After easily defeating the red-scale flying dragon tribe on the coast, Xu Dong did not feel happy at all, because the sea was no longer blue and the sky had lost its original color.

The overwhelming swarm of insects pressed over like a black cloud. The number was beyond Xu Dong's imagination. Even the ones he encountered tens of millions of years ago were not enough to account for 11% of this swarm of insects.

Something bad is going on. Xu Dongdu has not yet finished integrating the red-scaled flying dragons from ancient Asia, but the insect wave has arrived first.

On this plain, Xu Dong currently leads only nearly a thousand flying dragons, some of which are underage young flying dragons. How can he fight against the insect swarm?

But if it doesn't fight, it means that it has to give up the more than a thousand red-scale flying dragons of the Coast Tribe. These are Xu Dong's internal subordinates.

Although they are weak, they are not unable to be saved. After all, the red scale flying dragon's physical condition is there. What they lack now is just the sense of fighting.

You must know that Xu Dong currently has only more than 6,000 red-scaled flying dragons at his disposal, plus more than 1,000 from the mountain tribes and plains tribes that have just been conquered here.

If he could bring the flying dragons from the coast under his command, the flying dragons in Xu Dong's hands could reach the spectacular number of eight thousand.

Xu Dong was a little unwilling to let all the more than a thousand red-scale flying dragons be lost here, giving up one-sixth of the flying dragons.

Xu Dong decided to break into the insect swarm first to see if he had any chance of winning.

He is no longer the little guy who was chased by the swarm of insects thousands of years ago. He is now very, very strong.

With full-body armor, sharp weapons, long battery life, and instant recovery, he is sure to escape unscathed even if he goes deep into the insect swarm.

Flying towards the overwhelming swarm of insects, Xu Dong continued to increase his speed, 40 yards - 60 yards - 80 yards - 120 yards - 160 yards.

The distance is not enough. 160 yards is already the highest speed Xu Dong can mention. Although it has not reached the limit, it is enough.

Xu Dong ran headlong into the swarm of insects, like a stone thrown into flour, and the dust was scattered everywhere.

These tiny flying insects seemed to have been knocked away, and dust was flying all over the sky, falling to the sea one after another.

These flying insects are not as huge as those in StarCraft and Starship Troopers. They are extremely small but very flexible and can use the air to relieve force.

So despite the spectacular momentum caused by Xu Dong's collision with the insect swarm, only a handful of flying insects were actually killed, and most of them were just knocked unconscious by the huge force.

After entering the insect swarm, with Xu Dong's defense power, the small pincers on the mouths of these insects could not even bite his scales, let alone hurt him.

But one thing that is very annoying is that these bugs are pervasive. As long as there is a hole, they can burrow in and then go inside the body to cause damage.

Xu Dong closed his eyelids to prevent flying insects from entering his eyes. It also has no external ears. The only thing worth worrying about is the back.

In order to prevent the chrysanthemum from being damaged and the ground covered with injuries, he quickly used the tricks he had used to deal with the red tide before.

Thousands of tempers - Spiraling to the sky

Xu Dong turned into a red top and spun in the insect tide. Different from the time in the flying dragon group, when he was afraid of killing the flying dragon, Xu Dong restrained his strength and didn't spin too fast. This time, he didn't need to worry about anything. He spun quickly. Started and couldn't stop at all.

Because Xu Dong rotated too fast, a spiral airflow was actually generated, spinning all the surrounding insects.

At first, the vortex relied on Xu Dong's rotation. Later, Xu Dong didn't need to exert any effort, and the external swirling airflow directly carried him around.

The extremely small flying insects can't stand such a spin. One of them will either be suffocated, or be thrown away by the spiral, or become dizzy and fall on its own. The worst thing is that it will be crushed to pieces and strangled to death.

If the insect tide is like a sea, then what Xu Dong stirs up is the sea vortex. The insects are all seawater in the sea vortex. They can neither escape nor attack, and can only be carried by the air currents.

Seeing that the huge insect swarm was about to be wiped out by Xu Dong, the commander who was hiding in the insect swarm finally couldn't sit still.

This is a huge beetle, about sixty centimeters in length, with a slender body, a black carapace, and large pincers on its mouth. Its wings extend from its back, and it buzzes when it flies.

It rushed towards the spiral in the sea of ​​insects. Even though Xu Dong, who was in the center of the vortex, was rotating very fast, the speed had dropped a lot when it reached the outside of the vortex and could not affect such a large insect.

It flew straight towards Xu Dong's position. It had no impact at first, but soon began to become unstable.

As it gets closer to the center, the spiral airflow rotates faster and faster, and the big beetle is stuck in place, unable to move.

It was fighting with the airflow, using all its strength to resist the traction of the airflow, but a small flying insect accidentally hit the beetle's wing.

This was like the last straw that broke the camel's back. The big beetle could no longer maintain its shape and was drawn into the chaotic vortex, being carried towards the center.

And in the center of the vortex, where Xu Dong was spinning at high speed, there were not only wings that rotated like umbrella leaves, but also hooks that were as sharp as iron and mud. Any bug would be cut into pieces under this blade.

The big beetle was not immune. Although it could fly, it obviously had no other means. It was carried by the airflow and hit Xu Dong's rotating hook.

Amidst the miserable neighing sound, it was cut in two and turned into a puddle of flesh. Its seemingly hard black carapace did not protect it at all.

It's like walnuts dropped into a juicer. When they come out, apart from a pitiful bit of walnut juice, there's only walnut residue left.

The same was true for this big beetle, but what came out of its body was a milky white bead, which was knocked out by Xu Dong's claw.

Xu Dong, who was turning around in circles and almost turned into a fool, could still feel the throbbing of the mutated pronuclei in his body, which was the desire for other pronuclei.

He wanted to forcefully stop his own rotation, but the already rotating vortex could not be stopped so easily. Xu Dong suffered countless red scales flying off, tearing his body apart, blood splattered from the wounds, and his bones were displaced in many places. , and then he rushed out.

The mutated pronucleus shimmering with milky white light quickly headed south. Xu Dong flapped his wings and chased after it with full power.

The overwhelming insect swarm went into chaos after losing its leader, but quickly calmed down and continued to move toward the east.

Bugs are not robots or undead. They are still alive after all. Even if the commander dies, they will still move in the predetermined direction, but the combat effectiveness of the bug swarm without the commander will definitely not be comparable to before.

The mutated pronucleus slowed down and fell into the sea in a parabola shape. Xu Dong increased the speed to the highest level and was about to bite the fifth mutated pronucleus. However, a sea fish jumped out of the water and opened its mouth towards the fish close to the lake. Bite away the proto-nucleus.

Leave a pearl behind your mouth! ! ! !

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