Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 113 Emerald Fruit

This is definitely not a mutated pronucleus. Xu Dong has seen so many mutated pronuclei, large and small, how could he not be able to tell them apart.

They will emit white light, and the inside is round and spherical like pearls, but the treasure in front of you is hanging on the pole like ears of wheat.

But it is different from wheat ears. Each grain on the pole is long, soft, and lumpy, similar to the thing that can be replaced by cucumbers in later generations.

There are about seven or eight on a pole. They are not big in size. The largest one is only seven or eight centimeters. They are crystal clear and glowing with green.

Xu Dong restored the wings used as pathfinding tools to their original purpose, and slowly flew to the treasure, admiring this rare and strange thing.

Xu Dong remembered that if the color were changed, it might be a fir tree fruit, so there would be no problem in calling it the emerald fruit.

Xu Dong gently reached out and wanted to pick one off, but accidents always happened unexpectedly. Just like the plots in later novels or movies, there are always vicious beasts guarding the treasures, and here is no exception.

The dead branch hanging next to the Emerald Fruit suddenly moved, and he opened his mouth and bit Xu Dong. Fortunately, Xu Dong reacted quickly and quickly pulled his hand away, so he didn't get bitten by this guy.

The clouds and fog on the outside were still dense, but those around the emerald fruit were much lighter. Xu Dong could clearly see what was attacking him.

It was a four-legged snake with the same skin color as a tree branch. It opened its front jaw towards Xu Dong, revealing its fine and sharp fangs.

Four-legged snake? This is too advanced. Didn’t the snake suborder only appear in the Cretaceous? Even in the evolutionary stage, a four-legged snake with an elongated body and short legs was not something that could appear in the early Jurassic.

But looking at its thick and long body and small head, a memory was soon revealed. No, it was not a snake, it was an extinct amphibian, a shell-like vertebrate salamander.

They are related to the spondyloids and are a small race that lived in the Paleozoic Era. They appeared in the Carboniferous Period almost at the same time as the spondyloids.

But the sad thing is that the large and medium-sized ecological niches are occupied by the spondyloids. They can only take the wrong direction and evolve some weird types.

Such as the four-legged snake-like salamanders, the amniotes with degenerated limbs, and the triangular-shaped head of the salamanders.

The only famous one among the conchospondins is the salamander among the salamanders, but unfortunately the star of the Permian is the orcs that developed before the dragons. Compared with the all-stars of the orcs, the only star of the conchospondins is, It can only be overshadowed.

The shell vertebrates began to evolve into snake-like eels as early as the Permian. Among them, the amphipods can even be said to be the earliest snake-like creatures on land.

This kind of body is particularly suitable for walking in narrow caves and gaps, so they couldn't wait to degenerate the legs that their ancestors had evolved for hundreds of millions of years. It's really filial.

The salamanders are not as filial as the missing limbs. They still have four short legs, which look like slender four-legged snakes.

If it were them, Xu Dong would be relieved, because this product is not poisonous.

You must know that the most frightening thing about snakes and lizards is their strong venom.

Xu Dong was sure that he could kill the 20-centimeter-sized salamander in front of him, but he was not sure that he would avoid being bitten, so whether it was a snake or not was very important to Xu Dong.

As the price of scaring Xu Dong, he decided to let this extinct animal die a miserable death. The seven pairs of feather scale wings transformed into butterfly-shaped wings, and flew forward to avoid Chi Dingyuan's small head bite. With a horizontal slash, the salamander was immediately cut into two pieces.

The upper part with the small head fell directly, but the tail was still hanging on the branch and swaying in the wind.

I thought it could divide and regenerate like an earthworm, but it died after being cut into two pieces. It really didn't take a beating.

Xu Dong stopped thinking about dismembering the body and threw the tail of the little salamander into his mouth and chewed it.

Xu Dong is a very picky eater now. He is not happy to eat the rare species that he has never tasted or wants to eat. This salamander is an extinct animal after all. If he doesn’t try it, he may never have the chance to taste it in the future.

Sometimes, dragons should not be too optimistic. Behind easy solutions, there are often greater dangers lurking.

Xu Dong really relaxed his vigilance after easily dealing with the salamander, so much so that he never thought that the thick tree trunk hanging on the little salamander was also a prehistoric monster.

The huge mouth swooped down from above, biting both sides of Xu Dong's body. The teeth penetrated into the bones under the skin, making a cracking sound of bone fragments breaking.

The large salamander took Xu Dong and broke three branches as thick as the mouth of a bowl, and directly hit a thicker branch.

Xu Dong, who was hit on both sides, couldn't help vomiting blood, and his body seemed to fall apart. Blood flowed out from the places on both sides bitten by the large salamander, and was swallowed by the big guy.

You are careless, the mimicry ability of these canopy creatures is too strong, they have obviously misjudged them twice before, but they are still fooled by this trick.

But this can't be regarded as simple mimicry, it also incorporates the shameless technique of attention diversion.

Xu Dong's attention was drawn to the small salamander that was sneaking up on him. After easily solving it, he ignored the large threat that was right in front of him.

This grudge has been recorded. If he dies this time, Xu Dong will admit defeat. If he doesn't die, he will definitely make this large salamander into prehistoric snake soup!

The faint smell filled the air again, and all the creatures in the canopy acted as if they had pressed the pause button. Their brains were blank, their bodies were weak, and they fell directly downwards under the influence of gravity.

This large salamander was no exception. Its huge body kept falling towards the ground, breaking many branches and branches. Xu Dong was also knocked out of its big mouth during the impact.

In the blink of an eye, all creatures regained their strength again, and Xu Dong quickly spread his wings to stop falling.

The giant salamander also hooked its tail onto a thick branch and re-wrapped itself around the tree.

After regaining his freedom, Xu Dong gritted his teeth and stared at the salamander below, thinking about how to kill it.

However, something unexpected happened again, the fog in the canopy gradually dissipated, and the creatures on the branches became clear again.

Xu Dong looked back at the crystal emerald fruits, only to find that two of them had turned black and shrunk, and the other five had the same signs.

A flash in the pan?

Xu Dong put aside his thoughts about dealing with the newts and quickly rushed towards the emerald fruits. These things seemed to be dissipated with the clouds and mist. In the short time Xu Dong flew over, three more fruits withered.

Finally, they arrived before they all withered. Just when Xu Dong was about to reach out to grab it, another one quickly withered away. Xu Dong didn't dare to hesitate anymore, grabbed the only remaining jade fruit and swallowed it.

The clouds and fog finally dissipated, and the sun once again fell on the high mountains. The withered jade fruit turned into ashes when exposed to the sun. Only Xu Dong was still flying in the same place, facing the sun and shining brightly.

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