Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 116 Hundred Dragons Fighting Generals (National Day)

When the red-scaled flying dragons arrived on the plain, Xu Dong was already eating the meat of this local overlord.

He was not interested in these so-called overlords in the early Jurassic period because these 5-meter guys were too weak.

In fact, in the early Jurassic, during the First Dynasty of Dinosaurs, there were also huge predators. For example, the Dandakoosaurus discovered in India was likely to reach ten meters, making it a proper top predator.

But now India is not in Asia at all, but in the southern continent of Gondwana, between Africa and Australia.

Another group of dinosaurs, the Ceratosauridae, is also a potential stock, and later generations evolved into the top predators of the Fourth Dynasty such as the Abelisauridae.

Some of their groups are already capable of competing with the Dicrosaurids, but unfortunately they are all scumbags in front of the red-scaled flying dragons. Xu Dong can easily defeat them.

After the red-scaled flying dragons arrived, they began their routine indiscriminate sweeps. No prey within sight could escape.

Small creatures were caught in the sky and thrown to death, while medium and large creatures were hacked to death by flying dragons flying in groups of twos and threes. Their killings stained the quiet and peaceful wilderness with a layer of blood.

After eating and drinking, Xu Dong's expansion is about to begin again.

Based on the number of flying dragons in South China, it is estimated that the terrain of the North China Plain is more suitable for the development of red-scaled flying dragons, and the number may be about 1.5 times that of southern China.

There are about a thousand or so, which is not a small number. There are definitely more pterosaur fossils discovered during this period.

But Xu Dong felt that it was still too few. Compared with the millions of Zerg, there were really too few red-scale flying dragons.

Even if all the flying dragons in the motherland were taken under his command, they would only be a little over two thousand. Adding in the red-scaled flying dragons that existed in other areas, the total number would not exceed ten thousand.

It seems that after reunifying the motherland, we should let the flying dragons recuperate for a few years, teach them how to protect and raise young dragons, and try to keep as many as possible.

After five years of this, the number of red-scale flying dragons in East China may even increase ten to twenty times, and the usable combat power will exceed 10,000. Only then will Xu Dong have the confidence to dare to go to war with the Zerg.

This is a big project. Of course, it would be better if the number of flying dragons existing in North China exceeds the estimate in Xudong, and it will save a few years of development.

The first battle to reach North China broke out after the flying dragons flew more than ten miles north.

There are indeed red-scale flying dragons in this plain, and there are quite a few of them, more than a hundred, almost all of them are adults. The proportion of adults is similar to that of Xudong, and their combat effectiveness is not much lower.

This made Xu Dong very happy. He saw the big from the small. He encountered such a large group when he first entered the North China Plain. It seemed that he had greatly underestimated the number of red-scaled flying dragons in the North China Plain.

At this time, a flying dragon that was much larger than the other red-scaled flying dragons came out and roared at the foreign group.

Only then did Xu Dong wake up from his thoughts. Looking at this big guy with a wingspan of at least six meters, he couldn't help but be a little stunned. He actually encountered a pseudo-legendary of the same kind.

The pseudo-legendary red-scaled flying dragon on the opposite side looked at the motionless group of foreign flying dragons and continued to roar.

Although the red-scaled flying dragon has not yet evolved the ability to speak, Xu Dong still understood what this guy meant.

The leader comes out for a duel!

Yes, it made Xu Dong angry and funny. This guy actually challenged him to a duel? It's like using a big sword in front of Guan Gong and playing tricks on others.

Also, with its size, no ordinary flying dragon, no matter how strong it is, can be its opponent, which naturally makes it full of confidence.

There are very few leaders among living creatures who would refuse to challenge one another. This is related to the leader's prestige and face, so naturally it is impossible to refuse.

It seems that this guy has tasted the sweetness of this trick. It is basically impossible for anyone to win a duel with him. If the loser admits his defeat, it is best to directly merge the tribe into the tribe, and expand the tribe without any effort.

Even if they continue to fight even if they don't admit their defeat, the morale of the losing group will definitely plummet, and the pseudo-legendary group will be able to win the war more easily.

But now it met Xu Dong. Although his appearance was ordinary, his strength far exceeded that of ordinary pseudo-legends.

At this time, it had not been long since Xu Dong ate the mutant pronucleus, and his growth had only increased from a wingspan of three meters to three and a half meters. It was indeed not much different from an ordinary red-scaled flying dragon.

Xu Dong naturally happily flew out of the array to confront the pseudo-legendary Red Scale Flying Dragon.

Somehow, the pseudo-legendary flying dragon felt weird, and its instinct drove it to eat Xu Dong.

This feeling is very strange, I have never felt it in other creatures.

This is the mutual attraction between mutant pronuclei. In order to become stronger, mutant pronuclei also need to devour each other and continue to grow, so there will be an unspoken desire to devour each other among the pseudo-legends.

Generally speaking, living things act based on instinct. Even if they are pseudo-legends, their wisdom comes from mutated prokaryotes, so they naturally cannot withstand the drive of prokaryotic bacteria.

But Xu Dong is different. He has wisdom himself, which makes it difficult for him to be manipulated by prokaryotic bacteria. Therefore, over the years, most other pseudo-legends have come to him, but he rarely takes the initiative to find others.

The pseudo-legendary red-scaled flying dragon finally couldn't restrain its instinctive drive. Of course, it didn't want to endure it. Cannibalism is too common for animals. So what if it eats a hostile red-scaled flying dragon?

Throwing away those complicated things, the big guy couldn't wait to pounce on Xu Dong.

Xu Dong didn't plan to dodge this time. He wanted to defeat this pseudo-legend openly and openly in front of the two groups, so that the hundreds of red-scale flying dragons on the opposite side would know his strength and merge obediently to avoid losses.

When the flying dragon, which was twice as big as him, rushed toward him, Xu Dong narrowed his eyes due to the strong wind blowing with its feathery scale wings.

Seeing that the gluttonous mouth was about to bite Xu Dong, he did a backflip, and kicked the Red Scale Flying Dragon's lower jaw with his strong right hind limb. The heavy force caused its upper and lower jaws to close quickly, and the teeth hit each other and made a click sound. A sound.

After gaining the advantage, Xu Dong didn't pause. After returning his body to the right position, he flapped his wings and sprinted quickly, and a red dragon struck out his heart.

The sharp claws pierced the skin and hit the bone fragments on the red scale flying dragon's chest, making a go down sound.

The bone fragments were not broken, and Xu Dong's claws were unaffected. However, after being hit hard by this heavy blow, the Pseudo-Legendary Feilong's chest felt tight, his breathing was stagnant, and his body sluggish for a moment.

The flow of hard work - the chicken pecks the rice

Xu Dong pulled out a trick with a sexy name from nowhere, his claws turned into chicken beaks, and he kept poking at the chest of the pseudo-legend, making a pah, pah, pah, pah, pah sound.

The continuous blows left the Red Scale Flying Dragon with no ability to fight back. He could only watch Xu Dong keep attacking his chest and hitting his bones. The pain and stiffness made him unable to do anything.


Finally, the red scale flying dragon's bone shield could not withstand Xu Dong's continuous and intensive blows and cracked.

More than one piece was broken, and almost all the eight bone fragments in the chest were shattered. The severe pain caused the head of the pseudo-legendary red-scale flying dragon to fall from the sky.

But soon it woke up again. The fall made it escape from Xu Dong's attack. Suffering from the heart-burning pain, the red-scale flying dragon was filled with anger, its eyes began to turn red, and it roared high-pitchedly at Xu Dong!

The second round is about to begin.

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