Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 114 Son of Light

The clouds and fog on the top of the mountain dispersed, and the sun returned to the world. The sunlight filtered through the sparse cedar leaves and fell on Xu Dong's body. He felt very warm and comfortable, and the cells in his body became active.

After eating the Emerald Fruit, he received a system prompt.

[Obtain special component: chloroplast]

There is no name of the cage leader, no fancy introduction, just three simple words, but it makes Xu Dong's scalp explode. What is this?

This is the chloroplast, the photosynthetic converter of plants. This is one of the most powerful components of plants, and its level of awesomeness is not even inferior to the metamorphosis of the Zerg.

This can directly obtain power from the sun and convert the ubiquitous light energy on the earth into its own chemical energy. In the future, it will not even need to eat, it can survive by absorbing some light energy and carbon dioxide.

You can even synthesize and convert carbon dioxide and water in the body to produce oxygen. If you can master the changes between atoms, you can extract elements such as hydrogen atoms during the conversion.

Does this mean Xu Dong can become a humanoid nuclear bomb in the future? Still the kind that always moves.

Xu Dong just wanted to say one thing at this time: The sun gives me strength! I'm coughing.

If the Triassic mass extinction 10 million years ago was equipped with this component, Xu Dong would not have to worry about the carbon dioxide and poisonous gas in the magma area, and he could completely walk sideways.

What made him even more unexpected was that eating this emerald fruit would not be like eating the flesh and blood of creatures before. After obtaining the components, he could only install them in the creature editor.

The peculiarity of this jade fruit is that it can work within Xu Dong's body, slowly changing Xu Dong's physique, transforming his body into one that can perform photosynthesis.

Similar to later generations of green-leafed sea beetles, animals that can photosynthesize, but Xu Dong's component goes one step further and produces chloroplasts directly from the body.

At this time, his body can absorb a small amount of solar energy and convert it into its own energy, but the efficiency is not very high, but it is enough to recover from injuries.

The wounds on Xu Dong's body that were originally bitten by the large salamander healed at a speed visible to the naked eye. This was a perfect synergy of mutated pronuclei, solar energy and regenerated cells.

Originally, the mutated pronucleus had the ability to recover from injuries, which became even more prominent with the blessing of reborn cells. However, it had the disadvantage that each recovery required a large amount of energy.

In order to make up for his body's deficit, Xu Dong had to consume a large amount of inefficient bioenergy.

With the addition of chloroplasts, Xu Dong perfectly makes up for the missing link. Xu Dong can directly absorb energy from sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water, and supply it to regenerated cells for recovery.

In the future, when it develops to the extreme, Xu Dong can even say that he is immortal under the sun.

At the same time, sunlight also provides the best quality strengthening energy for the mutant pronucleus. As long as Xu Dong does not die, he will become stronger and stronger under the sun, and even a legend will eventually be stepped on by him.

Of course, this is only Xu Dong's future potential. He can't do this yet. Now, Xu Dong must first kill the Chi Dingyuan who almost killed him.

The large salamander has no wings and crawls much slower than Xu Dong's direct flight.

It was only then that it climbed a few meters away from Xu Dong and stared at him with an unkind expression.

It was because of Xu Dong that it lost the jade fruit it was bound to get. At this time, it only had one thought in its mind, and that was to eat Xu Dong.

Um? Is it a pseudo-legend? Just in time, I also earned one more mutated pronucleus.

It was only at this moment that Xu Dong was convinced that this guy was a fake legend.

But so what if it’s a pseudo-legend, so does Xu Dong. Let’s see who becomes who’s nourishment in the end.

The salamander directly raised its front body like a snake, and its two short, almost useless hands were swaying in the air, which was unexpectedly cute.

Xu Dong felt that the distance was too far and it might not be able to reach him, so he gave the salamander a chance to attack and flew closer.

Sure enough, the salamander was fooled, its body ejected, opened its big mouth and bit Xu Dong.

He had been bitten by this sudden attack before, so how could he be bitten again now?

Xu Dong nimbly dodged in the air to avoid the bite of the salamander, and sliced ​​off its side with his right claw.

But there was a layer of sticky liquid on the body of the salamander, which was very slippery, and Xu Dong's claws just slipped off.

Immediately retreating after missing the attack, the salamander turned his head and bit back, and the bite was empty again.

After all, Xu Dong is a veteran warrior who has experienced hundreds of battles. Doesn't he still know the virtues of these creatures?

Taking advantage of the stiff state of the Salamander's back, Xu Dong took action again, this time targeting its limbs.

He still didn't believe that there was mucus in the body, and also in the limbs that were about to recede and were no longer of any use.

Sure enough, the limbs are the weak point of the salamander. These little hands and feet, which are tasteless and discarded, don't pay attention to it at all and have no good defense at all.

Xu Dong's hook claw slashed up and almost chopped off its short right forelimb.

As we all know, the smaller the meat, the more painful the injury will be. For example, if you cut some small soft meat on the body, it will definitely hurt like hell.

The blood flowed continuously, and the severe pain caused the salamander to convulse.

The winding snake body hit the surrounding tree branches, breaking the branches and causing leaves to fall one after another.

When it was going crazy, Xu Dong didn't go up to touch it up. If he went up at this time, it would be easy to be hit by the four-legged snake that bumped into it randomly without any rules, so the gain would outweigh the loss.

After going crazy for a while, the newt finally slowed down.

It's now!

Xu Dongyu flapped his scale wings hard, increased his speed to the extreme, and thrust his claws into the eyes of the salamander.

The exhausted Salamander had no time to dodge, and his big eyes were hit directly.

The blood sprayed on Xu Dong's body, making him even more excited. A pair of hind limbs stepped on the side of Chi Dingyuan's face and kicked hard, closing the distance again.

After being hit hard again, the salamander roared, became confused, and finally became scared.

From the only remaining eye, Xu Dong saw fear. It could not hit it no matter how it attacked. On the contrary, every attack of the enemy could severely damage it.

The wise pseudo-legendary Chiding Xolotl naturally knows that if he continues like this, he will be dragged to death sooner or later.

After roaring at Xu Dong, he actually twisted his body and ran away.

Don't be a coward, keep fighting!

How could Xu Dong, who could fly, let it escape? Chased all the way, the salamander panicked and finally swam to a fragile branch.


The branches could not bear the weight of the large salamander and broke directly. However, this guy's tail was very flexible and hooked the broken trunk and hung there, pulling it into a straight line.

The salamander is still struggling to curl its body and climb upward.

Without Xu Dong, he would have climbed back up sooner or later.

But unfortunately, Xu Dong didn't give it a chance to climb up. He raised his hook and chopped off the tail of the salamander, causing it to fall directly.

Two hundred meters in the air, a four-legged snake twisted its body and curled up into a ball.

Not far behind it was a red-scale flying dragon flying downward.

Just listen to a pop sound.

There was only a pool of blood foam on the ground.

Ashes to dust, dust to dust, what is the difference between this pseudo-legend and ordinary creatures at this moment?

There will be more updates during the National Day at Home, but of course there will be a minimum of two chapters.

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