Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 120 Do you think everything will be fine if you stay in the forest? (Two more chapters)

There are not many large predators in the wilderness. They are basically Chinese dragons, with a few Chinese dragons that can grow up to six meters mixed in.

There was not much competition pressure in the early Jurassic, and all that mattered was first-mover advantage. The Double Crown Four Kings could enjoy the world for at least another eight million years before they were taken away by the wave of early Jurassic extinction.

In fact, when I was browsing Tieba before, I saw an introduction about the Early Jurassic Prienspaian-Toarian extinction period.

That is, in the Karoo-Ferrar large igneous province starting in 183ma, the number of dinosaurs fell to a historical low during these tens of millions of years, even more miserable than the Triassic mass extinction.

Damn it, you are nothing without nature to cheat you!

But in fact, what puzzled Xu Dong even more was why the number of 190ma dinosaurs plummeted. For this reason, he specifically asked an unknown boss surnamed A, but the boss told him that nothing happened, it was just that no fossils were found. .

Although Xu Dong was still confused, he didn't ask any more questions. If the boss said it was okay, then it was okay.

It only took three days for the red-scaled flying dragons to wipe out the Chinese dragons in the dragon circle. They also eliminated many small and medium-sized predators. Of course, there may be some missed Chinese dragon larvae, which will be collected later. The small and medium-sized predators will be eliminated together.

Let the flying dragons move freely for a day, and Xu Dong is going to check out the little guy hiding in the darkness in the territory.

There were not many medium-sized predators in the entire Early Jurassic, or even none, because in terms of size, the Double-Crowned Four Heavenly Kings were actually medium-sized predators.

To be more precise, they are predators between medium and large. Such a group of things were occupied in the Early Jurassic. You can imagine how comfortable the empty ecological niche is.

However, there are quite a lot of small predators. Many of them are inherited from the Triassic mass extinction, and they mostly live in large forests in the south.

The view in the wilderness is too vast, which is not conducive to them hiding and foraging.

The most common ones are the giant dragon, the cowardly dragon, and some remaining land crocodiles.

Xu Dong flew around the wilderness and finally found a few small predators. He finally determined that the focus of the subsequent suppression should be on the forest.

The previously stiff wings of the Red Scale Flying Dragon would naturally not be able to move freely in the dense forest, but after adding the second mutant proto-nucleus, the feather scale wings can now be either strong or soft. In fact, the forest can also be entered, but not very convenient.

After all, even if the wings can be softened, the length is still there, and they will definitely hit branches and branches when they are flapped, thus losing the advantage of flexibility in the air.

Unless everyone folds their wings, walks on land, and goes in to hunt down small predators.

This is not a wise choice. The red-scaled flying dragons have become accustomed to aerial combat. If they are rashly allowed to return to land combat, their combat effectiveness will definitely be greatly reduced.

Even if you really go in, in a strange forest environment, facing the elusive small predators, you still can't tell who is the prey.

It would be great if they were the little red dragons they used to be. The forest environment is what they are best at.

Wait, little red dragon?

Although the little red dragon is gone, the velociraptors are everywhere.

Xu Dong quickly turned around and caught a velociraptor that flashed behind it. Not only was his agility the best in the world, he still had hope of ranking among the top ten.

Although the Velociraptor is fast, it is still an ordinary creature after all, and its speed is far inferior to Xu Dong.

I grabbed this little guy with my left hand and found out that it was even smaller than at the time of the mass extinction at the end of the Triassic. The little red dragon has been passed down to you so that you can continue to survive, you bastards.

The velociraptor, which had closed its eyes and held its head with its paws, waiting to die, found that Xu Dong had not eaten it, so it opened one eye and looked at Xu Dong curiously.

Seeing Xu Dong's gaze coming over, he suddenly became excited and closed his eye again.

Hey, that's kind of fun.

Xu Dong felt that although there was no way to teach them how to hunt together like the little red dragon before, it was still possible to cooperate.

As for how to cooperate? Of course, let the velociraptor lure the small predators out of the forest, and the red-scaled flying dragon waiting for the rabbit will directly eat the food delivered to the door.

But how do we let them know when they are in danger and run out of the forest? this. . .

Xu Dong was so troubled by this that he could only take one step to take a look. At this time, a group of large cadaver dragons suddenly jumped out from the ferns and pounced on Xu Dong, who was thinking.

? ? ?

What's going on? I haven't looked for them yet, but they've arrived at my door by themselves?

It's no wonder that Xu Dong, who had folded his wings, was only a little over one meter in length, which was completely incomparable to these two or three meters long cadaver dragons.

But body size does not equal combat power. Although Xu Dong's body size is not as good as that of the great cadaver dragons, his claws are not vegetarian.

Before this group of small coelophysaurid predators had even landed, Xu Dong cut the throats of the three in front of him.

When the remaining five large cadavers landed, they discovered that three of their kind had actually fallen. Although they were smart, they had never encountered such a situation before, and their thoughts were confused for a while.

Some wanted to continue attacking Xu Dong, while others wanted to escape. In the end, they just froze in place and howled at each other.

Xu Dong sprinted forward with both feet, as fast as a rabbit, as powerful as a tiger, and with his claws like a snake, thrusting here and there. In a few breaths, he came behind all the great cadaver dragons, put on a handsome posture, and faced Bleeding Claws breathed.

The velociraptor held by Xu Dong in his left hand was almost dumbfounded. His eyes were wide open. He obviously couldn't believe that the bad guy who originally hunted them fell to Xu Dong's claws so easily. All eight of them died together. It was simply unbelievable. It breaks through the little guy's worldview.

When it finally came to its senses, it sadly discovered that it was also the prey of this ferocious guy. It couldn't help but feel sad for a moment, its big eyes flickered, and it shed big tears.

Tsk tsk, Xu Dong was amazed to see that this little guy could actually beg for mercy, which was getting more and more interesting.

Xu Dong originally didn't want to kill it. He tore open the body of the dragon, cut off a small piece of minced meat, and put it to the velociraptor's mouth.

The little guy didn't understand what was going on and tilted his head in confusion. Finally, he couldn't resist the temptation of blood food and quickly opened his mouth and swallowed it in one gulp.

His two small hands were still covering his mouth, and his eyes kept looking at Xu Dong, chewing twice, taking a look, chewing twice, and taking a look.

Hahahaha, Xu Dong finally couldn't help laughing, but unfortunately the lizard's vocal cords made an indescribable sound.

This little guy is so smart, try to understand the gestures.

Xu Dong pointed at the little guy, which startled him, and then pointed at the meat of the giant dragon, meaning that you can eat the meat of the giant dragon.

However, what the Velociraptor's little brain understood might be somewhat different from Xu Dong's idea. It mistakenly believed that Xu Dong wanted to turn it into a corpse like the Great Death Dragon.

Suddenly, big tears came out again, but it still kept chewing the dragon meat in its mouth. Even if it died, it would still be a satiated ghost.

Thank you for my lazy reward.

Paleontology Theater: Synthurosaurus, also known as Tenpodosaurus or Synthropodosaurus, which means joined tarsus, is a genus of dinosaur in the family Coelophysis, which lived in the early Jurassic period. Since its scientific name was already owned by a Coleoptera insect, it was renamed by three entomologists in 2001 as Big Death Lizard.

However, some paleontologists dislike this name, and both names are also used. Some early reconstructions depict Synthosaurus as a feathered dinosaur, but in fact neither Synthosaurus nor its close relatives may have had feathers.

Synthurosaurus is about 3 meters long from nose to tail and weighs about 32 kilograms. In the fossil layer of Zimbabwe, 30 specimens of Synthurosaurus were found, so paleontologists believe that it hunted in groups.

Sauromorpha - Archosaurs - Dinosaurs - Sauruschia - Theropods - Coelophysis - Synthosaurus

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