a bombardier.

Xu Dong silently moved away from it. He didn't want to undergo another baptism of sulfuric acid.

Facing the rolling impact of the leg dragon, the big beetle was not afraid at all. It rushed out from the crowd, with two long black-tipped thorns standing in front of it, and pierced directly towards the leg dragon.

Xu Dong no longer dared to look at it. This pseudo-legend, which was nearly twenty meters tall, seemed to be dying on the spot.


The leg dragon Gungun was not pierced by the black thorn? He quickly removed the black thorns and rolled them along the appendages to the top of the large beetle.

It can directly crush the black beetle at a glance. With the weight of the leg dragon, which is at least fifteen tons, as long as it crushes the beetle, even if it cannot be crushed to death, it will definitely be seriously injured.


There was the familiar sound of cannons again, and the colorful beetle on the side of the big beetle raised its abdomen and pointed at the leg dragon at some point.

At this moment, the hope of the Legosaur's counter-attack was completely cut off. A huge explosion hit the Legosaurus again, blowing it a hundred meters away, and it lay on the ground whining in pain.

Although the leg dragon is not dead yet, it has lost the ability to get up and can only be slaughtered by insects.

Xu Dong and Zhilong came to a consensus that they must not be hit by this colorful beetle. Even the leg dragon, which is good at defense, could not withstand two hits. With Xu Dong's small body, he would probably be beaten to pieces in one blow. .

When the big black beetle aimed its small black eyes at Xu Dong, the surrounding insect tide surged like waves. He knew that his battle was about to begin.

Paleontology Small Theater: The genus Cylosaurus is also known as Limosaurus and Rhyptosaurus, which means legged lizard in Greek. Hypodosaurus was a four-legged, herbivorous dinosaur with few bony plates, about 4 meters in length. They lived in the early Jurassic period.

One of the most primitive species of the armored suborder, Cylosaurus, when fully grown, was quite small compared to other dinosaurs. Some scientists estimate that Legosaurus was 4 meters long. Cylosaurus was a four-legged dinosaur with its hind limbs longer than its forelimbs. They may have supported themselves on their hind limbs to eat leaves from trees; but the forefoot pads of Legosaurus were as large as their hind legs, suggesting an almost quadrupedal posture. Legosaurs had four toes, with the innermost toe being the smallest.

Sauriformes - Archosaurs - Dinosaurs - Ornithischians - Armored classes - Legosauridae - Legosaurs

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