Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 132 Assembly Order

Although the ancient creature cluster play method is buggy, it is also easy to crack.

One, crush them with more numbers.

Second, use hard power to crush them like Xu Dong.

Creatures are actually more aware of current affairs than humans. Human armies will collapse if they cannot be defeated, and creatures will do the same. Their battle damage tolerance is even lower than that of human armies.

In order to counterattack the methods of breaking the swarm play, the swarm play can also be upgraded.

One is completely unconscious individuals like bugs and undead, which are fully controlled by the mother bug and the necromancer, so there is no need to worry about escape.

The second is training, just like training elite soldiers, turning the group into an iron army. In theory, it is possible to create an army that will not retreat even if it suffers 100% battle damage, such as the army in later generations that has the same color as the red-scaled flying dragon.

In order to deal with the upgraded version of the cluster style, you can also target cracks. For example, to deal with the first type, you can use the decapitation tactic. Once the mother insect and the undead mage die, the insect tide and the undead natural disaster will be defeated.

As for the second type, you can only use weapons with multiple dimensions to destroy them in one wave, otherwise there is a risk of being counterattacked.

After a bit of Russian matryoshka-style you versus me versus you versus me versus you versus… it’s time to face reality.

At this time, the red tide of the plain tribe was penetrated by Xu Dong's hard power. Facing Xu Dong, who looked like a god and demon, they might have collapsed and fled if the leader had not been there.

A flying dragon emerged from the red tide that was larger than the other red-scaled flying dragons. It should be the leader of the plain tribe. It was obviously a dragon that only knew the current affairs. After seeing Xu Dong's strength, it lowered its head to express submission.

Surrendering to the strong is the law of nature and is nothing to be ashamed of.

The next step is a set of subjugation procedures that Xu Dongshu is familiar with. He goes to the habitat of the plain tribe, counts their numbers, and teaches them to hunt large creatures.

Oh, they already know this, so teach them what discipline is and what an army is.

The red-scale flying dragons here are obviously not as good as those in the mountains. Xu Dong plans to gather them together and let the ferocious flying dragons of the Eastern Tribe drive the flying dragons here to become even more fierce.

Anyway, there are only more than 300 of them, which is pitiful compared to the number of the plains population which is close to 1,000. Even if they all move here, the highlands where they live will be enough to accommodate them.

However, Xu Dong still took it for granted. It didn't expect that the Dongfang tribe and the Pingyuan tribe had been feuding for many years. They had a tendency to fight when they met. If Xu Dong hadn't been standing in the middle, they might have started fighting.

How can this be done? There is no difference between the Eastern tribe and the Central tribe. They are all Xu Dong's subordinates. Although they cannot truly unite like their own tribe, they cannot behave like enemies.

No, you have to practice.

If nothing is decided, then practice, exhaust the energy of these guys, and see that they have no energy to make trouble.

Xudong circled around the plain. This plain was too big and had many landforms, including highlands, forests and fields, but it was still surrounded by mountains.

The dispatch of nearly a thousand red-scaled flying dragons immediately caused a commotion among the dinosaurs on the ground. All the creatures in their path basically ran away before the red wings could get close.

It would take at least several days to fly around the surrounding mountains at the speed of a red-scaled flying dragon, but Xu Dong did not fly at their average speed.

It took the Red Wings from 40 yards at the beginning to 60 yards, and even reached 80 yards in the end.

This is difficult for them. The ultimate speed of ordinary red-scaled flying dragons is only about 90 yards, which varies slightly depending on the physique of different flying dragons. Xu Dong takes them flying at 80 yards to make them sprint at full speed.

This is undoubtedly an impossible task. Which animal can sprint at a sprint speed for several hours? That's not sprinting, that's rushing toward death.

Xu Dong waited until it got late before taking them back to the plains, letting them drag their tired bodies to hunt.

With the number of red-scaled flying dragons numbering in the thousands, there will naturally be no surprises in hunting, but the hunting skills still need to be improved.

Their old trick is to swarm down and use their claws to catch the thorns. Although they can hunt successfully, the efficiency is too low.

Xu Dong's air raid tactics have been practiced by birds and have been scientifically proven to be the most labor-saving method, and the efficiency can be increased by at least one-third.

After the first day of training, the plain tribe and the eastern tribe were still distinct, each hunting their own food.

But after a week, they were basically mixed together. After all, we are all good brothers who have been tired and hungry together, but if we want to truly integrate into a group, it will take a cruel war.

While training around the plains, Xu Dong discovered a large number of coastal tribes. Although this group of flying dragons was small in size, it was more numerous than the plain tribes and mountain tribes combined.

This is the final test left by Xu Dong to the Red Scale Flying Dragon Clan. How can an army without blood become an iron army?

The insect swarm doesn't know where it is now, and the land dinosaurs don't have the consciousness to swarm. After thinking about it, they can only learn some experience in the ethnic civil war.

Of course, Xu Dong will also control the scale. If it loses too much, it will be heartbroken. At that time, it will directly use beheading tactics to seize the leader's position, and the war will be over.

The Western tribe, which lives in the coastal zone and feeds on fish, bivalves, decapoda, and cephalopods, did not expect to be invaded.

They and the plain tribes have always been in harmony with each other. Why did they attack the western tribes? Seafood?

Even if the Western tribe no longer understands it, it has already happened and it will not help to think about anything else. It is better to mobilize the tribe to prepare for the battle.

The Western Tribe may have been one of the first red-scaled flying dragons to migrate to ancient Asia. They were more severely specialized. Their body size became smaller, their heads became larger, and the teeth in their mouths became short and fine. This was done specifically to eat fish. changes.

Just as Xu Dong has always believed, these 40 million years of development and the installation of so many awesome components are not just for you to become a fisherman, at least not now.

After eliminating the Zerg and the future overlord pterosaurs, who were the most important people in the world, and completely dominating the sky, Xu Dongcai was not happy that it didn't matter what they turned into, even if they turned into pelicans, it had nothing to do with him.

On this day, the sky was completely divided into two colors, one was blue and the other was red.

Two groups of nearly a thousand red-scale flying dragons spread out at the junction of the sea and the shore, like two red clouds covering the sky.

The creatures under the shadow of the red clouds were frightened. Countless dinosaurs ran towards the center of the plain, and the fish and other creatures in the sea were too frightened to come forward.

The red clouds collided together.

After the actual battle, Xu Dong discovered that the gap between the two sides was too great. The red-scaled flying dragons on the coast were no match for the land-dwelling flying dragons, and they were beaten back steadily.

Within a few minutes of the first contact, ten minutes at most, the fish-eating Western tribe collapsed. This was so fast that Xu Dong didn't even react.

Yes, Xu Dong won the victory in less than ten minutes. It was too easy to win. Has the comfortable life wiped out their bloody nature? It's so disappointing.

Just as Xu Dong was thinking about how to transform these waste dragons in the future, a shallow black line appeared between the sea and the sky.

Is this a tsunami?

No, it's an insect swarm!

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