Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 123 Leading the dragon out of the forest

Back to Red Dragon Mountain, this is where the red-scaled flying dragons live. The top of the two-hundred-meter-high earth mountain is a large platform, enough to accommodate hundreds of flying dragons to nest and reproduce.

There is no way up from the mountain, which prevents small and medium-sized predators from stealing eggs, so that the young dragons can grow up with peace of mind, and the adult dragons can also go out hunting with peace of mind.

Xu Dong estimated that the upcoming estrus period would be an explosive growth in the number of young red-scaled flying dragons. He was prepared for danger in times of peace. Obviously, this mountain alone could not accommodate the skyrocketing number of red-scaled flying dragons, so they would inevitably need to migrate to the bottom of the mountain.

Once at the bottom of the mountain, there was no way to ensure the safety of the baby dragon and eggs, so we had to find a way.

Xu Dong had two things in mind. The first was to have the adult red-scaled flying dragons no longer live on the top of the mountain, but instead live in the wilderness at the foot of the mountain. Only the egg-laying female flying dragons could go to the top of the mountain to lay eggs. This would ensure that the young dragons The safety of dragon eggs can also avoid crowding.

But this is nothing more than a stopgap measure. The area around Chilong Mountain still needs to be developed, and a layer of outer fortress wall built to block the entry of outside animals, and we will stride into the Middle Ages.

That is naturally impossible to achieve. The red-scaled flying dragon cannot cast an earth wall, and there is no soil. Although Chilong Mountain is an earth mountain, the female dragon has to hatch eggs on it. Naturally, the soil in the mountain cannot be moved.

It is even more impractical to transport soil from outside. The red-scaled flying dragon has no tools to transport the soil, and secondly, there is no place to transport the soil. Oh, the mountains to the west can barely count, but such a long distance, just with the claws of the flying dragons, How's the luck?

So there is only one plan for now, and that is to dig the ground.

A boundary was drawn around 200 meters around Chilong Mountain and a trench was dug to isolate Chilong Mountain from the outside wilderness.

This is another big project. Why does Xu Dong feel that he has been stuck with the project recently, either by cutting down trees to make embankments, or by pushing mountains to block roads, and now he has to build a moat, which is ridiculous.

Such a big project cannot be completed overnight, but there is still a lot of time. Xu Dong is determined to let the red-scaled flying dragons develop for a period of time to increase the number of races, and then there will be room for change in any situation.

Let's just do this for now. Xu Dong, who had just returned to the mountain, rushed out without taking a moment to rest.

Use your eyes to visually measure the distance, determine twelve points around the mountain, and finally connect these twelve points to form an approximately circular polygon.

Xu Dong missed the vines of later generations. This was the best substitute before the rope came out. If you tie it to the foot of the mountain, it will be a natural compass.

After working until evening, the adult red-scaled flying dragons flew back in twos and threes. Most of them had prey in their hands, which were small and medium-sized predators or young Chinese dragons.

Let’s not talk about other aspects of this group of guys, but they are still very obedient. They will not move if the herbivorous dinosaurs are not allowed to move.

Hundreds of flying dragons flew back to the platform, and what greeted them were the brooding female dragons and baby dragons waiting to be fed.

The eating habits of dinosaurs will change when they are young and grow up, but for carnivorous dinosaurs, eating meat earlier and later does not actually have much impact. The little flying dragons fell on the prey one by one and fought and fought. It was really a happy scene.

Tomorrow we will start planning the second step. The red-scaled flying dragons will be divided into two groups. One group is still looking for small and medium-sized predators in the wilderness, and the other group will follow Xu Dong to the edge of the forest, where the hunting lizards will lure them out. of predators.

The number of predators attracted by one velociraptor is limited, and naturally it cannot satisfy so many flying dragons. This requires the velociraptor trained by Xu Dong to act as a guide and middleman to communicate with each velociraptor household in the forest. , the number of people brought out by the group is definitely beyond the imagination of the flying dragons.

In fact, Xu Dong was also hesitant about one thing, that is, like the previous Lycosaurus, he was a vegetarian most of the time and how to calculate the type of meat that he occasionally ate.

Xu Dong thought hard for a long time and finally got the answer. There was no way. He could only blame them for being unlucky. Luck is also a kind of strength, right?

The next day, Xu Dong brought a dozen red-scaled flying dragons to the border between the forest and the wilderness. Because it was still unclear whether the tactic of luring snakes out of the cave would work, Xu Dong brought a dozen of them over to test the water, even if the velociraptors fell off the chain. Now, even the red-scaled flying dragon that has not come can ensure enough food in the habitat.

The flying dragons didn't know what kind of trouble Xu Dong was going to do this time, but it didn't hurt anyway. Whatever the boss said, they could go wherever the boss told them.

A group of more than a dozen red-scaled flying dragons have been circling in the sky since they arrived in the forest. They would not come down without Xu Dong's cries, but he entered the forest alone and came to the cave of yesterday's velociraptor.

The little velociraptor may have enjoyed a rare feast yesterday, but it hasn't gone out to look for food at this time. This is not in line with the velociraptor's industrious dragon design.

He stamped on the ground with his feet, attracting the attention of the velociraptor in the cave. The male velociraptor revealed his small head, and when he discovered that it was a huge creature, he immediately shrank back in fear.

. . .

Xu Dong stepped on it twice again and howled.

The male swift lizard then stuck out its head and looked at Xu Dong again, and finally recognized Xu Dong. Then it cautiously got out of the cave and slowly approached Xu Dong. Looking at its hesitant look, it was obviously worried. Will you eat it today?

Xu Dongke was too lazy to wait for it to falter, and quickly stretched out his hand to grab it, and came to the place where seven large cadaver dragons died yesterday.

There are still a lot of omnivores in the forest. Today, only a bunch of bones are left of the seven large cadaver dragons. When Xu Dong arrived, he was surprised by a large number of small creatures, including velociraptors and Morgan beasts. .

Xu Dong threw the velociraptor in his hand and pointed at the velociraptors escaping around it.

The smart little guy quickly understood what Xu Dong meant and began to persuade the lizards one by one. Finally, a dozen trembling little lizards were brought to Xu Dong.

Very good, very good, an outstanding dragon traitor.

Xu Dong pointed toward them outside the forest to the north, and the leader of the lizards immediately yelled Wow twice to express understanding.

Well, that's up to you.

Xu Dong easily jumped onto the tree branch, and then passed directly through the canopy into the sky, waiting for the velociraptor to lure the prey out.

After a while, a dozen velociraptor lizards took the lead and ran out of the forest. Behind them were a group of Coelophysis of unknown genus. They were generally about two meters in size and looked very similar to the genus Coelophysis. This was why Xu Dong did not Dare to confirm the reason.

Logically speaking, wouldn’t Coelophysis become extinct millions of years ago? Why are there still remnants here?

But no matter which species of Coelophysis these guys were, they were definitely carnivorous anyway. Xu Dong immediately howled and rushed forward first.

The red-scaled flying dragons hovering in the sky received Xu Dong's signal and immediately swooped down one by one. Only a dozen or so red wings were quite impressive.

Thanks to Peerless Pig Trotters for the tip.

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