Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 122 Training (updated today)

At the junction of the forest and the wilderness, a ten-centimeter red velociraptor ran out of the forest first, followed by an ugly dinosaur with fur.

At this moment, a large flying dragon descended from the sky, grabbed the Wolf-mouthed Dragon, and flew over the top of the velociraptor, causing a breeze. The little velociraptor raised its head and stared blankly at the red-scaled flying dragon flying higher and higher, looking at them It gets smaller and smaller until it turns into a tiny dot.

The dot finally split into two, and a small dot kept falling downwards. The velociraptor stared blankly at the dot that was getting bigger and bigger, and then it realized and dodge immediately.


Xu Dong didn't fly too high, and it wasn't as high as smashing the dinosaur into pieces. This ugly Lycosaurus only flew its limbs and shattered all the bones in its body.

It must be dead. As for how it looks like, it can't be seen or felt anyway, so Xu Dong just lets it go.

Red Wings flapped and roared to the ground, stepped on the remains of the Lycorosaurus, cut off one of its hind limbs and threw it to the Velociraptor not far away.

The little velociraptor was still confused. It looked at the legs of the wolf-billed dragon, then at Xu Dong, and then at the legs of the wolf-billed dragon. Finally, it seemed to have enlightened, and jumped up and down with joy.

Xu Dong was a little surprised. He didn't know what this little guy was enjoying.

Soon the little velociraptor also imitated Xu Dong's example, pointing at the dragon's leg, then pointing into the forest, and then circling around the dragon's leg.

? ? ?

What does it mean?

Xu Dong finally understood why he made so many gestures, but Xunli couldn't understand them. Xu Dong couldn't understand them either.

But not being able to understand didn't stop him from continuing to observe the Velociraptor's actions.

This little velociraptor barked and pointed while still walking into the forest. After taking two steps, it turned around, jumped twice, barked twice, and pointed at the legs of the wolf-mouthed dragon.

Are you trying to escape like this? It's a bit different.

Xu Dong felt that it was impossible for the little guy to escape from his palm at its speed, so he let it run for a while. When it ran into the forest, he flew to a tree branch and continued to follow it.

After following it for a while, I found that it ran into a small arched cave and kept barking into it.

Soon a velociraptor of similar size emerged from the cave, followed by four or five smaller baby dragons.

Feeling: This is still a family of velociraptors. This velociraptor originally wants to share meat with the family.

The legs of the Lycosaurus that Xu Dong gave it were too big and too big for it to take back, so it had no choice but to take its family members out to eat together.

The velociraptor before happily led his family out of the forest as if offering a treasure. They lived on the outskirts of the forest, and soon they arrived at the place where the Lycosaurus fell to death.

The female velociraptor and the baby velociraptor brought over by the male velociraptor were shocked when they saw the dragon's legs that were larger than themselves. When did their husbands/fathers become so ambitious that they could find so much meat?

Velociraptors are omnivores, or small creatures are omnivores, so they eat roots, seeds, insects, scavengers, and meat.

However, with the size of the velociraptor, it is rare for them to eat meat, just like the people at the bottom of the feudal dynasty.

They work hard in the fields for a whole year, facing the loess and turning their backs to the sky, but they can only eat meat during the New Year and festivals. The poorer people, let alone meat, would be fine if they don't freeze to death.

The New Year is approaching, and the New Year is a time of hell.

At this time, the situation of Xunliu is equivalent to that of the poor people at the bottom. The husband suddenly comes home from farming, dancing and dragging his wife and children to the fields, and the fields are full of rare meat. How can you not be excited? , not excited.

The Swift Lizard family suddenly screamed with joy, and Xu Dong also laughed. These little guys were so interesting.

At the same time, he is also a little envious of the family attribute of Xunliu. After all, he once had a family. Forget it, the past is like smoke, let’s not think about it.

In the wilderness at this time, a two-meter-long Lufeng Pangeraptor saw the body of Lycorosaurus on the edge of the forest. It was so hungry that it left its thirsty saliva.

Life in the wilderness these days is like a nightmare, with those terrifying red wings hovering in the sky all the time. Anyone who dares to emerge from the ferns is waiting for its red judgment.

Its group originally numbered close to a hundred, but under the red wings they were like young dragons waiting to be slaughtered. There was no room for struggle and resistance. Some were clawed to death on the ground, some were scraped into thousand-layer cakes, and some were beaten to death. It's shocking to see people fall to pieces from the sky.

This group of Red Wings is extremely cruel and bloodthirsty. They do not eat meat, but simply do it for fun. It once saw several flying dragons carrying their prey to the sky together, and then each held a limb, creating a prehistoric version of the Five Dragons. corpse.

The younger dragons, who were not yet adults, were carried into the air and thrown around like balls. By the time they landed, they had countless holes in their bodies.

There was a community of hundreds of Pangeaptorosaurus, but now the family has been destroyed and the dragons have died, and they are homeless.

It can only rely on insects in the ground to satisfy its hunger every day. It has not eaten fresh blood food for so long that it can't even remember it.

At this time, there was no annoying Red Wing in the sky. There was a fallen dinosaur on the ground, and there was nothing else except five or six little lizards. It was as if it was delivered to your door.

The hungry Pangeraptor only looked at the sky and the earth, but ignored the red flying dragon hiding in the trees.

Xu Dong also wondered why after so many days of slaughter, there were still fish that slipped through the net. It seemed that the red-scaled flying dragons under his command were not paying attention to their work, and they needed to be criticized.

The sudden appearance of Pangea raptor frightened the velociraptor family that was eating. They immediately put down the food in their mouths and fled towards the forest.

But before they could run very far, they heard a boom sound. The trained velociraptor stopped and looked back, only to see the huge and powerful Pangeraptor rising from the tree. It fell down and hit the ground with another bang sound.

A red flying dragon just landed on Pangeraptor's body, its sharp claws directly inserted into its forehead.

Staring at them with bright eyes, the little velociraptor suddenly became excited, drooped his head, and walked back with his wife and children.

The female velociraptors and velociraptor baby dragons who had never seen Xu Dong shivered when they looked at the huge body of the red-scaled flying dragon. In their minds, any creature larger than them was invincible.

Xu Dong did not attack them, but pointed at the Pangeraptor at his feet and then at the Velociraptor. The trained male Velociraptor obviously understood what Xu Dong meant and looked very happy.

But his wife and children couldn't understand. When they saw the male lizard going towards Xudong, they tried their best to hold it back and prevent it from leaving.

Xu Dong smiled happily, let out a quacking laugh, flapped his wings into the sky, and flew towards his habitat, Chilong Mountain.

The harvest this time is quite big. The descendants of my branch are very smart and can understand gestures and meanings. They also have family attributes. With them acting as the second and fifth cubs, there is no need to worry about being small and medium-sized predators in the immortal forest.

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