The Coelophysis did not expect that the velociraptor that provoked them was simply a decoy, so they stupidly rushed out of the forest.

The number of this group of Coelophysosaurs is not large, only five, but all of them are adults. They are not vegetarians at first glance. They will definitely miss the herbivorous dinosaurs in Xudong Ranch. They must take this group of possible The little thief who steals the dragon is strangled in the cradle.

The red wing flew down quickly, and Xu Dong's forelimbs grabbed the leader, the tallest and largest Coelophysis, and inserted his sharp claws into its body, taking it away from the earth.

Generally, the load-bearing level of a red-scaled flying dragon is only four kilograms, and it cannot lift these ten kilograms of Coelophysis at all.

But is Xu Dong an ordinary red-scale flying dragon? It is a pseudo-legend. Its load-bearing limit can even reach 20 kilograms, which is five times that of an ordinary flying dragon. At its limit, it can probably pick up an armored sub-class Dreadless Shield Dragon.

Scutosaurus is the earliest dinosaur of the armored suborder Ornithischia. Unlike its descendants Ankylosaurus and Stegosaurus, Scutosaurus looks nothing like them. It is only one to two meters in size and weighs only ten to twenty kilograms. , but the scales on the back have been piled up.

Xu Dong now also has a subcutaneous bone-forming dragon, so he no longer laughs at these armored dinosaurs.

Catching this two-meter-long Coelophysis into the sky, instead of just throwing it down in the air, he had a new way of playing, bowling ball airdrop.

He spun in a circle and rushed towards the woods. He pulled out his left forelimb, grabbed the Coelophysis with his right forelimb and pushed back slightly. When he was about to approach the woods, he threw the Coelophysis out along with the inertia of flight.


This unlucky Coelophysis hit the big tree heavily, and fell to the ground weakly, motionless.

Although Xu Dong's speed has not been increased to the limit, it is still 60 yards. Forty yards can break bones and tendons and cause serious injuries. The mortality rate when hitting a big tree at 60 yards is at least 90%.

After falling from the tree and causing secondary damage, 10% must be added to the 90% to become 100%.

The red-scale flying dragons behind Xu Dong have also arrived. They cannot lift Coelophysis, but they can cooperate. Two flying dragons, one on the left and one on the right, or one in front and one behind, in short, can lift all the four-headed Coelophysis. Mentioned in the air.

This group of guys actually followed Xu Dong's example and smashed the Coelophysis into the tree, but their speed was not fast enough and they were not killed in one blow. The four Coelophysis fell to the ground and were still squirming and wailing.

Xu Dong hit a Coelophysis on the head with one kick, raised his right claw and inserted it from the back of the Coelophysis corpse's head, picked it up, and flew it to the gathered Velociraptor lizards.

Except for the one who had been trained, the rest of the little guys had never seen this battle before. They were all trembling with fear, hugging each other, with tears in their eyes.

Xu Dong scratched the Coelophysis more than ten times and threw it in front of a group of velociraptor lizards.

The little guys were all frightened by the sound of Coelophysis landing, and then they realized that Xu Dong had turned around and left.

They looked at Xu Dong who was walking away with wide eyes, and then looked at the hand-shredding dragon on the ground, and couldn't help but fall into a state of confusion.

The first velociraptor had received professional training. Although its calves were shaking with fear just now, it started shaking after Xu Dong left.

The male Velociraptor took his wife and took the lead to stand on the tall Coelophysis corpse. He screamed wildly, and then he and the female Velociraptor got into the gap opened by Xu Dong and ate the feast of flesh and blood. .

The other velociraptors couldn't bear it, and they rushed forward one by one, fearing that if they were a step too late, their goodies would be snatched away by others of the same kind.

Xu Dong just flew in the sky and quietly watched the lizards. This meal of meat may be the best they have eaten in a year or even in their lives.

For the Red Scale Flying Dragon, it was just something they could eat every day.

Once upon a time, red-scaled flying dragons also made a living by preying on small creatures. In their minds, it seemed that they could only eat smaller foods due to their size, and their minds were bound to the food chain. They had no idea how big the body Xu Dong had transformed was. powerful.

The same is true for pterosaurs. They only knew how to eat insects, plants and scavengers. It was not until the Cretaceous thinking breakthrough that they truly transformed into the soaring Aeolian pterosaurs in the sky.

Xu Dong came and led the red-scaled flying dragons to hunt down prey that they had never dared to think of before. Their thinking completely changed, and they felt like they were the most powerful person in the world.

Although expansion is not good, what Xu Dong needs is the belief that the flying dragons are invincible. You look down on yourself and think you can only eat insects and small animals. How can you possibly defeat the overlord one day?

Xu Dong didn't know whether the meat of Coelophysis would awaken the bloody nature of the velociraptor lizards and allow them to reach the level of the little red dragons, but what Xu Dong knew was that the velociraptor lizards in this forest would cooperate with the red-scaled flying dragons. Well, the nightmare of small and medium creatures is coming.

In the following days, the velociraptors who had tasted the sweetness were even more active than the red-scaled flying dragons. They kept pulling the velociraptors to join the team. Every day, countless small and medium-sized creatures were seduced by the velociraptors and then killed by the red-scaled flying dragons. .

Because there were so many, Xu Dong even mobilized all the adult flying dragons in the wilderness and spread them across the entire forest border.

It is guaranteed that no matter where the Velociraptor comes out, it can be taken over by the Red-scaled Flying Dragon, but there is no one who doesn't get wet shoes when walking around the lake.

Red-scale flying dragons sometimes miss or fail to intercept the predators behind them, and some are even caught up and eaten by predators before they even run out of the forest.

The casualties of the entire Velociraptor group were not low. As an apex predator and an aerial unit, two red-scaled flying dragons were killed by small and medium-sized predators, not to mention these small cave-dwelling creatures.

However, such casualties cannot stop the velociraptors who come one after another. As Marx said, as long as there is a chance of winning the lottery, dog gamblers can bet their wealth and life.

The chance of winning in cooperation with the Red Scale Flying Dragon is 50%. If you win, you will eat and drink, if you lose, you will lose your life. Not many velociraptors are willing to back down.

The vigorous forest clearing operation was coming to an end. In the end, this group of crazy lizards not only attracted predators, but also ate grass. This resulted in the near extinction of forest life for a few months, and even the ubiquitous animals were almost extinct. Morganmon all disappeared without a trace.

The cooperation is over, and the little lizards have to go back to the life of eating insects and grass, and experience the world of wealth for a month. How can it be possible for the farmers to farm the fields again?

It is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality. Greed is like a knot, which ties the dragon's heart tighter and tighter, eventually blocking his reason.

The greedy velociraptors began to enter the wilderness, frantically provoking the huge vegetarian dragons. However, what they got was ruthless crushing, and not even a red-scaled flying dragon came to help them finish.

The crazy action finally ended with the annihilation of all the velociraptors out of the forest. The bottom creatures are bottom creatures after all. Even if they eat big fish and meat for months, they still cannot change their weak power.

Unless great heroes like Xu Dong and the old patriarch Xiao Chilong appear, leading them to break through their own position and break away from the shackles of small creatures.

The male velociraptor who had been trained by Xu Dong also fell on the field, while the female velociraptor and some sane ones chose to stay in the forest and continue their lives.

One day, two days, three days.

One month, two months, three months.

One year, two years, three years.

Until the female velociraptor also died of old age, the male velociraptor and the tribesmen who left never came back. After witnessing all this, the young dragon led the remaining velociraptors to climb over the giant wooden embankment and began a journey. belong to them,

The road to legend.

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