Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 117 Captivity (National Day)

At the beginning of the second round, the pseudo-legendary Red Scale Flying Dragon was obviously a little emotionally unstable. After eating the mutated pronucleus, it was easily affected by emotions and turned into a beast driven by instinct and only knew how to kill.

Xu Dong also didn't expect that his set of attacks would actually make the other party so angry.

If he didn't want to kill him for the sake of his own clan, he would have sent it on its way in the first round.

Isn't the reason why we don't kill it just to make it retreat and surrender voluntarily?

But people didn't seem to think so, and instead felt that they had been greatly insulted.

Also, none of the red-scaled flying dragons it had encountered in the past could be its opponent, which gave rise to this pseudo-legendary arrogance.

Once a person becomes arrogant, he cannot bear to be wronged or defeated. Being beaten by the mediocre Xu Dong is unable to fight back. This is a great humiliation for him.

The pseudo-legendary Red Scale Flying Dragon sprayed white air from its mouth, its red eyes stared at Xu Dong, and it spread its wings and rushed towards Xu Dong quickly.

Xu Dong shook his head. He originally wanted to subdue a pseudo-legendary thug, but he didn't want an out-of-control pseudo-legendary beast.

Turning sideways to dodge the opponent's charge, and facing the pseudo-legend's huge hook claws, Xu Dong wrapped his wings around the surface of his body like a swimming fish, smoothly sliding past the attack range of the claws.

When he came to Feilong's lower body, Xu Dong stretched out his two claws and quickly spun his body.

Claw Blade Storm!

The sharp claws struck at the bones beneath the skin of the red-scaled flying dragon, making a harsh friction sound.

The bone fragments on the chest of the pseudo-legendary Red Scale Flying Dragon had been shattered by Xu Dong's continuous chicken pecks before.

Under the constant attacks of the claw blade storm, this shaky defense finally came to an end and was completely split open and shattered by Xu Dong.


After the bone fragments broke, a huge amount of blood spilled out.

In the big hole that Xu Dong tore open, part of Pseudo Legend's internal organs was also removed due to gravity.

The pain made him completely lose his mind, and he turned around to kill Xu Dong with the organs in his body.

However, what greeted it was Xu Dong's claws, which chopped off the horn on his head.

In the red scale flying dragon clan, as long as the opponent's sharp horn is cut off, the battle is over.

But the irrational pseudo-legendary Red-Scale Flying Dragon doesn't care about your tradition or not. It just wants to kill Xu Dong and eat Xu Dong.

After the corner was broken, the positions of the two parties changed, and Xu Dong came to the top of the big guy.

He flapped his wings and turned around as nimbly as a swimming fish, stepping on the opponent's back with his feet.

Raise two sharp claws.

The process of hard work - the chicken pecks at the rice.

But this time it wasn't just a few random hits, but it was aimed at one place, the big guy's spine.

A single move can affect the whole body. The spine is the main structure that supports the body of living things. Now Xu Dong kept hitting the spine, causing the pseudo-legendary flying dragon to lose control of its whole body. It roared again and again, but it could not move its wings and its body kept falling.

Click sound

Xu Dongsheng broke the spine of the big guy. For a moment, the area below the neck was completely out of control, and nothing could stop it from falling.


There was a burst of smoke and dust in the wilderness. The place where they fought before was not high, only a few dozen meters at most. At least this distance was not enough to smash the pseudo-legend into pieces.

This guy wasn't even dead when he fell to the ground, but he was just struggling to his death.

It raised its head, the only one that could move, and let out a shrill cry.

The surrounding vegetarian dragons ran away and did not dare to get involved in the battle of these sky overlords, but some small and medium-sized predators were eager to get some meat.

Xu Dong fell from the air and stepped on the big guy's raised head to the ground.

If you are going to die, why are you still struggling?

At the foot of the sky, the pseudo-legendary red-scaled flying dragon was completely silent, its eyes widened, and it fell in a pool of blood without resting.

Xu Dong tore open its broken sternum, tore open the flesh and blood, took out the mutated proto-nucleus that glowed white inside, and swallowed it in one gulp.

This is the third mutated pronucleus it has obtained. Although it had eaten three before when it was a little red dragon, it entered the creature editor without really waiting for the power of the mutated pronucleus to ferment.

There is no need to be in such a hurry now. Dealing with the Zerg cannot be done overnight. He has plenty of time to feel how powerful this prokaryotic bacteria is.

Today Xu Dong has 3 mutated prokaryotes + regenerated cells and flexible cells + attribute points + photosynthesis.

Ordinary pseudo-legends are not its opponents at all, unless they are pseudo-legends that have reached another level like Redonda Dragon, Protojaw Turtle, and Big Spider.

Xu Dong felt that it was necessary to classify pseudo-legends. The gap between strengths and weaknesses was too big, and it was difficult to distinguish between pseudo-legends.

After thinking for a while, he thought that the most direct and clear distinction was based on lifespan.

Like Xu Dong and the pseudo-legends he encountered in the past that were no more than twenty meters long, they generally lived for hundreds of years.

Compared to ordinary creatures that don't live to be more than a hundred years old, they are already long-lived, but they are completely incomparable to those that are over sixty or seventy meters tall.

So Xu Dong decided to call these pseudo-legends longevity species.

As for those such as Redondasaurus and Protognathus, which could live for at least millions or even tens of millions of years, Xu Dong decided to call them immortal species.

As for the legendary creature with almost no life limit, it must be the immortal species.

Longevity, immortality, immortality, hmm~ It feels pretty good.

It's just that Xu Dong still doesn't know where the boundary between longevity species and longevity species is, and why some can grow so big and live so long even though they all ate mutated prokaryotes.

Although the dead flying dragon longevity species was an enemy, the tradition could not be lost, so Xu Dong dug a hole for it and buried it, while teaching the hundreds of newly acquired brothers to put their hands together and bow.

There are more than a hundred red-scaled flying dragons in this vast wilderness. Those who followed the pseudo-legend are the most powerful adults in the group. There are also hundreds of young and elderly individuals in their habitat.

With the addition of these red-scaled flying dragons, the number of Xu Dong's tribe at least doubled to nearly a thousand.

Carefully observe this habitat of the local flying dragon. It is a small earth mountain, with the highest peak only two hundred meters high.

What a great place.

Although the products on the mountain are not rich, the location is good.

This earth mountain is located in the center of the wilderness, and the habitat on it can radiate to the surrounding wilderness for thousands of miles.

As expected of a pseudo-legendary longevity species with wisdom, the place chosen is really good.

Xu Dong flew to an altitude of nearly a thousand meters to observe his surroundings and discovered a very interesting sight.

This wilderness is actually sandwiched between two large rivers, forming the shape of a giant eye.

The west is the direction where two large rivers come from. It is full of rugged mountains and steep cliffs that are difficult to climb. Only a few trails can pass through the mountains.

The north is also a wilderness, but the huge rivers and turbid currents are impossible to cross.

To the south is the large forest that Xu Dong and the others flew over. I had not noticed before that the big river in the south actually passed through the forest and flowed to the east.

To the east, the two rivers merged directly into a larger river, rushing towards the sea.

In other words, the terrain of this wilderness is almost closed? Unless it’s a dry season, the animals inside can’t come out?

Xu Dong suddenly had a bold idea,

He wants to raise dinosaurs in captivity!

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