Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 125: Troubles arise in Wanli Pinghu

The lifespan of a red-scaled flying dragon is only 20 to 25 years, which is roughly the same as that of a lion in later generations. It will enter adulthood at the age of five and reach its peak combat effectiveness.

The red-scaled flying dragon can lay up to ten dragon eggs a year, and the fertility rate is neither high nor low. If all the young dragons can be raised, the number of new eggs will be very considerable.

The period from the end of the dry season to the beginning of the rainy season is a rare estrus period for animals. Even if only a hundred female dragons give birth, there are still a thousand red-scale flying dragons that can form combat capabilities in the future.

There are naturally those who produce and those who hunt.

Xu Dong spent half a month teaching the red-scaled flying dragons to catch the big ones and release the young ones, and try to keep the herbivorous baby dragons as much as possible so that the vegetarian dinosaurs could survive their infancy safely.

During the Jurassic period, a large vegetarian dinosaur was often ten meters in length and weighed in tons. Basically, just two or three were killed to feed the dragons for a day.

In addition to hunting, there was a large-scale infrastructure project that lasted for three months. Xu Dong mobilized hundreds of red-scaled flying dragons to dig along the drawn polygonal lines.

According to the formula for calculating the circumference of a circle in later generations, the radius of 200 meters gives a circumference of 1,256 meters, which means that the Red Scale Flying Dragon must at least dig more than 1,250 meters of land.

The land in the wilderness during the dry season was very dry and hard, so the red-scaled dragons' digging progress was very slow. It was not until it rained that the land became easier to dig.

Taking advantage of the moist soil in the past few days, hundreds of red-scaled flying dragons advanced the project several hundred meters.

The width of the trench is not very wide, only about ten meters, and the depth is not deep enough, but the flying dragons have tried their best.

They used their wings and claws to transport the soil up bit by bit and pile it on the edge of the tunnel, forming a mound similar to an earth wall.

At this time, Xu Dong missed the engineering machinery of later generations very much. It took only a few days for an excavator to dig a trench of more than a thousand meters, but it took more than three months for the Red Scale Flying Dragon to dig.

In three months, we dug from the dry season to the rainy season. The arrival of the rainy season means abundant rainfall, nourishing everything, and plants starting to grow rapidly.

The abundance of food allows vegetarian dinosaurs to have time and energy to produce and raise offspring, and the number of dinosaurs in the pasture will also usher in a new round of explosion.

The rainy season did not necessarily help Xu Dong and Feilong's excavation work. The rain repeatedly washed away the soil that Feilong had finally transported up, making the results of several days of work in vain.

The hard work will eventually pay off. Three months later, the ditch was completely formed. The heavy rains in the rainy season turned the ditch into a stream. If it were not too far away from the north and south rivers, Xu Dong even wanted to connect this moat with the river.

The current Chilong Mountain has a radius of two hundred meters and is surrounded by a circle of mounds. The mounds are about three meters high. Due to the watering of rainwater, they have become very strong and hard, and they finally look like a city wall.

Outside the mound wall is a moat. It will be convenient for the red-scaled flying dragon to drink water in the future. It does not need to fly to the distant north-south rivers.

However, this moat also has a shortcoming, that is, the water volume completely depends on the sky, that is, the water volume can be replenished by rain in the rainy season, but it will definitely dry up in the dry season.

When the newborn dragon broke out of its shell, opened its eyes to look at the new world curiously, and opened its mouth to scream, a kind of inheritance of life filled Xu Dong's heart inexplicably.

Life is like a candle. Some dragons have burned to the end and are about to be extinguished, but these young dragons have just lit the candles one by one and are about to usher in their most glorious period.

Xu Dong feels that he is really old. He has lived too long and has become sentimental after watching too much. This is not a good thing. Living things must try to maintain their vitality in order to have the motivation to move forward.

Now that the red-scaled flying dragon in this wilderness is on the right track, the next step is a matter of time. Xu Dong feels that there is no need to stay here all the time.

There are still a lot of places in the North China Plain that have not been visited, and the red-scaled flying dragons of the motherland have not yet been completely unified. It is time to go outside and bring all the flying dragons in North China under his command.

After leaving Feilong Wilderness, which is located in the southeast corner of the North China Plain, Xu Dong will have to go northwest for the rest of his journey.

After more than three months in Feilong Field, Xu Dong's appearance has also changed a lot. His wingspan has grown from just over three meters to five meters, and his body length has also increased from one meter to two meters.

With a wingspan of five meters, it was already a giant in the Early Jurassic, and no ordinary aerial unit could match it.

It is precisely because Xu Dong feels that he is strong enough and can recover other groups of red-scaled flying dragons without a clan, so instead of running around with them, why not stay and lay more eggs?

As the wingspan increased, the corresponding flying speed also increased, and the degree of chloroplast modification also reached a higher level, making the red scales on Xu Dong's body have a hint of green.

Solar energy charging, coupled with the food storage stomach of the red-scaled flying dragon itself, gave Xu Dong the ability to stand by for a long time. It flew non-stop for ten days and still didn't feel hungry.

It's strange to say that after flying over most of the North China Plain, I didn't see the red-scaled flying dragon. What's going on?

Could it be that those in the Flying Dragon Field are the last red-scaled flying dragons? It's impossible. There will only be more flying dragons in the North China Plain than in South China. It can't be just that.

When Xu Dong flew across the mountains to the vast lake in the North China Plain, he finally saw his people.

However, what makes it sad is that Sanmi Long'er, a dignified descendant of the Chilong clan, is unwilling to make progress and is willing to imitate the pterodactyl and become a fisherman.

This large lake is home to many red-scale flying dragons. Whenever there is a shoal of fish, thousands of red flying dragons will flap their wings and fly to the lake, put their claws into the water, and fly into the air after catching fish.

Their current appearance is no different from other red-scaled flying dragons, except that their size has shrunk a bit, but as time and ecological niche change, they will eventually evolve into special fish-eating species.

This is simply unreasonable. Although there are enough fish in this large lake, there is basically no need to worry about food, but he cannot be so unrestrained. Xu Dong is looking for them to be a soldier to fight against the Zerg, not a fisherman.

In order to let this group of comfortable fisher dragons know the cruelty of nature, Xu Dong wants to be a single man for a time.

The giant wings flapped and flew over the red-scaled flying dragons. The huge combined feather-scale wings blocked the sun and caused a large shadow to appear on the lake.

But the red-scaled flying dragons didn't care. They continued to catch fish in groups, focusing their attention on the water.

Before Xu Dong came down and beat them up, something was already working for him.

A plesiosaur with a medium neck broke out of the water, opened its bloody mouth and bit a red-scale flying dragon in its mouth.

Hey, isn't this an ancient swimming dragon from the family Pliosauridae? Although it is only over three meters tall, it is a creature that fights to the death, exactly the opposite of their ancestors tens of millions of years ago.

The Triassic pterodontosaurus had a large size, but it ate cowardly things like ammonite shells. What's more, the Pteranodon actually ate seaweed.

Although today's pliosaurs have become smaller, they are still short and powerful. With their desperate ferocity, they can even hunt ichthyosaurs that are larger than it.

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