Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 115 Extreme Gliding (National Day)

The salamander fell into a puddle of flesh, and the mutated pronucleus in its body bounced like a bouncing ball, and was swallowed by Xu Dong who rushed down.

With two mutated nuclei in his body, Xu Dong felt that he had become stronger again.

It landed on the ground and began to devour the flesh and blood of the salamander.


Blue sky and white clouds.


A handful of air.

It was all rubbish. Xu Dong suddenly felt out of breath. Can this system be improved?

[Acquired component: Mimic skin of salamander]

Let me go, isn’t this cheap? I have to scold them before they are willing to ship.

After getting this component, Xu Dong stopped staying and rushed back to the tribe to deal with these dead tribesmen.

This is an unnamed mountain top. Most of it is rock, with only a small amount of soil, all gathered under this towering tree.

Xu Dong mobilized the entire group to start digging holes under the trees. Even the soil under the trees was mixed with the stones after being left for a long time. The digging efficiency was inefficient and it was likely that the digging would not be completed until tomorrow.

Xu Dong picked and picked on the top of the mountain and finally found a few suitable stone slabs. He was about to start his recording career again.

Looking back on my past experience, it seems that I have stopped updating for a long time. I hope that future readers who do not know whether it exists or not will not read it.

Since becoming a red-scaled flying dragon, he has never painted anything again. Now that he has time, and in such a special place, it is time to make up for all the murals that are owed to them.

Xu Dong's claws are now so sharp that he can cut through even hard granite.

On these stones, Xu Dong began to compose the epic of the Red Dragon clan.


When the red dragon spreads its wings and flies with the wind,

When the sea of ​​​​insects surges, a dragon fights a thousand armies alone.

When the indomitable Triassic dragon appears,

When the huge pit of thousands of miles erects long pillars to escape from the spider.

When flying thousands of miles, over mountains and across the sea,

When the earth surges, the sky collapses and the earth collapses, and all living beings wither and bones.

When the legends of the past lifted up the fallen sky and carried all living beings on their shoulders,

When the little red dragon finally fell into the fire after crossing thousands of miles.

When a velociraptor chooses stone slabs over blood food,

The old inheritance has found a new inheritance,

The red dragon's fire will eventually be ignited again!

When I reached this point, it was already late at night, and Xu Dong's face was already covered with tears.

Really, why should we evolve something like tear glands independently? It’s useless except for weakness and it’s a waste of water resources.

He buried these dozens of stone slabs all over the mountain top. This is the past of Xu Dong, the past of the Red Dragon Clan, and the past of history.

Burying them one by one means storing the past history in time, and when the time capsule is opened again in the future.

Is he the destined son of the beast race who has ushered in the dawn? Or is it the orphan of the dragon clan who perseveres in fighting for his destiny?

Xu Donghui will wait and see in the long river of time.

After burying the last lizard stone slab into the mountain wall, it was already dawn, and the first ray of morning light seemed destined to fall on Xu Dong's body.

The radiance of the rising sun dispelled Xu Dong's fatigue and coldness from the night, and the semi-finished chloroplasts in his body began to work crazily, absorbing the cosmic energy from outside the mother star.

It feels so good.

The past has passed, just like this passing night, a new dawn will eventually usher in.

Xu Dong once again grabbed a slate, and in the morning light, he began to draw an epic poem belonging to the red-scaled flying dragon. Maybe this would become another turning point.

The hole was dug and it was time to bury the red-scaled flying dragons. Xu Dong climbed up from the ground and tried his best to identify each corpse that had turned into flesh. Although the blood foam was no different, the red-scaled flying dragon's feathery wings Still unique.

Throwing the red-scale flying dragons with feather-scale wings into the pit under the big tree, giving them a destination after death. The leaves will return to their roots and they will be buried in the earth. This is the belief that Xu Dong, as a Chinese, has engraved in his soul.

He also hopes that the Red Dragon Clan can inherit and carry forward the legacy.

After completing the ritual, Xu Dong continued to fly toward the northwest with the remaining three hundred or so red-scaled flying dragons.

Flying down from the top of the mountain, the speed at least increased several times, from 40km/h to 80km/h. Those with stronger physiques can even reach the limit of 90km for ordinary creatures.

But Xu Dong is an exception. 90km is just a starting point. When he glided down from the Ural Mountains, he reached 120km/h. Now he wants to fly faster, and he wants to feel the limits of his body.

At this time, he had two mutated pronuclei and chloroplasts in his body that continuously replenished the energy of the sun, enough to support its continuous breakthroughs.

120km, normal high speed, is too weak.

At 140km, the wind became noisy, and the air flow rubbed against the body and made a hissing sound. It was still far from enough!

170km, I feel a little tight in my chest, and the scales all over my body, including the feather scale wings, are shaking slightly, but he can still go faster!

At 180km, my body has become stiff and unruly, and the blood in my body feels like it has condensed, but it is not the limit yet, and I can go faster!

At this time, Xu Dong was like an extreme sports enthusiast, wandering on the edge of life and death, enjoying the taste of physical extremes.

The limit of wingsuit flight of later generations of Apes erectus could reach 400km/h, with an average speed of 200km/h. He didn't believe that he couldn't do it with his current physique!

At 200km, Xu Dong's vision began to blur, the whistling wind in his ears had disappeared, his body became numb, all his senses had gone away, and his thinking had stagnated. He felt like he was in another world.

This feeling was really, really wonderful, and he even enjoyed it a little.

But Xu Dong knew that he had to slow down. The mountain he flew down was only a thousand meters, and there was no way for him to increase his speed to more than 200 kilometers. If he didn't slow down, he might become the first pseudo-legend to commit suicide.

As the speed slows down, everything that was lost before is returning. Vision, hearing, feeling, and blood begin to flow again, and warmth fills all parts of the body.

The sun's rays provided him with energy as usual, allowing him to recover quickly.

This extreme sport was not a meaningless move. It at least brought a little fun to Xu Dong's boring journey, and it also cost him hundreds of words.

For the rest of the journey, the forest has bottomed out and the red-scaled flying dragons haven't caught up yet. He can explore the way ahead first.

At the end of the forest, there is an endless wilderness. Finally, we have arrived at the North China Plain, where countless early Jurassic dinosaurs inhabited.

When the Chinese dragon raised its head and looked at the red dragon spreading its wings, with a little envy in his heart, Xu Dong gave it a friendly red flame dragon attack.

The sharp claws inserted into the jaw of Sinosaurus Sinosaurus and directly knocked it away dozens of meters. If these early Jurassic overlords were smart, they would definitely complain about why they were used to attack them everywhere they went.

But there is no way. Who is called Double-Crowned Dragon? In the United States, Dragon Hunter is in South Africa, Cryolophosaurus is in Antarctica, and the Double-Crowned Four Heavenly Kings is just a Chinese dragon in North and South China. If we don't kill it, why should we kill those who eat grass?

Thanks to Shengun Tiankeng and Liang Hongmiao for the reward.

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