Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 112 I don’t know where the clouds are

Do you think Xu Dong is just complaining about his luck? In fact, it is really dark.

The tree crown was shrouded in clouds and mist, and countless red-scaled flying dragons fell from the clouds and mist. Dense white clouds covered a large area of ​​the sky, blocking the sunlight and making the sky really dark.

Xu Dong was immediately frightened. What is going on? All five hundred flying dragons were wiped out in an instant. Could it be that Legend took action?

Soon these red-scale flying dragons who fell from the sky woke up and quickly flapped their wings to prevent themselves from falling to death.

But there were still some slow-responsive red-scaled flying dragons that didn't have time to open their wings or opened them too late, and they all fell to death on the top of the mountain. The only difference was whether they were minced meat or corpses.

Xu Dong's heart palpitated as he looked at the dragon corpses and blood foam all over the ground. This was its army, the main force that would massacre the Zerg and kill the pseudo-legends in the future. However, hundreds of them died in this wave, and he couldn't help but feel heartbroken and frightened.

Spreading his wings and flying up to the tree crown, the height of two hundred meters only took a few seconds for Xu Dong. He wanted to see what was so powerful.

The emerald green tree crown is now surrounded by white mist, completely covering the inside of the tree crown.

The location of the big cedar tree is too high. It stands proudly and penetrates deep into the clouds. It is very common to see clouds and fog.

But at this time, the thick white mist gave Xu Dong a very bad feeling. However, for the sake of the people who died tragically below, and for his own curiosity (desire to die), he decided to get in and take a look.

Only in this tree, I don’t know where the clouds are.

The visibility in the canopy is almost zero. Xu Dong has to stretch his hands twenty or thirty centimeters in front of his eyes to see the shadow. This environment is still in the canopy. It is too dangerous. If you are not careful, you may hit the branches.

Of course, the most dangerous ones are the creatures hidden in the fog.

So Xu Dong could only try his best to slow down and fly forward bit by bit, almost squirming.

Since the eyes are unreliable, it can only rely on touch, but the forelimbs are very valuable and are the red scale flying dragon's main means of attack, so it cannot take risks easily.

Fortunately, the mutant wings can be strong or soft. Each one is more than one meter long and can perfectly serve as an arm.

Drawing out two pairs of feather scale wings, he continued to test for dangers ahead like Doctor Octopus.

An object that did not feel like a branch was found on the left front wing. Xu Dong quickly raised his paw and pointed it at the left front. Sure enough, a shadow appeared in Xu Dong's field of vision.

The right claw thrust out and pierced directly into the shadow, click, this sound, with a shell?

When Xu Dong retracted his left hand, there was a green flying insect stuck in the hook. It was them again, these guys were still so haunted.


The sound of breaking branches came from not far away. Xu Dong quickly shook off the dead big caterpillar and turned to the right front.

Although the ossicles of the malodon strengthened Xu Dong's hearing, it was not to the extent that it could distinguish the position of sounds.

He couldn't determine how far away the footsteps were, he could only be sure that this guy was definitely getting closer.

A similarly white thread suddenly shot out from the white mist and stuck to Xu Dong's wings.

Spider? This is troublesome.

Spider silk is inherently thin, and it is even more at home in the white mist environment. There is no trace at all, making it difficult to detect.

Xu Dong raised his right paw to cut off the spider silk, but the extremely sticky thread stuck to Xu Dong's paw again.

Deep in the white mist, a force came from the source of the spider silk, trying to pull Xu Dong over. It seemed that the other party couldn't wait any longer and was afraid that Xu Dong would escape.

If that's the case, then come over!

Xu Dong flapped his wings to steady his body, and kept looping the spider silk around his claws, bit by bit pulling the thing hiding in the white mist on the opposite side over. As long as he pulled it closer, Xu Dong raised his hand and sent it away with one claw. It goes to the west.

However, Lao Yin Coin, who hid in the white mist and ambush, was obviously very cunning. As soon as he saw that Xu Dong could not be pulled, he immediately cut off the cobwebs and ran away.

It was not easy to pursue rashly in this environment. Xu Dong kept in mind the reason why he came up and searched for the culprit of the red scale flying dragon's fall.

Slowly squirming forward, the tree crown that is several hundred meters long and wide can fly back and forth in only tens of seconds at Xu Dong's speed, but even if it squirms here for a few minutes, it may not fly a few meters.

At this time, there was a touch different from the branches on the front of the wings again. This feeling was a bit like the touch of feathers, but a little thinner.

At this time, Xu Dong also saw the black shadow in front of him, and without saying a word, he greeted him with his paws.

Survival is the first instinct of living things. In this white canopy, every living thing is a hunter with weapons. No living thing can guarantee that the other party has no ill intentions towards itself, so instead of passively waiting for other people's choices, it is better to take action yourself. Address potential threats.

Xu Dong didn't know if the universe was like this, but he would never hesitate in this white mist. As long as any creature dared to appear in his range of perception, it would only die!

The claws pierced out but did not feel like they were entering the flesh. Instead, they were stuck on something hard. When the white mist in the middle dispersed, the two parties could finally see each other.

A 1.5-meter-long dinosaur appeared directly in front of Xu Dong's eyes. The distance between the two sides was less than one meter. Xu Dong's left paw thrust forward but was bitten in his mouth.

The lizard, a remnant of the dinosaur-like Legosaurididae, was basically wiped out in the Triassic. It is rare to see even one.

However, Xu Dong would not show mercy just because you were an extinct animal. His right claw quickly thrust out, piercing the left brain of the lizard and directly attacking the brain, killing him with one blow.

After solving another obstacle, Xu Dong still couldn't find the root cause of the Red Scale Flying Dragon's fall. Until it smelled the strange smell in the air, he finally knew why.

This strange smell can't be said to be pleasant, but it's not a bad smell either. It's just so light and faint. After smelling it for a while, Xu Dong's head was dizzy and his whole body was weak.

The feather scale wings were unable to flap, and he just fell downwards. Fortunately, the mutated proto-nucleus gave it strong resistance, so that after falling, it still had some remaining strength to reverse its direction and fall onto a wide branch.

In just three seconds, his consciousness returned and his strength recovered. Xu Dong slowly got up from the ground. He finally knew why the red-scaled flying dragon fell. The strange smell must be coming from something.

The first thing that came to Xu Dong's mind was the treasure. This weird environment and the smell that made people feel weak and blank all over looked like a place where treasures were hidden in a secret realm.

This time he did not dare to continue flying. Instead, he stepped slowly on the branches and moved forward. In order to prevent him from falling in the air, he also propped his wings on the ground as a detection tool. As long as the wings were in the air, he could not move forward in that direction.

Just like this, climbing up step by step, climbing higher and higher, he finally saw it, as round as jade, as transparent as emerald, and as bright as diamond.


This is definitely not a mutated pronucleus!

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