Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 121 Chapter 119 Swift Lizard Instruction Manual (One more chapter)

After giving instructions in sign language several times, the velociraptor seemed to understand, but also seemed not to understand.

Xu Dong tried to put the little guy on the wound torn open by the giant dragon.

The Swift Lizard looked at the flesh and blood and then at Xu Dong with a confused expression.

In order to make the little guy feel more at ease, Xu Dong stayed away a little.

As a result, not far away, the velociraptor swished away.

However, it was undoubtedly a foolish dream to escape in front of Xu Dong. It was caught again by Xu Dong before it ran a few meters.

Continue to place it on the body of the great dragon and remove its claws.

call out

The little guy escaped again.

Then he was captured by Xu Dong again. The lizard seemed to have accepted its fate, biting the fresh flesh and blood under its body without mercy, and never tried to escape again.

After eating, it did not run away, but turned to face Xu Dong, indicating that it was at Xu Dong's mercy.

Xu Dong could do whatever he wanted with it, and it chose to lie down.

Xu Dong scratched his head and thought about how to use gestures to express it and let it lead the great death dragons out of the forest.

So he tried pointing at the great cadaver dragon and then at the velociraptor.

The little guy turned around obediently and took another bite of dragon meat, even though it was already very full.

Xu Dong had no choice but to point at the little lizard and then at the forest exit to the north.

The little guy didn't understand and tilted his head to express his disbelief.

Xu Dong grabbed the little guy again and took it north out of the forest.

Xu Dong didn't go very far into the forest, so he arrived at the forest boundary within a few steps. The bodies of the large death dragons in the forest were still vaguely visible.

Xu Dong pointed at the giant dragon, then at the velociraptor, and finally at the outside of the forest.

The little guy seems to understand.

Xu Dong didn't know how to explain it to it.

At this moment, the corpses of those large cadavers attracted other predators, which looked like an unknown land crocodile.

It is about three meters in size, covered with armor, and its limbs are longer and straighter than later crocodiles, but there is not much difference in other aspects.

Xu Dong placed the lizard on a branch and signaled it to sit here and not move.

As expected, the little guy sat obediently and didn't dare to move.

Xu Dong decided to personally demonstrate to this little guy how to lure prey out of the forest.

At this time, the land crocodile saw that there were no predators around, so it boldly approached the pile of corpses and tore the flesh and blood of the great dragon. However, its spirit was still highly tense and it was always alert to the surrounding situation.

After all, a creature that can kill so many giant dragons is definitely a very terrifying existence, and it must be impossible to defeat.

But flesh and blood moved the dragon's heart, so Lu Crocodile boldly came over to buy some for free, preparing to run away as soon as the terrifying creature came back.

But unexpectedly, after eating for a long time, no creature came to claim the meat, so it couldn't help but eat more enthusiastically.

Xu Dong's sudden appearance startled it, but after seeing clearly the size of the visitor, Lu Crocodile hummed twice before lowering his head and continuing to eat meat.

After all, such a young guy definitely couldn't be the murderer of these giant dragons. This guy must have come here for free, so there's no need to make a fuss.

If there was only one dead dragon carcass on the ground now, the land crocodile would definitely not be willing to share it with the new creature.

But now there were eight dragon corpses lying on the ground, which they couldn't finish eating until they died. It didn't mind if other dragons came over to share.

But who knew that it was kind-hearted and didn't drive away the one-meter-long red dragon, but it didn't appreciate it. When it came, it slapped the land crocodile on the head, which stunned it.

In order not to arouse the land crocodile's vigilance, Xu Dong deliberately retracted his claws, otherwise even if it had subcutaneous bone formation, Xu Dong would still be able to give it three claw marks on its face.

When he woke up, Lu Crocodile was immediately angered by Xu Dong's provocation. How dare you, a mere one-meter-tall kid?

Lu Crocodile moved his four long legs to chase Xu Dong in the direction of his escape.

This place is not far from the wilderness. Xu Dong deliberately slowed down his pace so as not to get too far away from the land crocodile. When it ran out of the forest, the bright sunlight made its eyes white, and then came a blaze of red.

Xu Dong used bat-shaped wings to descend from the sky, and a pair of sharp claws scratched from the land crocodile's head to its tail. Its subcutaneous bone defense could not stop Xu Dong's claw strikes, leaving three deep blood marks on its back. .

With the blessing of three mutated prokaryotes, even if the former pseudocrocodiles were resurrected, their subcutaneous bones would be nothing more than wood that was difficult to chop under Xu Dong's claws, let alone the surviving small land crocodiles.

Previously, the leader of the Red Scale Flying Dragon was because he was also a pseudo-legend, and his subcutaneous osteogenesis had been strengthened. Coupled with Xu Dong's mercy, this created the illusion that the subcutaneous osteogenesis defense seemed to be very powerful.

Xu Dong retracted his wings and entered the forest, and took down the lizard from the branch. It witnessed Xu Dong's operation throughout the process, and seemed a little dazed. It didn't know what it was thinking in its little head.

Xu Dong pointed at the corpse of the great dragon again, at the velociraptor, then at the corpse of the land crocodile outside the forest to the north, and finally at himself.

Maybe he had seen the operation once and had an idea in his mind. The little guy nodded repeatedly.

But Xu Dong was still a little worried, and was ready to wait for the next prey to be attracted by the corpse and let it try.

Soon several small and ugly dinosaurs were attracted by the bloody smell of the giant sarcosaurus. They were about 1.2 meters long and were small heterodontosaurid vegetarians, Lycorosaurus. However, according to the tooth fossils found, they were probably Omnivorous.

Xu Dong let go of the velociraptor in his hand and pointed at the Wolf-mouthed Dragon at the dragon's corpse. The little Swift Lizard looked at Xu Dong and then at the Wolf-billed Dragon. He nodded in understanding and looked towards the wolf. The raptors ran away.

As before, if there is enough food, unnecessary fighting will not happen, and everyone can eat in peace.

The little lizard jumped around in front of the Lycorosaurus for a long time, but was still ignored. Finally, the little guy finally had the courage to rush under a Lycorosaurus and bite it in one bite.


Blood splattered everywhere, and the little guy turned around and ran away. The Lycosaurus didn't pay attention at first, but only started to howl and scream when it felt the pain.

Seeing the little velociraptor running about ten meters and turning around to watch, he became so angry that he immediately stopped caring about the meat on the ground and chased after it.

The other wolf-mouthed dragons looked up and didn't pay any attention at all, and continued to eat blood food on their own.

It was probably the first time for the little velociraptor to do this kind of thing, so it was a little nervous. Being chased by the Lycosaurus, it was so panicked that it didn't choose its path and didn't even run to the north.

Xu Dong had no choice but to go over and wipe its butt. Just when he was about to chase it from the tree, the velociraptor that had been running farther and farther to the west actually circled around and came back, followed by an angry wolf. Mouth dragon.

Okay, it seems that this little guy still remembers it, so Xu Dong can rest assured and wait outside the woods.

Leave the forest and fly into the sky, wandering at the border between the forest and the wilderness.

After a while, a small red lizard finally rushed out of the forest with its two hind legs, and behind it was the Lycosaurus.

Well, it’s hunting time!

Paleontology Theater: Heterodontosauridae, also known as Dimetrodontidae, which means lizards with different teeth, is a family of ornithischian dinosaurs and is often considered to be the basis of the group of ornithopod dinosaurs, but recent studies have shown that Heterodontosaurids are closely related to cephalosaurs. Although heterodontosaurid fossils are rare, they survived across the globe from the early Jurassic to the early Cretaceous.

Heterodontosaurids were as big as foxes and less than 2 meters long. Heterodontosaurids are famous for their unique teeth, which include canine-like tusks and chewing cheek teeth similar to those of Cretaceous hadrosaurids. Heterodontosaurids were herbivorous dinosaurs, or possibly omnivores.

Lycorosaurus, also known as Lycorosaurus or Lycosaurus, is a genus of ornithischian heterodontosaurid dinosaurs.

Sauromorpha - Archosaurs - Dinosaurs - Ornithischia - Heterodontosauridae - Lycorosaurus

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