Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 111 The tree is no longer tall

Xu Dong may not be a wise and powerful leader. He will make mistakes, be fooled, be impulsive, and have all kinds of problems that should not belong to a leader.

But there is no doubt that he is a charismatic leader. Under his leadership, both the former little red dragon and today's red-scale flying dragon will unconditionally trust and follow him. Maybe this is a cheat that the system does not explicitly say?

Following Xu Dong's long cry, the morale of the red-scaled flying dragons was immediately boosted. Each one of them took the lead and pushed the huge insect swarm dozens of meters horizontally, regardless of their own safety.

Xu Dong rushed to the front line of the team. His claws were like sharp blades, and he cut off all the caterpillars in front of him when he swung them.

His wings can be strong or soft. After taking out three pairs to float in the air, the remaining four pairs can also serve as his own defense.

Even if a caterpillar breaks through the wing defense, there is no need to be afraid, Xu Dong still has subcutaneous bone formation.

This blocky armor is not as thick as that of pseudosuchus, and can hardly be called bone plates, only bone fragments.

After all, the meat-covered bone armor of pseudocrocodiles is too heavy, and flying affects the red-scale flying dragon's flight, so the creature editor transformed it into thin pieces of bone.

Although this body's defense is not as good as that of pseudocrocodiles, it can still withstand some claws and bites.

It would be fine if the needles of the caterpillars were inserted into the bone fragments, but they were afraid of inserting them into the gaps between the bone fragments, so that they could suck the blood of the red-scaled flying dragon.

The flying dragon that rushed forward before was because there were too many caterpillars around it and the needles were inserted too densely, so it was unable to defend itself and was sucked into the dragon's trunk.

On the whole, the red-scaled flying dragons are still more dominant. Although their numbers are far inferior to those of the caterpillars, they have stronger attack power and stronger defense. Almost one can kill more than a dozen caterpillars.

So far, four to five thousand caterpillars have died, but only more than twenty red-scaled flying dragons have died. The casualty ratio has reached an astonishing 200:1. On average, it takes more than two hundred caterpillars to kill one red-scaled flying dragon.

After all, caterpillars are also living creatures. Even insects with extremely low IQs are still afraid. Under the constant devouring of Red Wings, the insect swarm began to collapse.

Defeat wars are the best harvest moments of war. During the feudal dynasty, those wars involving hundreds of thousands against tens of thousands, and thousands against hundreds of thousands were actually defeat wars.

The red-scale flying dragons chased the fleeing insect swarm and chopped down all the way to the tree crown. Only when they arrived here did they realize that it was a completely different world.

The huge branch is hundreds of meters long and dozens of meters wide, like a series of aerial platforms, small worlds, each small world has its own owner. On this branch lie several croaking tree frogs. .

There was a green tree lizard lying motionless on the branch, but its eyes were moving around.

There is also the weird-looking canine-toothed tree beast hanging on the branch. Judging from its furry appearance, it must be a remnant of the Hegong Gang, right?

Of course, the most eye-catching thing is the Kongenai lizard, with its beautiful and smooth scales, the colorful membranes displayed by the sunlight through its wings, and its size that is larger than all the surrounding creatures, making it difficult for people to ignore.

This is another ecosystem different from the land. The miracle of life is that no matter where it is, no matter what human beings think it is, nothing can hinder their survival.

Even the dark and cold underground, the dark deep sea, and the mountains with thin oxygen will be conquered by organisms and form a unique ecosystem.

Assuming that humans did not appear, it may be a very interesting question whether the giant beasts in myths and legends will really appear in time.

At least in this world there are legendary creatures with almost unlimited lifespans, so it seems not surprising that they will become Kunpeng, Jinao, Leviathan, Behemoth, Mortal Python, and Quetzalcoatl in the myths of later generations.

Thinking too much, Xu Dong retracted his divergent thinking and decided to give this creature on the tree crown its final destination!

The red-scale flying dragon roared and pounced on the giant beasts on the tree crown. This group of giant beasts had a huge size, but did not have the wisdom and strength to match it. They were destined to become the blood food of the flying dragons.

Xu Dong saw a dozen tree frogs die at the same time under the air attack of the red-scaled flying dragon, and the whole family died neatly.

When he saw the long tree lizard, he turned around and ran away, but was still chased and hacked to death by the flying dragons.

He also saw the Konai lizard with colorful wings unfolding its skin, only to be swallowed up by the red torrent.

The body was cut into countless pieces, and was eaten by the red-scaled flying dragons in the air, leaving only the beautiful skin that reflected the colorful light and floated down.

The Red Scale Flying Dragon wants to sweep across the eight wastelands, overthrow all the old order, and make all living beings tremble under the red wings.

Xu Dong set his sights on the furry canine-toothed tree beast. It looked like a mouse, but instead of crawling on all fours, it had thicker forelimbs and shorter hind legs. There seemed to be nothing wrong with it being depicted as a muscular Jerry.

What caught Xu Dong's attention most about this remnant of the Hegong Gang, or the sage of mammals, was its flexible hands, which could actually grasp branches and wander around the tree crown.

You must know that this is the Jurassic period when sauriformes began to dominate. Most creatures have claws. It is very rare to be able to hold hands together like a small red dragon, let alone a grip like this canine-toothed tree beast.

When he saw these hands, Xu Dong had only one thought in his mind. I want it. He wants these flexible hands. Then he can use tools, drill wood to make fire, write words, and create a brilliant civilization belonging to the Chilong tribe. .

Xu Dong spread his wings and rushed towards the canine-toothed tree beast that was holding the tree branch and escaping. There was no surprise at all. He Gongzang's fur didn't have much defensive ability, and it was easily sliced ​​open by Xu Dong's sharp claws. Big mouth.

The canine-toothed tree beast screamed in pain, loosened its hands, and fell down.

My hands! Xu Dong quickly rushed down with the tree beast. Although the knowledge of physics told Xu Dong that the weight of the object was different, the landing speed was still the same.

But two Newton dragons were killed by Xu Dong, would he still be afraid of them popping out of the coffin?

It flapped its wings and accelerated its descent, catching the dying canine-toothed tree beast in the air. It opened its eyes and looked at Xu Dong. Perhaps what it was thinking at this time was that it was here to save it?

Unfortunately, it was not the case. Xu Dong directly thrust his claw into the big rat's throat, causing it to be beaten to death within a few seconds.

According to Newton's laws of physics, it only takes 6.4 seconds for an object to fall from 200 meters to the ground. In other words, Xu Dong would not be able to reach the top of the mountain in just two bites, unless strong winds blew them to the side of the mountain and then dropped nearly a kilometer.

Xu Dong flapped his wings and stayed in the air, watching as the big rat fell into a puddle of flesh, with blood and water splashing everywhere.

Falling under the tree, he began to eat the minced meat of the canine-tooth tree beast. Xu Dong had not even taken a few bites before with so many creatures in front of him, just to save his stomach for the necessary components.

After all these years, he is very experienced in obtaining components.

One bite, two bites, three or four bites, two or three bites without any bite, five bites, six bites, seven or eight bites, all gone into the stomach without any components.

Who covered the sky? It’s dark, so dark!

Thanks to Baiwei Suixin for the tip, there may be more updates during the National Day.

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