Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 128 Trouble rises again

After collecting all the red-scaled flying dragons around the lake, the number exceeded three thousand.

But a large part of them are units with little combat effectiveness such as young dragons and old dragons. The ones with real combat effectiveness are the red-scale flying dragons encountered on the lake, which only account for less than half of the total.

After half a month of instruction, these fisher dragons have learned how to use their own advantages and hunt in groups.

In the early Jurassic, no ordinary creature could be their opponent, whether it was the apex predator or the giant sauropod, they would all fall to the red wings.

It can be said that this migrating group of broad-ribbed Damara dragons and carnivorous dragons were unlucky. They happened to encounter a group of flying dragons led by Xu Dong who were conducting long-distance training.

Although migration is common, it is also very rare for so many dinosaurs to gather together, just to fill their stomachs.

For thousands of red-scaled flying dragons, it is more time-consuming, labor-intensive and worry-free to hunt prey that are gathered together, rather than chasing one in the east and one in the west.

After a while, the Damarasaurus, Sinosaurus and Ceratosaurus, which were still alive and kicking before, all fell to the ground with countless wounds on their bodies. Thousands of red-scaled flying dragons lay on them to eat their flesh. From a distance, they looked like Like a wriggling red sea.

After having this feast with the red-scale flying dragons, Xu Dong will continue his journey. The entire North China Plain is still very large, and there are still many unconquered flying dragons, which will keep him busy for a while.

In fact, when he first arrived in the North China Plain, Xu Dong's expectation was only two to three thousand, but he did not expect that there were so many flying dragons in the North China Plain, and the gap between them and South China was so big.

With the addition of this large lake and the flying dragons in the Flying Dragon Field, the number of races has jumped to over 5,000. If we continue to work hard, we may be able to reach over 10,000 by visiting the entire ancient Asian continent.

In the early Jurassic, the ancient Asian continent could be roughly divided into four parts. From north to south, they were Siberia, North China, South China, and the Southeast Asian block that became an archipelago.

As for the Arabian and Indian land masses, they are still nestled in the southern hemisphere. It will take at least more than 100 million years before they collide with Asia and squeeze to form high mountains such as the Tibetan Plateau and the Himalayas.

The more than 3,000 red-scaled flying dragons around the great lake have learned how to hunt and will no longer continue to be fishermen as before. Xu Dong will continue to march northwest and achieve the plan to unify ancient Asia as soon as possible.

Most organisms don't like the dry season. That's because the drought and lack of water in the dry season make the plants around the rivers scarcer. Plant-eating animals don't have enough to eat and drink, so they naturally migrate to places where there is food and water.

Xu Dong quite enjoyed the sunshine. After all, it was a dragon-shaped solar charging panel. The bigger the sun, the more energetic he was. In order to pass the boring time on the road, Xu Dong started sprinting towards his speed limit.

After a few days of testing, he discovered that the fastest speed he could reach 140 yards when flying forward parallel without the help of gravity was downhill. This was an astonishing number. Anyone who had been on a highway in his previous life would know how fast a car could reach 140 yards.

Xu Dong estimated that by flying down from a high enough mountain, his speed could exceed those of later generations of extreme sports enthusiasts who played gliding.

Just as he was flying forward freely, feeling the strong wind of nature, a figure jumped out from the side and hit Xu Dong's flight route.

Xu Dong quickly adjusted the feather scales on his back to a parachute-like deceleration state, but the speed of 140 yards was too fast. Even if he stepped on the brakes, he would still continue to rush forward for several hundred meters.

At this speed, even hitting a small flying insect would be no joke, not to mention that this black shadow looks not small in appearance.

After barely avoiding this thing by turning to the side, Xu Dong continued to sprint forward a hundred meters into the tree, and did not stop until he hit the crown of the tree.

Fortunately, the speed has dropped to a very low level, and the body still has the defense of intradermal bone formation, so no major injuries were suffered. As for those skin injuries, they will heal automatically after being exposed to the sun for a while.

The injury was actually secondary. It was mainly caused by someone running a red light while racing. How could this not make Xu Dong angry?

The skies of ancient Asia were the territory of their red-scaled flying dragons. It was precisely because there were no other air units that Xu Dong soared to 140 yards unscrupulously.

Who would have thought that something would pop out of the sky.

When he looked out from the cracks in the branches, he was surprised to find that it was actually a pterosaur?

Why Xu Dong was surprised is because early Jurassic pterosaur fossils are extremely scarce, and they all live in Europe. No early Jurassic pterosaur fossils have been found in ancient Asia.

This time, Xu Dong wandered around South and North China for nearly half a year and never saw one, which led him to mistakenly believe that there were no pterosaurs in Asia.

Observe carefully, you can see that this pterosaur has a very big head. It looks like it should be a long-clawed Dimorphodon, but its size is a bit too big. The wingspan of an ordinary Dimorphodon should be about 1.45 meters, but this one has a wingspan of at least 1.45 meters. Two meters.

Seeing this pterosaur that broke into the ancient Asian realm and flew towards the east in a panic, Xu Dong was curious.

Anyway, there was no rush to unify ancient Asia, so Xu Dong decided to follow up and see what happened.

This long-clawed Dimorphodon was very vigilant, checking its surroundings from time to time to see if there was anything going on. Fortunately, Xu Dong was experienced in tracking and had been hiding in the canopy, so it was not discovered.

This pterosaur was obviously injured, and the injuries were serious. Its tail was broken, and there were many large and small wounds on its body. The most serious one was its big head, which looked like it had been chopped off by something. , It’s a shame this guy is still alive.

It flew to a lake ahead to drink water. Even when drinking water, it was very vigilant. After taking a sip, it raised its head and looked around, and then went down to take another sip.

Such vigilance aggravated Xu Dong's curiosity, maybe there was another treasure.

This long-clawed Dimorphodon pterosaur drank the water and continued to fly forward. When it flew to the center of the lake, it stuck its big head into the lake and started fishing.

The lake was too empty, and it was difficult for Xu Dong to follow him. He could only stay in the canopy temporarily and wait for the pterosaur to finish eating.

But it seems that Xu Dong is not the only one waiting for it.


The sound of insects sounded in the forest.

The sound of insects in the forest is naturally normal, but this special sound of insects was too familiar to Xu Dong. Thousands of years ago, he was chased by them with no way to go to the sky or to the earth, and he almost died in their hands.

Sure enough, these insects are not extinct yet. If you think about it, you know that with their tenacious vitality, they still have a good chance of surviving the Triassic mass extinction.

Judging from his posture, he shouldn't be the King of Insects. Even if this guy didn't die in the Triassic mass extinction, his vitality was definitely severely damaged. He shouldn't be so carefree about wandering around.

So is this the descendant of the Insect King chasing this pterosaur? why?

The long-clawed Dimorphodon that was fishing in the center of the lake apparently heard the sound. It was so frightened that it screamed wildly, its wings flapped the water, bounced up, and flew towards the sky.

But a white thread suddenly shot out from the forest on the other side of the lake at an astonishing speed and stuck directly on the pterosaur's wings.

This pterosaur was also smart enough. Instead of continuing upward, it rushed downward into the crown of the tree, trying to break the spider silk with the branches in the crown.

It's just that this guy's charging position was not very good, and he actually rushed towards Xu Dong.

this. . .

Paleontology Theater: Dimorphodon, also translated as Dimorphodon or Dimorphodon, is a genus of Dimorphodon, a medium-sized pterosaur that lived in Jurassic Europe. About 195 million years ago to 190 million years ago. Fossils have also been discovered in North America in recent years, but their survival age is 30 million years later. Dimorphodon was named by Richard Owen in 1859. The genus name means two forms of teeth in ancient Greek, referring to the fact that it has two forms of teeth in its jaws, which is rare among reptiles.

Sauriformes - Archosaurs - Pterosaurs - Dimorphodon - Dimorphodon

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