Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 129 Triadic Insects, Jurassic Wastes

The long-clawed Dimorphodon charged toward Xu Dong recklessly. Xu Dong was also stunned and subconsciously gave it a claw, which directly pierced the pterosaur's chest.

This little guy deserved it. He actually turned his head and looked behind him while flying. He must have been in a car accident.

This tells us a truth: There are thousands of roads, safety is the first priority. Driving without looking in front of you will get a hole in your chest.

However, the long-clawed Dimorphodon with a hole in its chest was not dead yet, and was still trying to escape from Xu Dong's clutches. However, since it was in Xu Dong's hands, how could it let the prey escape?

The left claw was inserted into the pterosaur's chest again, and the two claws were used separately to tear the long-clawed Dimorphodon pterosaur apart.

The pterosaur that had now become two halves could no longer die. From inside its split body, a small white bead fell out, which was the mutated pronucleus.

With quick eyes and quick hands, Xu Dong caught the mutated proto-core that was about to fall. This was the fourth proto-nucleus he had obtained since coming to the Jurassic. It was more than ever before. Why did he always feel like a proto-nucleus was coming to his door on his own initiative? Rushing.

On the opposite side of the lake, two large bugs emerged from the forest. They were about sixty centimeters in size. One looked like a spider crawling on the ground, and the other looked like a mantis, flapping its wings and flying towards Xudong.

Obviously their target is the mutated pronucleus in this pterosaur.

Xu Dong looked at the ferocious insects but did not feel scared at all. Strength is confidence. Now let alone the Insect Prince and Insect II, even if the Insect King comes at that time, it will still have the confidence to kill them. Who is the Insect King Kong? It has a large body shape, but it cannot fly.

Without thinking, he swallowed the mutant pronucleus in his hand.

After taking the fourth protozoa, I honestly felt nothing. After all, this is not Viagra, and it will take effect immediately after taking it.

The mutated pronucleus is just like the emerald fruit, which will slowly and subtly transform the host's body.

The mantis flapped its small wings and flew above the lake. However, the embarrassing thing was that its wings were not strong enough and the lake was relatively wide, so.

This guy flew to the center of the lake and fell into the water with a plop.

Forehead. . . That's it?

At first, looking at the fearful appearance of the long-clawed Dimorphodon, I thought it would meet a king. However, it turned out that it was just two silver cabbages competing, which made the master Xu Dong very disdainful.

This mantis-shaped bug obviously couldn't swim. After falling into the river, it struggled to swim and made a squeaking cry for help.

The spider bugs on the shore quickly spun out spider silk and stuck it on the mantis bug, trying to drag it out of the lake.

If it were in other large lakes, there would be no problem if the mantis was dragged to the shore alive, but by chance, there was a group of ferocious carnivorous fish living in this lake.

They were helpless in the face of the high-dimensional attack of the pterosaurs, but as long as they got into the water, entered their home field, and were at the same latitude as them, they would become their prey.

A group of carnivorous fish that were no more than ten centimeters in size were chasing the mantis and biting it. Before it could swim very far, it was dragged down by the group of fish.

The spider bug on the shore was almost dragged into the lake because its silk thread was connected to the mantis bug. Fortunately, it immediately let go of the spider thread in its mouth and escaped.

That's it?

Xu Dong felt insulted. Are these two bugs making him laugh?

What about those disgusting bugs that could fly into the sky, vomit explosive chemical venom, and were filled with corrosive acid? Why are these two so funny?

Forget it, no matter how weak they are, they are still bugs, so we should solve the problem as soon as possible. Judging from their stupidity, they don't look like pseudo-legends. They are probably just two bugs born from the bodies of ordinary organisms.

Flailing his red wings, Xu Dongfei skipped across the lake. He was much more stable and faster than that stupid mantis, and so easily arrived in front of the spider bug on the other side of the lake.

This 60-centimeter little guy was startled when he met Xu Dong, a big guy with a wingspan of 5 meters, and quickly turned around to run away.

Are you a land creature competing for speed with an air unit? Unless you're digging into the dirt.

Xu Dong grabbed it and threw it to the tree.

With a pop sound, the spider bug hit the tree and bounced off.

But it's nothing, these insects are very resistant to attack.

Before it could get up, Xu Dong caught it again, and this time he fed it directly to the fish. He still didn't believe that these fish couldn't kill it.

As expected, the carnivorous fish in the lake were not full yet. A 60-centimeter mantis was not even enough to fill the gap between their teeth. After discovering the spider that fell into the water, they hurriedly swarmed up and pulled the spider into the lake. Swallow it clean.

These two useless bugs were simply wasting Xu Dong's time. If he hadn't obtained a mutated pronucleus, there would have been absolutely nothing gained from this tracking operation.

Xu Dong flapped his wings and continued heading northwest, but he didn't know that although the spider insect was dead, it left special marks on his body.

Traveling northwest again, it was mostly mountainous and forested areas, with occasionally a few small plains, but there was no sign of the activity of the red-scaled flying dragon.

Are these guys all gathered together? Don’t even stay in small places?

In fact, the main problem is water source. Whether it is a red-scaled flying dragon or a pterosaur, they need to stay in places with water sources to survive during this period, so it is difficult to see them in these small places.

After flying at full speed for six or seven days, we finally flew over this hilly area and arrived at another vast plain, where trees and ferns flourished, and most importantly, it faced the sea to the west.

Huh? Isn't this the North China Plain that he arrived at when he crossed the Tethys Sea? It has been nearly 20 million years and the terrain has not changed much.

Also, although it was in the period of the great division of Pangea, it was a rare expansion period for ancient Asia. The terrain expanded from a long strip to a horizontal and wide shape in later generations.

If it is not divided, it will only distort the terrain, and naturally there will be no big changes.

When I came here, I finally saw traces of the tribe again. The area of ​​this plain was much larger than that of the Flying Dragon Field, and there were more red-scaled flying dragons inhabiting it.

But there is not just one tribe of red-scale flying dragons inhabiting it, but three tribes divided from west to east.

The Western Tribe lives on the west coast and eats fish, the Central Tribe lives in the center of the plains, and the Eastern Tribe lives in the southeast near the mountains.

Due to their different habitats, the three tribes also have obvious differences in their feeding habits, quantity and body shape.

The Western tribe, which lives on the west coast and feeds on seafood, is the smallest among the three tribes, having shrunk to about 2.5 meters. However, because of sufficient food, the number is the largest, with more than a thousand.

The number of the middle tribe living on the plains is close to a thousand. They feed on insect scavengers and small creatures, and their body size remains at the normal level of three meters.

As for the Eastern tribe in the mountainous areas, they are the smallest in number, but they are extremely fierce. The largest ones can even reach four meters in size. They feed on small creatures and baby dragons, and even dare to snatch the trophies of predators.

Thanks to Changmian for the tip.

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