Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 134 Red Wings Charge

In the sea shrouded by the insect tide, a little white light flashed in the shadow. This was a milky white light bead flying towards the south.

Behind it is a huge red-scaled flying dragon with a wingspan of five meters. He is stretching his head and preparing to bite the mutated proto-nucleus that is only one body away from it.

Unfortunately, it was still a step too late. A sea fish arrived first, emerged from the water, swallowed the mutated pronucleus that was almost close to the surface, and then swam towards the bottom of the sea in an instant.

This is Xu Dong's original nucleus, how could he allow it to be robbed by a stupid fish.


The water splashed everywhere, and the huge red-scaled flying dragon rushed into the sea.

However, Xu Dong underestimated the environment in the sea. He didn't have any components on his body that could adapt to the underwater environment. He couldn't open his eyes underwater, couldn't breathe without gills, and could only rely on brute force to swim in the sea without fins.

In addition to relying on his explosive power to chase fish for a while at first, he could only float to the surface to breathe fresh air due to oxygen problems.

It seems necessary to install the fins, otherwise the next time you encounter an emergency and go into the water, you will only be blinded.

Xu Dong flew into the sky and rushed back to the coast at a speed countless times faster than the insect swarm. At this time, the warriors from the plains tribe and the mountain tribe were waiting in full formation, cheering and howling when they saw Xu Dong's safe return.

He has already tested the quality of the insect swarm. It is just a group of scum with only a limited number. When the commander is killed, they are no longer invincible.

Nearly a thousand red wings spread their wings and flew up, forming a wedge formation commonly used when cavalry charges. Of course, the flying dragons were not so intelligent and could not really form a triangle.

However, with Xu Dong taking the lead as an arrow, the charge should be considerable enough.

Nearly a thousand flying dragons, under the leadership of Xu Dong, continued to increase their speed, exerting their usual training level, and just plunged straight into the insect swarm.

The armor is as bright as a forest, and the sharp teeth are dense, like an unstoppable heavy cavalry stepping into the peasant army, piercing through with great momentum.

The insects on Red Wing's forward route were knocked unconscious if they were lucky, and those who were unlucky were swallowed directly by the red-scale flying dragon, or were directly killed on the spot. The insect swarm was panicked for a while and could not gather together. together.

This was a one-sided massacre. The flying insects that lacked the means to attack and could only attack with the pair of pincers were helpless against the red scale armor of the red scale flying dragon. The swarm of insects like black clouds were just passed through by Red Wings. , cut into two pieces on the left and right.

After this move, I don’t know how many bugs died, but the red-scaled flying dragon didn’t lose any of them. Even those unlucky flying dragons that were burrowed into their bodies by bugs were fine for a while and could still continue to fight.

Xu Dong finally understood why so many people liked to play cavalry charge tactics during the feudal dynasty. It was because it was so satisfying to drill through. Listening to the insects being killed one by one with pop and pop was simply a stress-relieving tool.

The red tide was as powerful as a rainbow. Xu Dong took advantage of the victory and pursued it, leading the flying dragons to break through and rush in again from the other direction of the insect tide.

It was still as unstoppable as ever. How could these fragile and small insects withstand the impact of the red tide? The red wings passed by and left nothing but insect corpses on the ground, which made the fish in the sea cheaper.

After charging three times, the red-scaled flying dragons finally began to lose their physical strength, and they were all panting. If Xu Dong hadn't led them to practice for a while, they might not have been able to survive the second round of charging.

It can be seen that no matter what you do, you need good physical strength, otherwise it will not last long enough.

The next step is to fight on their own. Although the insect tide has been hit hard, there are still too many, and the red scale flying dragon alone cannot solve it.

Xu Dong set his sights on the fish in the sea, which were no less numerous than insects. Aren't these ready-made helpers?

As long as they find a way to kill the bugs, these sea fish can help them solve their worries.

But the attack one by one is too slow. Can the entire insect swarm be suppressed close to the sea surface? In this way, marine fish can jump directly out of the water to eat bugs.

While Xu Dong was thinking hard about the method in the worm pile, he might be shocked by the power of his kind, or he just wanted to eat the worms, or the blood of the red dragon in their bodies had not yet cooled down.

Many red-scaled flying dragons from coastal groups actually came spontaneously to help deal with the insect swarms, and they showed more and more signs.

With the help of these more than a thousand flying dragons, Xu Dong's pressure is undoubtedly greatly reduced. Although the coastal tribes were a ragtag group before, they were dealing with similar people who were already stronger than them.

Now when it comes to dealing with bugs that they often eat, they are much more efficient than the plains tribes. Even the mountain tribes who also eat bugs can't compare with them.

Sometimes a shortcoming in one aspect is not enough to deny a person. Maybe he is superior in other aspects?

Just like these red-scale flying dragons, although their combat power is poor, they are indeed experts at catching fish and eating insects. I feel that they must be brought with them to deal with the insect tribe.

A strong wind suddenly blew from the west, carrying big waves and roaring. The nature of the sea changed at a moment's notice. In just a moment, a storm was coming.

However, the change in the celestial phenomena at this moment helped Xu Dong.

The red-scaled flying dragons were larger and the wind couldn't do anything to them, but the same could not be said for the small insects. The strong wind blew them to and fro, and many of them fell into the sea and fed to the sea fish.

Even if there are still some that haven't been blown down, they can't hold on for long, and there is no hope of flying to the shore.

Soon, the swarm of insects was wiped out offshore in front of the power of nature. They died without even having time to go ashore to escape the wind and waves.

Xu Dong didn't even know how such weak insects crossed the Tethys Sea. Could it be that they were learning his island-hopping tactics back then?

Even if they do reach the North China Plain, what can they do with their strength?

In terms of combat effectiveness, it is not even as good as those bugs encountered thousands of years ago.

Apart from their large numbers, they really have no redeeming qualities, unless they are just the pathfinders sent by the Zerg to ancient Asia.

The red-scaled flying dragons cheered for winning against the bugs and were extremely excited. After getting Xu Dong's consent, they flew over the sea one by one and caught plump sea fish.

Because of the swarm of insects, the coast is now full of fish. You don't even have to look at the location. You can pick up a fish just by inserting your claws.

Abundant fish also attract more and more small and medium-sized predators to gather towards the coast, wanting to share a wave of fish feast.

The red-scaled flying dragons, who had just won the war, did not take action against them. They were all busy fishing and had no time to pay attention to them.

Unlike the cheerful tribesmen, Xu Dong was a little gloomy. The insect swarm was weak beyond imagination, which made him more and more uneasy, as if there was some dark cloud hanging over him, making it difficult to be happy.

Next time, maybe it won't be so easy.

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