Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 131 One Dragon Fights Thousands of Troops Alone

In the end, Xu Dong showed mercy. His claws accurately cut through the skin, bone armor, and flesh of the flying dragon leader, but did not completely cut through its abdomen.

As long as the internal organs and other organs did not fall out, with the red scale flying dragon's physical quality and regenerated cells, he could recover as long as he took a good rest for a period of time.

When Xu Dong eliminated the original leader with one claw, the red-scaled flying dragons who were already frightened by Xu Dong's terrifying combat power suddenly hesitated.

Although many of the same people have died, do we really want to continue to fight hard?

Although they attach great importance to group and unity, it does not mean that they are single-minded. Ancient creatures also assess the situation.

When the first batch of flying dragons that fell on the mountain woke up, screamed, and flapped their wings to try to fly into the sky, the red-scaled flying dragons in the sky no longer hesitated at all and bowed their heads to Xu Dong to express their surrender.

After gathering the easternmost tribe, Xu Dong began to count the numbers.

Although this tribe is fierce and capable of fighting, their number is not large. The adult fighting strength is about 130, and including the old and young who are not capable of fighting, there are only more than 300.

Fortunately, there is more than one ethnic group in this plain. After Xu Dong conquered the Eastern tribe, he was ready to continue his efforts and conquer the plains in one fell swoop.

There are many flying dragons in the plain tribes, much more than those in the mountainous areas.

Xu Dong wanted to see where his limit was. Judging from the previous battle with the Eastern Tribe, a hundred dragons were far from his limit.

Xu Dong made initial arrangements for the Eastern Tribe and took three flying dragons as witnesses to the location of the Pingyuan Tribe.

The Pingyuan tribe was relatively peaceful. When they saw the arrival of Xu Dong and the three red-scaled flying dragons, they did not attack rashly. Instead, they called on the tribe to come together and be on guard.

Soon dozens of red-scale flying dragons flew over from a distance. Originally, if there were only three flying dragons from the Eastern Tribe, such a large formation would not have been needed.

But the huge Xu Dong was too conspicuous for them to dare to look down upon.

Xu Dong waited for a while and only dozens of them came. He really looked down upon him. In this case, he should take care of these flying dragons first and then wait for their follow-up reinforcements.

Sure enough, I have to bring a large force next time, otherwise it would not be such a coincidence that I would directly run into the main force every time.

Xu Dong asked the three flying dragons behind him to stay here and not move. He went to buy one. Bah, he went to fight a dragon.

Not accepting the negotiations from the plains tribe, he just charged directly into the group of dragons, sweeping down his wings and knocking down a group of flying dragons.

At first, they had doubts about Xu Dong's IQ. Nature pays attention to assessing the situation and will run away directly when encountering an enemy that cannot be defeated.

Even for the sake of face, he would threaten you twice and then run away. How could he be like this guy, who would just rush up without any care.

But soon, their self-confidence was completely shattered by Xu Dong. Dozens of red-scale flying dragons were simply not enough for Xu Dong to defeat.

What made them collapse the most was that twenty or thirty of them had fallen on their side, but their opponents were unscathed.

How can we fight against such an enemy?

The only solution for now is to ask for help and kill this scary big guy with numerical superiority.

The two red-scale flying dragons broke away from the team and flew towards the rear. They were going to ask for help.

This move was exactly what Xu Dong wanted. Since the ones asking for help were gone, he could just beat them down.

Xu Dongqi's pair of feather-scaled wings stretched out straight, bah, bah, bah, bah as he drove past, sweeping away a row of red-scaled flying dragons.

After going back and forth like this several times, most of the flying dragons were beaten down, and the rest couldn't bear it and ran away.

Not all animals have the organizational power of a small red dragon. This group of red-scaled flying dragons can fight as a group, which is already an advanced performance.

When encountering an enemy that cannot be defeated, it is normal for them to collapse and flee. They do not have the collective consciousness or military honor of later generations.

Xu Dong did not pursue, and continued to hover in place waiting for the arrival of the large army.

After a while, a red cloud floated from the sky. It was a red tide composed of nearly five hundred red-scaled flying dragons.

The red clouds are pressing down on the city to destroy it, and the light of armor is shining towards the golden lin.

It couldn't be more appropriate to describe the current scene. Xu Dong's scales shimmered with golden light under the sunlight.

Seeing this spectacular scene of red clouds, Xu Dong felt proud. He wanted to experience the power of the red tide for himself, even if this was just a incomplete version that he had not modified.

Carrying the sun on his back and facing the red tide, Xu Dong didn't have any fear, only the blood boiling in his body.


The huge flying dragon with a wingspan of more than five meters crashed into the red tide, directly knocking down a dozen red-scaled flying dragons at the front of the red tide.

Among the dense group of dragons, Xu Dong kept sprinting forward without stopping.

Every time the feather scale wings flap, they can knock down several flying dragons.

After all, there were too many dragons, and Xu Dong couldn't survive halfway through the red tide.

There are flying dragons everywhere, and sharp claws everywhere. Every part of Xu Dong's body is being attacked at all times. It is worthy of the red tide like the sea, the sharp claws like knives, the mountain of knives and the sea of ​​knives. It is really powerful.

Even if Xu Dong's defense power is amazing enough and the three-layer defense is strong enough, there is an upper limit to his defense. If he is constantly slashed and stabbed by the flying dragon in the red tide, his defense will be broken sooner or later.

In order to avoid falling into endless attacks, Xu Dong must find a way to break out.

He gave up the four feather scale wings that were protecting him in front of him, and all fourteen wings stood straight on his back, turning like a spiral.

At first, because there were too many red-scale flying dragons, it was very difficult to rotate. Fortunately, he ate four mutated proto-cores, and his strength was surprisingly strong, and he forcibly knocked away the surrounding flying dragons.

After turning around, all surrounding enemies could no longer easily hurt Xu Dong. Instead, they were knocked away by the feather scale wings that turned into umbrella leaves.

Xu Dong turned into a propeller, turning the entire red tide into a mess, and found a way out among the heavy siege of the red-scale flying dragon.

When Xu Dong felt that there was no obstacle to Yu Scale Wings anymore, he finally stopped, his head was a little dizzy after turning around for so long.

After focusing his eyes, he discovered that there were numerous large and small wounds on his body. Fortunately, they were not deep. There were only a few gaps in the bone formation under the skin, which were relatively serious.

Bathed in the sun's rays, the red scales reflecting the golden light, Xu Dong's wounds healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In just an hour, Xu Dong can recover as before, even the wounds that cut into the subcutaneous bone gaps can be healed.

Looking back at the red tide that he directly penetrated, he saw the flying dragons that made up the red tide screaming and panicking. Xu Dong knew that they were afraid!

The plain tribes have used collective attacks for so many years, and there may be people who can defeat them, but it is also the same group war as them.

There has never been such a being that can penetrate the entire Crimson Tide by itself, especially since this guy didn't even suffer any injuries.

Why doesn't this scare the dragons?

Thanks to C. fischeri for the tip.

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