Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 127 The red tide is like the sea, and the claws are like knives

Xu Dong single-handedly killed a seven-meter-long Ceratosaurus in front of many red-scaled flying dragons, the apex predator and the supreme overlord in this wilderness.

This has a huge impact on the red-scaled flying dragons. There are actually people of the same race who can defeat the top predators. It seems like a good choice for such a being to become a leader.

In the biological world, the strong are respected, and all the red-scale flying dragons chose to submit to Xu Dong and respect Xu Dong as their leader.

Xu Dong's first order was to go down and eat Ceratosaurus and Archaeosaurus to taste the flesh and blood of predators that could easily kill them in the past.

Many red-scaled flying dragons were stunned for a moment, and then became ecstatic. This was meat. In the past, they could only eat some leftovers after the large predators had eaten, and they had to compete with small and medium-sized predators for food.

What was placed in front of them now was an intact flesh and blood that had not been touched by other dragons.

The red-scaled flying dragon shed a piece of its pupa, frightening many small and medium-sized predators in the surrounding area who were looking for opportunities to take advantage of it and did not dare to come over.

They originally thought about coming over to grab some meat, but they were frightened when they saw the red covering such a large area.

Within a few moments, the bodies of Ceratosaurus and Archaeosaurus were eaten clean. Most of the thousands of red-scaled flying dragons did not eat much, except for a few who rushed quickly and grabbed more.

The flying dragons looked at Xu Dong longingly, hoping that this new leader could lead them to find more meat.

Xu Dong did not disappoint them either. His tried and tested air raid tactics soon set off a storm in the wilderness.

Xu Dong has never led such a huge phalanx. Even in the Feilong Field before, he only brought out at most six to seven hundred adult dragons.

And here, there are no less than one thousand, fourty-five people who can form a fighting force. They are so vast that they cover the sky and the sun, and almost sweep away the wilderness.

The 6-meter Caiyunosaurus, the 8-meter Isenosaurus, and the 9-meter Lufengosaurus. These huge plant-eating dinosaurs did not fall under the mouth of Saltrio Hunter, but died in the air attack of the Red-scaled Flying Dragon. Down.

They cover the sky and dye all the visible sky red. No living thing is immune to the earth under the red cover. They are terrifying red tides!

The dry season is here, and it's time for herbivores to migrate. Dinosaurs of all sizes chase water sources and plants, setting off waves of smoke and dust on this ancient Asian land.

Animal migration is undoubtedly the annual gluttonous feast for carnivores. Countless large, medium and small predators follow behind and to the sides of the migrating dragons, waiting for opportunities that may appear at any time.

At this time, an 8-meter-long old Ethanosaurus, due to lack of food and water, was a little weak, and gradually separated from the large group and fell behind.

This was an excellent opportunity. The Chinese dragons and Ceratosaurus gradually surrounded it. They would not take the initiative to attack. They would only attack sideways and try to leave wounds on the big guy to make it more vulnerable. Fall down quickly.

This Ethanosaurus is already very old. It is well aware of the threat from the surrounding carnivorous dinosaurs, but it is hungry and tired. The journey these days has exhausted its physical strength, and it does not have much energy to launch a strong counterattack.

But it knew it couldn't stop at this moment. As long as it stopped, it would completely lose hope of survival. Facing the carnivorous dragons that kept harassing it, it could only keep roaring and bluffing, hoping that the tribe would come back to save it.

However, this is impossible. Migration is just a big wave, eliminating the old and weak, leaving stronger and healthier dinosaurs to continue to reproduce.


Because of anxiety, Ethan Dragon twisted its forelimbs on the ground, which directly sentenced the old dragon to death. After it limped for tens of meters, it finally fell to the ground helplessly, gasping for breath. Rough.

The carnivorous dinosaurs around them were experienced and were not in a hurry to attack directly. Dinosaurs in a dying state were very dangerous. The prehistoric crisis-ridden environment made them understand that they should not be injured and should use the least energy to obtain the most food.

So they are not in a hurry, time is the least valuable thing, and they have plenty of time to wait.

The predators surrounded the old Ethanosaurus and kept wandering around to prevent it from escaping and other dinosaurs from intruding. Then they waited, waited, and waited until the big guy couldn't hold on and fell. Then they could not stop it. Enjoy a great meal with little effort.

However, some dinosaurs who could not clearly see the situation strode over without dodge. Some ordinary vegetarian dinosaurs would definitely take a detour when they saw the apex predators surrounding them.

But not this group of big guys. These are dozens of 14-meter wide-ribbed Damarasaurus. Their hip height is nearly 4 meters and their weight is more than 8 tons. They are top predators that can make ordinary herbivorous dinosaurs frightened. But they can't scare these big guys at all.

As mentioned before, most of the top predators in the Jurassic were these 5-meter-level Dicrosaurus and Ceratosaurus, and it was rare for a larger predator to appear.

This 5-meter-level little guy faced a wide-ribbed Damalaosaurus that was four times as tall and three times as long as they were. They could only step aside to give the big guy some room to walk.

A dozen broad-ribbed Damarasaurus walked slowly past among the predators in such a grand manner. The young dragon surrounded by the adult Damarasaurus curiously looked at the group of ferocious guys outside. It did not Will be stupid enough to run away from the dragon group.

At this moment, the sky began to glow red. Why was there a sunset glow before the sun even set?

The pace of Broad-ribbed Damalaosaurus is very slow, and Sinosaurus and Ceratosaurus are waiting for the Broad-ribbed Damalaosaurus group to pass by.

After they left, they could eat the dying Ethanosaurus. Some of the predatory dinosaurs became impatient and kept spinning anxiously.

These dinosaurs never paid attention to the sky, let alone how the sky suddenly turned red. It was not until they were enveloped by this huge red cloud that a Chinese dragon looked up to see what was going on.

It didn't know what was in the sky, but its animal instinct told it that the thing in the sky was dangerous, so it ignored the dying Ethan dragon, opened its legs and ran away in the distance.

The attention of other predators was still focused on Broad-ribbed Damarasaurus and Ethanosaurus, and they had no idea that one of their companions had run away. Of course, even if they knew, they wouldn't care. Anyway, the fewer of the same kind they would share the food with, the more likely they would be. The more meat they can eat.

The group of red-scaled flying dragons covered a space of hundreds of meters in radius like red clouds. Under the red clouds was their food today, vegetarian dinosaurs and carnivorous dinosaurs. The combination of meat and vegetables would be more nutritious.

Following Xu Dong's order, the red wings poured down like a flood, drowning the group of Damara dragons and many predators present. Their sharp claws were like knives, cutting all the creatures in sight.

The Broad-ribbed Damalaosaurus was wailing, the Triple Chinese Dragon was screaming, and the Ceratosaurus wanted to break out of the red tide, but they had already been engulfed by the red tide, so there was no way they could escape.

Under this red tide and in the sea of ​​knives, no creature can escape. What awaits them is destined to be dead.

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