Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 119 Dinosaur Postpartum Care

Xu Dong didn't expect that digging a mountain would lead to trouble. Just as the red-scaled flying dragons were rolling rocks in full swing, a pile of rocks rolled down onto the path below.

A big guy curled up in a ball and sleeping suddenly appeared on the missing hilltop.

The appearance of this big guy is obviously that of a lizard. Well, it is a scaly creature of the same family as Xu Dong. It is about forty meters long. It has a slender body, smooth scales, and fiery red spots on both sides of its body. It is very beautiful.

This is? Skinks? Are there skinks now?

Xu Dong began to search his memory, and then discovered that the skinks first appeared in the Bajourian period of the Middle Jurassic, 20 million years ago, so this guy is unlikely to be a skink.

It should be the transitional stage of the evolution of some unknown species from the order Squamata to the suborder Skinks.

But no matter what species this guy is, what Xu Dong knows is that at the level of 40 meters, it is best not to touch it if you can. If you really wake it up, you will most likely not be able to beat it.

Judging from the way this guy is sleeping, it is very likely that he is already an immortal species. These guys are easier to deal with than the longevity species. They like to be low-key and dormant. It is best if they do not attract the attention of the outside world.

Dozens of red-scaled flying dragons quietly moved away from the sleeping lizard and arrived at the last mountain path.

As long as this mountain road is filled in, the wilderness will completely become an isolated island. When the dragon circle is formed, it will not be available to the red-scaled flying dragon.

Because they had dug out the immortal seeds before, Xu Dong and other dragons were now cautious in digging the mountain. The time required to fill in the three mountain roads was several times that of filling in the three mountain roads before, but they finally solved it.

Xu Dong breathed a sigh of relief and flew back to the mountain with the red-scaled flying dragons in the center of the wilderness. After a night's rest, he was about to start a sweep.

In the early morning of the next day, as the sun just emerged from the horizon, the small creatures came out of their nests. The small creatures that got up early had worms to eat. The velociraptors crawled out of the cave early to start their hard-working day.

Herbivores will wait until the sun basks on them before lazily getting up from the ground and continuing their grazing business all day long.

At this time, large, medium and small predators also have to go out to find their prey.

The two-meter-long small predator Tyrannosaurus had its eyes on the small velociraptors that were foraging in the forest. Its main food was these velociraptors and mammals that were foraging in the ground. Of course, the baby dragons of those large dinosaurs It is extremely delicious.

In order to avoid being hunted by predators in the wilderness, large vegetarian dinosaurs often lay eggs in safer forests. However, this safety is only relative to the wilderness, and very few young dragons can actually survive to adulthood.

How is this possible? The death of every vegetarian baby dragon is a loss for the red-scaled flying dragon. They need not only meat now, but also more meat in the future.

Xu Dong decided to change this so that the vegetarian dinosaurs could lay eggs without worrying about being hunted by large predators, and the young dragons could grow up without worrying about being killed by small and medium-sized predators.

In the Feilong Plains, which Xu Dong himself named, only one kind of predator is allowed to exist, and that is the red-scaled flying dragon.

The vegetarian dinosaurs here are the private property of the red-scaled flying dragon, and other predators cannot touch them.

In order to completely protect their sacred and inviolable property, a large-scale hunting operation was officially launched.

Red-scaled wyverns can distinguish predatory dinosaurs from vegetarian dinosaurs. This skill is nothing special and most predators can do it.

As long as Xu Dong led them to hunt a few times, they would be able to understand and kill this group of predatory dinosaurs with their wisdom.

Hundreds of red-scaled flying dragons flew out of Tushan in a mighty manner, their red wings spread out to cover the sky. Their purpose was to target the original overlords of this grassland, the three-tiered Chinese dragons.

If these Chinese dragons knew that they were so honored and needed hundreds of red-scale flying dragons to surround and kill them, they would probably be moved to tears.

The total number of them in the entire wilderness does not exceed one hundred, and most of them move alone. Five to six hundred red-scaled flying dragons arrive together. Let alone hunting them, they can be scared to death.

But Xu Dong doesn't care about this. For his big ranch plan, the Chinese dragons, the creatures that pose the greatest threat to vegetarian dinosaurs, must be wiped out.

So what happened next was a series of tragic scenes that saved all sentient beings.

A three-tiered Chinese dragon with a body length of more than 6 meters is lying low in the ferns, preparing to ambush a Zhou's Yibin dragon not far away. Generally, the three-tiered Chinese dragon rarely hunts these 12-meter-long people. Partner.

But this time is an exception. This three-tiered Chinese dragon is almost 7 meters long. Those Lufeng dragons, Chuxiong dragons and the like are not challenging to it.

Maybe I'm out of my mind today, or maybe I'm competing with my neighbor, the Chinese dragon. Yesterday, my neighbor hunted down a 10-meter-long giant dragon, so I have to be better than the opponent no matter what I do today.

Seeing that the breeding season is coming, only the strongest Chinese dragons are worthy of the best female dragons.

This three-tiered Chinese dragon has always believed that it is the most powerful, handsome and handsome Chinese dragon in the surrounding area for hundreds of miles. How can it be upstaged by its neighbors? No, it has to hunt bigger prey than the big dragon.

After scanning around, if the Yibin dragon is still the largest in your territory, then choose them.

After a while, the opportunity came. An adult Zhou's Yibin dragon sprained its legs while eating leaves from the tree. It lay down on the ground and started wailing, looking very painful.

How could we miss this God-given opportunity? The most handsome Chinese dragon sprang out from the ferns and rushed towards the Zhou Yibin dragon with sprained legs.

It can even see the fear in Zhou's Yibin dragon's eyes, yes, that's it, this is what it feels like to be an overlord.

Huh? Why do I suddenly feel a little hot on my back?

Why do I feel like something is leaking out?

Why is everything around it turned red, so weird?

how. . .

It will no longer be confused, because the most powerful, handsome and handsome Chinese dragon fell on the road to the Zhou Yibin Dragon. This road will never reach the end.

Dozens of red-scale flying dragons cut open and tore the Chinese dragon's back into pieces in an instant, whether it was skin, flesh, bones or blood vessels.

Under the claws of the red scale flying dragon, everything turned into pieces of minced meat, the Jurassic Overlord? Under the Claws of Wyverns is a joke.

Hundreds of red-scale flying dragons swarmed over and ate up all the flesh and blood of the Chinese dragon in a short time. They didn't even touch the Zhou Yibin dragon not far away, and just soared into the sky, following Xu Dong to fly to the next place. Hunting spot.

It's not that vegetarian dinosaur meat is not tempting to them. On the contrary, almost none of the red-scaled flying dragons don't want to eat Zhou Yibinsaurus directly, but Xu Dong is watching from the sky, and they don't dare.

Previously, a red-scaled flying dragon violated Xu Dong's rules and touched other vegetarian dinosaurs, and was directly injured by Xu Dong using military law.

The second time it happened, Xu Dong took action and disabled the red-scaled flying dragon that violated the regulations.

The third time, Xu Dong directly cut it into five pieces. From then on, no red-scaled flying dragon dared to disobey Xu Dong's orders.

A strong army must be so disciplined and enforce orders and prohibitions!

Only in this way will Red Wings become a terrifying existence for all living beings.

Paleontology Theater: Yibinsaurus is a genus of sauropod dinosaur and a herbivorous dinosaur that lived in Sichuan Province, China, in the early Jurassic. Its genus name is named after Yibin City in China, but it has not been formally described or named, and it is currently an unqualified name.

It’s not that I don’t want to attach pictures to these dinosaurs recently, but dinosaurs from the early Jurassic period are very rare and there are no restoration pictures at all.

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